Trump Makes His Way Back to the Lead in Poll

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Yes yes yes, chop chop chop... ...the only way you can deal with me is slice and dice my posts.
AKA, rebut unsupported assertion with fact and reason.

By way of example:
You can't handle the cold hard truth all in one gulp
That appears to say something, but it's just an insult absent a core of fact or particular.

that your a pathetic liar who embraces both stupid and evil ideas,
So you keep saying. And yet, for every repetition of the charge you've yet to present a single lie or an evil idea espoused.

...Go grow a pair then talk to me when you actually a man.
Internet he man, when simulated courage is needed, he'll be the first one to man the keyboard. :)

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
He was mad because I gave him a neg rep yesterday and told him "Name calling seems to be your intellectual high water mark".:chuckle:

Oh boo hoo... ...I don't get mad dude, worms like you are worth the waste of the energy it takes to get mad. You neg me and I negged you back. Don't come here and snivel about it like a little girl. You and TH both get your little pink panties in a wad to easily.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Someday social archeologist will search through the rubble of history in an attempt to determine just how conservatives fell for Trump so hard.

Oh now let's see: He is a successful businessman who, unlike other politicians, actually signs the fronts of checks instead of the back. He has personally created real jobs, again, unlike other politicians. He's smart, successful, knows business, and he is finally the non-politician that Americans have always said they wanted. "Politicians are crooks" has been the mantra my whole life. Well, here is someone who is not.

The real question is how dimwits like you believe the hype about Trump rather than the facts about Trump, and want to stick with the same old establishment hacks who have brought America to the brink of destruction.

$20 trillion man: National debt nearly doubles during Obama presidency

That headline is a year old now. If you think apolitican will fix that then you are out of your mind. Those numbers are warnings of utter disaster on the horizon. In a couple of years our interest payments will exceed the military budget!! We need a man who knows what it means to operate inside a budget. We need a man who speaks plain English and tells it like it is. That man is Trump, not some mealy-mouthed politician, and certainly not a lying corrupt criminal like Hillary.


Oh now let's see: He is a successful businessman who, unlike other politicians, actually signs the fronts of checks instead of the back. He has personally created real jobs, again, unlike other politicians. He's smart, successful, knows business, and he is finally the non-politician that Americans have always said they wanted. "Politicians are crooks" has been the mantra my whole life. Well, here is someone who is not.

The real question is how dimwits like you believe the hype about Trump rather than the facts about Trump, and want to stick with the same old establishment hacks who have brought America to the brink of destruction.

$20 trillion man: National debt nearly doubles during Obama presidency

That headline is a year old now. If you think apolitican will fix that then you are out of your mind. Those numbers are warnings of utter disaster on the horizon. In a couple of years our interest payments will exceed the military budget!! We need a man who knows what it means to operate inside a budget. We need a man who speaks plain English and tells it like it is. That man is Trump, not some mealy-mouthed politician, and certainly not a lying corrupt criminal like Hillary.

* The term "outsider" is a ruse they play upon peoples frustration......because people fail to realize that they are asking you to make them an insider, a politician. Obama spent 8 years pretending to be an "outsider" when he was a powerful, ultimate insider.

*America is not a dictatorship, there IS a political system and one must be political within that system in order to effect change. Of coarse Obama attempted to circumvent the process by the maximum use of "executive privilege".

*Trump, to all appearances has been a so called "successful business man", but of very questionable ethics....but we will overlook that because he has the (R) and 'suddenly' conservatives will tolerate a lot that they would crucify a D for!!!

* As a conservative what I see is a shallow, self centered man who has hitched his wagon to the R party and is bringing out, or exposing, the worst kind of blow back that will further reinforce the stereotype of the R voter.......heck, what am I saying, it's not a stereotype, its true!!!!!!

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
* The term "outsider" is a ruse they play upon peoples frustration......
LOL! Only a liberal could take a cold hard fact and call it a ruse.

Trump shows compassion to families that Obama has destroyed

Trump gives mic to crime victims of illegal immigrants

Donald Trump broke briefly from a prepared address Tuesday evening in Austin, Texas, to bring the families of Americans killed by illegal immigrants on stage to give their testimony.

"Thank you, everyone, for believing in Mr. Trump, because he has certainly alleviated our fears," Laura Wilkerson, a mother of one such victim, told the crowd. "I'm telling you, my son was systematically tortured, beaten, murdered and set on fire. I'm an average American family. If this can happen to my family, it can happen to yours."

Wilkerson works closely with the Remembrance Project, which seek to raise awareness about violence committed by illegal immigrants.

"I'm looking forward to voting in Mr. Trump who will end this slaughter of Americans," she said to thunderous applause," she continued. "I want you to remember there are so many people and families with the Remembrance Project that are on their knees in grief that they can't get out and talk about it. Pray for those families today."

