Trump sez: Transgenders B gone!

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
then why not work toward a return to what wee used to be?

I don't disagree with this, but the place to start is not amending punishments. Especially with the quantum leap you are espousing and how unpalatable it will be to those whose votes you will need to make even the slightest changes possible. The problem is that, over the centuries, the involvement of government envisioned by the founding fathers is not what our perception is today. We are so far out of whack that I despair of restoration.

If you were to tell them that the government now funds many special interest groups, they would tell us that that is theft. If you have time, this video is very interesting:

The same concept that Crockett voted against has become standard fare for gov't procedure and is the reason why Planned Parenthood is funded by the U.S. government from the pockets of those who disagree. This is the depth of the predicament that we are in; and this kind of stuff has to be fixed before we can hope to make changes.

that wasn't the case back when we had strong Godly laws regarding adultery, divorce, homoseuality, etc in the past

That is because they were not at the same point in history that we are.
My disagreement here is not what you suppose it to be.

I want you to understand the purpose of the 10 commandments, the theocracy of ancient Israel and it's demise, and the futility in imposing punishments designed for a time that no longer exists.

Severity of punishment is at the end of the equation, not the beginning. There are many steps in between that need to be understood and rectified. Punishment is not the silver bullet you think it is.


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I don't disagree with this, but the place to start is not amending punishments. Especially with the quantum leap you are espousing and how unpalatable it will be to those whose votes you will need to make even the slightest changes possible. The problem is that, over the centuries, the involvement of government envisioned by the founding fathers is not what our perception is today. We are so far out of whack that I despair of restoration.

If you were to tell them that the government now funds many special interest groups, they would tell us that that is theft. If you have time, this video is very interesting: [video] Y[/video]

The same concept that Crockett voted against has become standard fare for gov't procedure and is the reason why Planned Parenthood is funded by the U.S. government from the pockets of those who disagree. This is the depth of the predicament that we are in; and this kind of stuff has to be fixed before we can hope to make changes.

That is because they were not at the same point in history that we are.
My disagreement here is not what you suppose it to be.

I want you to understand the purpose of the 10 commandments, the theocracy of ancient Israel and it's demise, and the futility in imposing punishments designed for a time that no longer exists.

Severity of punishment is at the end of the equation, not the beginning. There are many steps in between that need to be understood and rectified. Punishment is not the silver bullet you think it is.

Because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. - Ecclesiastes 8:11

Seems pretty straightforward to me...

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
In JR's case, I think he believes in substituting the present system with some kind of rule by monarchy, a king and essentially a lottery as to how this king is given power. He can expand on that if he wishes but essentially it still amounts to a legalistic state where guilt can be "ascertained" by two to three witnesses and rooted in the OT.

This is far right fundamentalism in action.

I don't think it is far right. I think it's leftist propaganda. Totalitarian. Utopian. Monarchy is a type of totalitarian rule.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Danger? No, trials and tribulations of every sort may come, but to call them a danger? I don't think so.

You might be in danger of getting hurt feelings. You might be danger of becoming jealous. Not the same as the danger a killer produces.

It's telling that the most vocal advocates for the death penalty for adultery are those who have been the supposed victims of it. It's in no way comparable to a calculated act of violation or killing and all this talk of how it affects the children if any. If there are then good luck explaining how mommy or daddy needed to be killed for the greater good...


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I don't think it is far right. I think it's leftist propaganda. Totalitarian. Utopian. Monarchy is a type of totalitarian rule.
Apparently George thinks God is a leftist...

Principles Governing Kings
“When you come to the land which the Lord your God is giving you, and possess it and dwell in it, and say, ‘I will set a king over me like all the nations that are around me,’you shall surely set a king over you whom the Lord your God chooses; one from among your brethren you shall set as king over you; you may not set a foreigner over you, who is not your brother.But he shall not multiply horses for himself, nor cause the people to return to Egypt to multiply horses, for the Lord has said to you, ‘You shall not return that way again.’Neither shall he multiply wives for himself, lest his heart turn away; nor shall he greatly multiply silver and gold for himself.“Also it shall be, when he sits on the throne of his kingdom, that he shall write for himself a copy of this law in a book, from the one before the priests, the Levites.And it shall be with him, and he shall read it all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the Lord his God and be careful to observe all the words of this law and these statutes,that his heart may not be lifted above his brethren, that he may not turn aside from the commandment to the right hand or to the left, and that he may prolong his days in his kingdom, he and his children in the midst of Israel. - Deuteronomy 17:14-20


Well-known member
Long story short:

Woman I married was here in the country illegally, she ran away when we found out, then we found out not only that, but when I met her, she was already married and didn't tell me.

