Trump sez: Transgenders B gone!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What excuse does the husband have for being abusive to start with?

immaturity, substance abuse, mental illness, physiological imbalances, societal conditioning - i'm sure i could come up with a dozen more if i wanted to bother

but i wouldn't call them "excuses", I'd call them "factors contributing to an undesirable behavior"

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
[MENTION=13955]glorydaz[/MENTION] [MENTION=3698]Tambora[/MENTION] [MENTION=10403]Arthur Brain[/MENTION] - would you agree that most relationships are not abusive?


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Ecclesiastes is God's record of man's wisdom.
So what? Is it not truth simply because it was written by a man? That is an extremely poor argument you're making.

It's in the Bible for a reason, GD. It, being written by the wisest man to have ever lived (barring Jesus), was still included in the Bible, even though by the time it was written, Solomon had become wicked.

Putting man's ideas in the Bible is not unheard of, GD. For example, God had Moses record what Jethro, A PAGAN, suggested to Moses for a judicial system because it was such a good idea.


Well-known member

How about the husband, whom she said her vows to, the government, who regulates marriage, and how about God, who instituted marriage in the first place. :dunce:

Would that be the "til death us do part" promise?

Because she made a vow to him to be his wife.

Not to be his punching bag.

Because God expects that spouses will love each other.

God knows that love can't be forced or faked.

Because God instituted marriage.

Here's a suggestion, instead of defending adultery based on extenuating circumstances, why not advocate that the woman bring her husband before a judge for abusing her, so that he can be punished!?

Most women who make it to a judge get beat up more...or killed. Look how many women are killed while there is a restraining order against the husband or boyfriend.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

How about the husband, whom she said her vows to, the government, who regulates marriage, and how about God, who instituted marriage in the first place. :dunce:

Because she made a vow to him to be his wife.

Because God expects that spouses will love each other.

Because God instituted marriage.

Here's a suggestion, instead of defending adultery based on extenuating circumstances, why not advocate that the woman bring her husband before a judge for abusing her, so that he can be punished!?

i asked Tam this earlier and it got buried
[MENTION=3698]Tambora[/MENTION] - i assume you're married - when you said your vows before God, did you take them seriously?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Here's a suggestion, instead of defending adultery based on extenuating circumstances, why not advocate that the woman bring her husband before a judge for abusing her, so that he can be punished!?
Most women who make it to a judge get beat up more...or killed. Look how many women are killed while there is a restraining order against the husband or boyfriend.

and so you're defending adultery and claiming that the abortionist isn't guilty of killing a child



Well-known member
and so you're defending adultery and claiming that the abortionist isn't guilty of killing a child


If you spent more time reading the "rest of the story", you wouldn't have to jump to such conclusions and be so "shocked".

You feigned outrage is sorta funny though. :chuckle:


Well-known member
[MENTION=13955]glorydaz[/MENTION] [MENTION=3698]Tambora[/MENTION] [MENTION=10403]Arthur Brain[/MENTION] - would you agree that most relationships are not abusive?

Most relationships aren't even between a man and wife. I guess you could say that is abusive.


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Would that be the "til death us do part" promise?

That it would.

You seem to have forgotten about divorce being an option though...

Not to be his punching bag.

If a man is being up his wife, then he should be flogged.

That would put a swift end to his desire to beat up his wife. And if it doesn't, then he gets flogged more severely (up to forty lashes). And if he still beats her up, then he should be executed, because he has resisted correction.

God knows that love can't be forced or faked.

So therefore, adultery should be legal, is that right?

Most women who make it to a judge get beat up more...or killed.

I wonder why that is....

Oh, right, it's because the punishment for assault is not harsh enough nor swift enough.


Look how many women are killed while there is a restraining order against the husband or boyfriend.

So therefore adultery should be legal, right?


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
here's another re-write while we're at it

John 8:10 When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?

11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more. Or sin all you like. It's all good.



Well-known member
That it would.

You seem to have forgotten about divorce though...

If a man is being up his wife, then he should be flogged.

That would put a swift end to his desire to beat up his wife. And if it doesn't, then he gets flogged more severely (up to forty lashes). And if he still beats her up, then he should be executed, because he has resisted correction.

So therefore, adultery should be legal, is that right?

I wonder why that is....

Oh, right, it's because the punishment for assault is not harsh enough nor swift enough.


So therefore adultery should be legal, right?


Whether adultery is legal or not, it will not stop.

Which puts us back to square one.