A second woman, a legal immigrant named Agnes, whose only son was killed by an undocumented immigrant, then approached the podium.

"Mr. Trump is the only one that's going to protect your children from being slaughtered like my son was," she said.

A third woman, Mary Ann Mendoza, took the microphone.

"My son, Sgt. Brandon Mendoza, a Mesa, Ariz., police officer, was killed when a repeat criminal illegal alien drove over 35 miles the wrong way on four different freeways in Phoenix on May, 12, 2014, and slammed head on into my son when he was on his way home from work," she said.

The illegal alien was a repeat offender and had already been arrested once in Colorado.

"As I was talking to Mr. Trump earlier, please, please, please research the judges who you are voting for also, because we've got crooked federal judges in our court system," Mendoza said.

A fourth and final woman, a legal German immigrant, took the stage to retell how her only child was killed four years ago by an immigrant in the United States illegally.

"So if you feel that compassion for illegal families not being separated," she said as she held up an urn, "this is what I have of my family: his ashes. I have no family left, and the only one that will protect you, your family and future generations is our next president, Mr. Donald J. Trump!"

The women were then ushered off stage as Trump resumed his regularly scheduled program.



LOL! Only a liberal could take a cold hard fact and call it a ruse.

Trump shows compassion to families that Obama has destroyed

Trump gives mic to crime victims of illegal immigrants

Donald Trump broke briefly from a prepared address Tuesday evening in Austin, Texas, to bring the families of Americans killed by illegal immigrants on stage to give their testimony.

"Thank you, everyone, for believing in Mr. Trump, because he has certainly alleviated our fears," Laura Wilkerson, a mother of one such victim, told the crowd. "I'm telling you, my son was systematically tortured, beaten, murdered and set on fire. I'm an average American family. If this can happen to my family, it can happen to yours."

Wilkerson works closely with the Remembrance Project, which seek to raise awareness about violence committed by illegal immigrants.

"I'm looking forward to voting in Mr. Trump who will end this slaughter of Americans," she said to thunderous applause," she continued. "I want you to remember there are so many people and families with the Remembrance Project that are on their knees in grief that they can't get out and talk about it. Pray for those families today."

A second woman, a legal immigrant named Agnes, whose only son was killed by an undocumented immigrant, then approached the podium.

"Mr. Trump is the only one that's going to protect your children from being slaughtered like my son was," she said.

A third woman, Mary Ann Mendoza, took the microphone.

"My son, Sgt. Brandon Mendoza, a Mesa, Ariz., police officer, was killed when a repeat criminal illegal alien drove over 35 miles the wrong way on four different freeways in Phoenix on May, 12, 2014, and slammed head on into my son when he was on his way home from work," she said.

The illegal alien was a repeat offender and had already been arrested once in Colorado.

"As I was talking to Mr. Trump earlier, please, please, please research the judges who you are voting for also, because we've got crooked federal judges in our court system," Mendoza said.

A fourth and final woman, a legal German immigrant, took the stage to retell how her only child was killed four years ago by an immigrant in the United States illegally.

"So if you feel that compassion for illegal families not being separated," she said as she held up an urn, "this is what I have of my family: his ashes. I have no family left, and the only one that will protect you, your family and future generations is our next president, Mr. Donald J. Trump!"

The women were then ushered off stage as Trump resumed his regularly scheduled program.


I agree with sealing the border, shutting down sanctuary cities and deporting illegals as well as penalizing business which use illegal, low rate labor. But just because Trump attaches himself to that issue in order to gain political power, doesn't mean I will vote for him.

When Trump isn't up late reading the scriptures, he's feeling out what R's are angry at and attaching himself to those issues as he runs for political office.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
"Muslims built the very foundation of our nation." Attributed to Obama
"No, we did. And we fought Muslim Pirates in 1801." Attributed to Jefferson

What the President actually said was:

"In the United States, Eid also reminds us of the many achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy. That is why we stand with people of all faiths, here at home and around the world, to protect and advance their rights to prosper, and we welcome their commitment to giving back to their communities."

But you appear to be more invested in being a character than in displaying much. :plain:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Part of the problem is that only Fox News shows the Clinton problems and the mainstream media doesn't report negative Clinton news
Well, Fox is nearly a public relations firm for the Republican party, so you'd expect them to make a lot of noise about Clinton given they can't do much with their nominee absent a serious reformation of his approach, which would cost him more than he'd gain by it, I suspect.

It's a problem. But it's not one I can see changing, so he'd better hope for a great debate.

patrick jane

Well, Fox is nearly a public relations firm for the Republican party, so you'd expect them to make a lot of noise about Clinton given they can't do much with their nominee absent a serious reformation of his approach, which would cost him more than he'd gain by it, I suspect.

It's a problem. But it's not one I can see changing, so he'd better hope for a great debate.
I think Trump will sweep the debates