Trump Makes His Way Back to the Lead in Poll

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I think Trump will sweep the debates
:think: You'd think he'd pay someone to do that.

I don't know how he can appeal to his base and still reach out to moderates. And if he doesn't do that, somehow, all Hillary has to do is stay on message.

One thing is certain, it should be interesting to watch.

patrick jane

:think: You'd think he'd pay someone to do that.

I don't know how he can appeal to his base and still reach out to moderates. And if he doesn't do that, somehow, all Hillary has to do is stay on message.

One thing is certain, it should be interesting to watch.

Hillary? Stay on message? :rotfl:Maybe she will do a press conference -

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison


Exclusive: Clinton leads Trump in key swing states, would likely win election: poll
August 24, 2016

NEW YORK (Reuters) - If the U.S. presidential election were held today, Democrat Hillary Clinton would win the key swing states of Florida, Ohio and Virginia and have a 95 percent chance of beating Republican Donald Trump to become America’s first female president, according to the Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project.

The project, which combines opinion polls with an analysis of voting patterns under different election scenarios, shows Clinton currently beating Trump in the popular vote by six percentage points and ahead in 19 states, including most of the larger-population ones that heavily influence the outcome of the election.

At the moment, Clinton would win at least 268 votes in the Electoral College, the body that ultimately chooses the next president, just two shy of what she needs to win the White House ...

Trump would win at least 21 states, many of them with smaller populations, giving him a

The candidates are running about even in eight states, including Pennsylvania, Michigan and North Carolina, and the polling sample is too small to determine the winner in Alaska, Wyoming and Washington D.C. But Trump would need to win the 21 states currently in his column and sweep all of the remaining "toss-up" states to win the presidency.

That is a steep challenge for Trump, whose bare-knuckled, anti-establishment campaign helped him win the Republican Party's nomination but has so far failed to build broad support with voters.

If Trump cannot draw in far greater numbers of women, moderate Republican voters and minorities, he will almost surely lose the White House race, according to the polling project.
- if the U.S. presidential election were held today, Democrat Hillary Clinton would win the key swing states of Florida, Ohio and Virginia and have a 95 percent chance of beating Republican Donald Trump

- Clinton currently beating Trump in the popular vote by six percentage points and ahead in 19 states, including most of the larger-population ones that heavily influence the outcome of the election.

- st the moment, Clinton would win at least 268 votes in the Electoral College ... just two shy of what she needs to win the White House

- Trump would need to win the 21 states currently in his column and sweep all of the remaining "toss-up" states to win the presidency

- if Trump cannot draw in far greater numbers of women, moderate Republican voters and minorities, he will almost surely lose the White House race
Trump can't win this election without dramatically increasing his "base," which explains why he is now trying to attract "blacks" and "Hispanics" - groups he was only too willing to "throw under the bus" during the GOP primaries!
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Thjis thread is about polls you moron

Actually, that's your posting style: Stupid comments, no substance.

.......what's next "there's blood coming out of my wherever"

I provided substance in Trumps own words, he's a phony conservative, pro choice on abortion. He fooled you and your bitter about it. Now he's retreating on his big talk about illegal aliens.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Related article:

Obamacare sticker shock hits key Senate races

As insurers push large premium increases for 2017 Obamacare plans, some of the steepest hikes have been requested by insurers in crucial swing states that could determine control of the Senate.

In nine of 11 states with competitive Senate races, at least one insurer seeks to hike rates for Obamacare customers by at least 30 percent next year: Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield in Pennsylvania wants to jack up average premiums by more than 40 percent. In Wisconsin, three insurers have asked for rate hikes of more than 30 percent. In New Hampshire, two of the five carriers want to sell plans with rate increase above 30 percent.

The potential sticker shock — coupled with the likelihood many consumers will have fewer choices next year after major insurers scale back their exchange participation — creates a potential political opening for Republican candidates, especially since the next Obamacare enrollment season starts one week before Election Day

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

A new Florida Atlantic University’s (FAU) Business and Economics Polling Initiative (BEPI) poll finds Donald Trump leading Hillary Clinton by two points:

  • Donald Trump - 43%
  • Hillary Clinton - 41%
  • Gary Johnson - 8%
  • Undecided - 5%
This is the first Florida poll that finds Trump leading since early July. The Donald's two point lead is within the poll’s margin of error.



Trump Makes His Way Back to the Lead in Poll

Trump winning the election would provide conclusive proof that the system is rigged!

"The Donald" wouldn't risk signaling that he is about to change his hardline core policy to deport America's 11+ million "illegals" if he thought he were ahead in the polls!
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New member
In the polls where Hillary is up by 10, do you attribute that to lying to pollsters, especially among college graduates?

I know after Romney's failed election, a guy in class asked who here voted for romney? Neither me nor anyone else volunteered we had.