She has not been in contact since she ran away except for a few messages, and the best thing for me to do is get my marriage annulled (due to her being married prior to me marrying her).

Ah, then your marriage was never legal, and you shouldn't even need an annulment.

You were bilked. Conned. Sorry, JR. Hopefully, you will one day count your blessings that she ran off. I certainly would.


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It's telling that the most vocal advocates for the death penalty for adultery are those who have been the supposed victims of it. It's in no way comparable to a calculated act of violation or killing and all this talk of how it affects the children if any. If there are then good luck explaining how mommy or daddy needed to be killed for the greater good...
Had there been a death penalty for adultery, I would have never met the woman who became my wife, and my life would be completely different than it is now, because she would not have even considered cheating on her current husband.


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Ah, then your marriage was never legal, and you shouldn't even need an annulment.

You were bilked. Conned. Sorry, JR. Hopefully, you will one day count your blessings that she ran off. I certainly would.

According to the government, I am indeed married.

I'm married to the name of the woman I married, because she used a fake name on the legal documents.

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
once more, and to be perfectly clear, yes or no

Is the abortionist guilty of killing a child?

The guilt of murder is upon those who have, directly or indirectly, allowed a situation to exist where murder is committed.

If government is by the people, the people are guilty, even those who voted against it,

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It's telling that the most vocal advocates for the death penalty for adultery are those who have been the supposed victims of it. It's in no way comparable to a calculated act of violation or killing and all this talk of how it affects the children if any. If there are then good luck explaining how mommy or daddy needed to be killed for the greater good...

unsurprisingly, the dim-witted brit fails to realize that we're not calling for a bloodbath across the nation, we're calling for a return to Godly values.

If adultery is prosecuted as a capital crime, swiftly, harshly and publicly, no one will risk engaging in the behavior.


Well-known member
unsurprisingly, the dim-witted brit fails to relaize that we're not calling for a bloodbath across the nation, we're calling for a return to Godly values.

If adultery is prosecuted as a capital crime, swiftly, harshly and publically, no one will risk engaging in the behavior.

Not true, Doser. That's merely wishful thinking.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Things that are different are not the same.

Children suffer in intact families, too, for a lot of reason. Spousal abuse, child abuse, drug and alcohol abuse. Paren't screaming and yelling. You can't lock up everyone.

I ask again, why would anyone want to stay with someone who refuses to stop cheating...with someone who refuses to stop beating them...with someone who wants them dead if they dare stray?

I've known women who have been in abusive relationships, not so much physical but emotional and this whole "adultery" thing is not so cut and dried. It's understandable when people in such seek some warmth elsewhere and that's not to say I condone affairs and flings in the main.

It's not black and white a lot of the time and in some cases the supposed "victim" is the catalyst because of their behaviour.

So true.
There are people that think that a wife must put up with everything a husband does to her simply because they have a marriage contract.
So the wife and the children have to endure the neglect and abusive behavior (physical and/or mental) of the husband, which makes the wife and children victims.

If the man is not going to be a proper husband and father, then why should the woman and children keep acting as though he is a husband and father to them?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I don't think it is far right. I think it's leftist propaganda. Totalitarian. Utopian. Monarchy is a type of totalitarian rule.

It is when it comes to those who advocate such on here at least. Everyone who promotes this OT type of thing are far right fanatics, in JR's case, he was proud to do so in an earlier post as I recall. I'll retract if mistaken but I don't think so. I doubt you'll find a "liberal" who would promote anything similar although to be fair the extremes of both right and left become a blur at some point. I'm left of centre and have no truck with bat crazy extremism of any sort.


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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond


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So true.
There are people that think that a wife must put up with everything a husband does to her simply because they have a marriage contract.
So the wife and the children have to endure the neglect and abusive behavior (physical and/or mental) of the husband, which makes the wife and children victims.

If the man is not going to be a proper husband and father, then why should the woman and children keep acting as though he is a husband and father to them?
So, if the husband is being abusive, does that give the woman an excuse to cheat on him with another man?