Trump sez: Transgenders B gone!

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So true.
There are people that think that a wife must put up with everything a husband does to her simply because they have a marriage contract.
So the wife and the children have to endure the neglect and abusive behavior (physical and/or mental) of the husband, which makes the wife and children victims.

If the man is not going to be a proper husband and father, then why should the woman and children keep acting as though he is a husband and father to them?

Those people are neanderthals.


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What excuse does the husband have for being abusive to start with?
Not the question I asked, Brain.

If the husband is being abusive, whether he has an excuse or not, does that give the woman an excuse to cheat on her husband?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Not the question I asked, Brain.

If the husband is being abusive, whether he has an excuse or not, does that give the woman an excuse to cheat on her husband?

Well, firstly, he doesn't have an "excuse" for being abusive and yes, it does if she's married to such a guy. Who could blame her?


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The Israelites had that law and it didn't stop them.
The goal has never been (at least, as far as I or Doser is concerned) to put an end to all crime.

The goal is to reduce the amount of crime being committed, and to do that, we make it so that people DO NOT WANT to commit crime.
The Bible disagrees with you, GD.

Because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. - Ecclesiastes 8:11

In other words, if you have a swift punishment for a crime, which prison is not, you will have very few committing that crime.


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That could very well be the consequence of the husband's actions.
Do you think a woman must stay with such a man?

Again, not what I asked.

Please pay attention to what it is I am asking.

If a man is abusing his wife, does that give her an excuse to cheat on him?


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yes, it does [mean that she has an excuse to cheat on her husband] if she's married to such a guy.


Who could blame her?

How about the husband, whom she said her vows to, the government, who regulates marriage, and God, who instituted marriage in the first place. :dunce:


If the man is not being a husband (and all that entails), why should the woman view him as a husband at all?

Because she made a vow to him to be his wife.

Because God expects that spouses will love each other.

Because God instituted marriage.

Here's a suggestion, instead of defending adultery based on extenuating circumstances, why not advocate that the woman bring her husband before a judge for abusing her, so that he can be punished!?