Trump Makes His Way Back to the Lead in Poll

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Trump has expanded his lead in the loaded poll from the LA Times. He is now up 45-41. My guess is he is up 10% in national polls. National polls don't count, but it does show the direction.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Trump has expanded his lead in the loaded poll from the LA Times. He is now up 45-41. My guess is he is up 10% in national polls. National polls don't count, but it does show the direction.

Correct. Battleground states polls really matter. National polls reflect the "mood" of the country. If he is up, that's awesome

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
There is a reason she hasn't had a presser or answered a question in a long time.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
it's too risky for her
I believe her approach has two legs: the first is to avoid public misstep and the second is to let Trump being Trump dominate the cycle, because historically he's the best rebuttal to himself.

I think it's an overly cautious approach, but if she's using the time to prep for how she means to prod and respond to Trump, it's not the worst idea. I mean, to the extent that she connects to voters, she does so as an idea. She's not an inspiring speaker. She doesn't give people warm fuzzies. So making a lot of off the cuff public appearances isn't really to the good or in her wheelhouse. Better to be prepared to present the most presidential appearance when it will do the most good, focusing attention on it, building anticipation and not diluting the name recognition with, "Oh, yeah, that's why I'm not wild about her" photo ops.

patrick jane

I believe her approach has two legs: the first is to avoid public misstep and the second is to let Trump being Trump dominate the cycle, because historically he's the best rebuttal to himself.

I think it's an overly cautious approach, but if she's using the time to prep for how she means to prod and respond to Trump, it's not the worst idea. I mean, to the extent that she connects to voters, she does so as an idea. She's not an inspiring speaker. She doesn't give people warm fuzzies. So making a lot of off the cuff public appearances isn't really to the good or in her wheelhouse. Better to be prepared to present the most presidential appearance when it will do the most good, focusing attention on it, building anticipation and not diluting the name recognition with, "Oh, yeah, that's why I'm not wild about her" photo ops.
For me, no matter what she says and does it smacks of FAKE - Trump keeps it REAL

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I believe her approach has two legs: the first is to avoid public misstep

i believe she's missed that one, what with benghazi and the lies about email and the corruption surrounding the clinton foundation

town said:
and the second is to let Trump being Trump dominate the cycle, because historically he's the best rebuttal to himself.

yeah - retards having been saying stuff like that about him ever since he decided to run


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Hillary insults the intelligence of the people - you should watch Fox News, Trump is doing great -

He has to obtain 270 electoral votes and currently he is not even close, you are like those that pumped themselves up for Romney's loss in 2012. I suppose there is an outside chance that something will turn this election on it's head but, if the paradigm doesn't change he will lose, you need to prepare yourself for that, the polls say as much, and the polls have been correct since 1952...just saying.

patrick jane

He has to obtain 270 electoral votes and currently he is not even close, you are like those that pumped themselves up for Romney's loss in 2012. I suppose there is an outside chance that something will turn this election on it's head but, if the paradigm doesn't change he will lose, you need to prepare yourself for that, the polls say as much, and the polls have been correct since 1952...just saying.
I'm going down with the Trump.