Trump Makes His Way Back to the Lead in Poll

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
.....The Duck......
Is that the Christian thing to do?



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Is that the Christian thing to do?

YES! Call a duck a Duck is very honest. What is dishonest is trying to convince people the losing candidate is actually winning, just because you want him to win. That is dishonest.

Did you go to church today? I bet you played on the computer rather than attend church like a good catholic should?


New member
.....and then immediately interpreted in the most sick perverse way by you and ACW.

Trump is just being purposely provocative for fame and ratings. He is also very proud of how beautiful his daughter is. That's possible you know without the desire to copulate. At least for those who are not perverts.

pepper o'chini

You'd have to be blind not to see that the polls have always been rigged in favor of Clinton and against Trump. Way back to the primaries. And now with the DNC wikileaks we know that that the Dems on a national level stacked the deck against Sanders and controlled the message at media outlets like Real Clear Politics.

You would have to be an epic idiot to believe that sociopath orange Drumpf is ahead in the polls.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Trump gains ground against Clinton, tracking poll finds

Donald Trump has gained ground against Hillary Clinton, according to the latest findings from the USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times national tracking poll of the presidential race.

The uptick for Trump follows a broad-based decline in early August and suggests a possible narrowing of the race.

Trump has regained some of ground he lost after the Democratic National Convention in late July, when he repeatedly criticized the Muslim American parents of a dead U.S. Army captain, and appeared to urge Russia to hack Clinton’s email.

As of Sunday, the tracking poll showed Trump at 45% and Clinton at 43%, within the survey’s margin of error. Those results are far closer than most other polls, which use different methodology and almost uniformly show Clinton ahead by several points..........

Essential Politics: Good news for Trump interesting thing happened over the weekend, as Trump gained ground over Clinton in our USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times daily tracking poll........

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame

Trump gains ground against Clinton, tracking poll finds

As of Sunday, the tracking poll showed Trump at 45% and Clinton at 43%, within the survey’s margin of error. Those results are far closer than most other polls, which use different methodology and almost uniformly show Clinton ahead by several points..........
So even the one poll CC keeps repeating notes its results are running contrary to every other poll showing Clinton ahead. :plain: I did like the way they tried to make other polls the problem. If everyone else is speaking English and you're speaking French, you can still say they're using a "different language" to communicate, but the fairer estimation is in noting you're the odd-duck out.

Here's an interesting look at the Trump bump question and the current numbers as assessed by FiveThirtyEight (link):

"Overall, Trump has gained slightly in our forecasts: He’s up to a 15 percent chance of winning the Electoral College in our polls-only model, up from a low of 11 percent a week ago. And he’s at 25 percent in polls-plus, up from a low of 21 percent. But the evidence is conflicting enough that I don’t think we can rule out a larger swing toward Trump or, alternatively, that his position hasn’t improved at all.

Still, our model perceives an increasing conflict between state and national polls. Polls-only calculates a national polling average, which has Clinton up by 6.2 percentage points, down from a peak of 8.0 percentage points on Aug. 15. But it also infers an estimate of the popular vote from state polls, and that continues to have Clinton ahead by 7 to 8 points. The 1- or 2-point gap between these estimates doesn’t matter much for now, since Clinton is comfortably ahead either way. But it could become pertinent if the race tightens; it was pertinent in 2012, when state polls continuously (and correctly, it turned out) showed President Obama in better shape than national polls did."

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You can tell the people whose lives have not been adversely affected during the last 16 years. They usually hate Trump.
The rich don't hate Trump. The old money won't cozy up to him, but they aren't worried about him attacking their interests. They hated Bernie. And if you weren't rich when the economy went south (in a bad way) your life was adversely affected.

Trump will catch Hillary in the polls very soon -
On the strength of what? The newest manager? Trump staying on script and ending the hostility he's fanned within the movers and shakers of the Republican establishment?

It was a little embarrassing watching the new girl try to undo her own work against him now that she's in the saddle, but that's politics.

patrick jane


The rich don't hate Trump. The old money won't cozy up to him, but they aren't worried about him attacking their interests. They hated Bernie. And if you weren't rich when the economy went south (in a bad way) your life was adversely affected.

The economy has been going south since Obama took over, Trump will change that -

On the strength of what? The newest manager? Trump staying on script and ending the hostility he's fanned within the movers and shakers of the Republican establishment?

It was a little embarrassing watching the new girl try to undo her own work against him now that she's in the saddle, but that's politics.

On the strength of Clinton's lies and untrustworthiness - (that's not a word)


New member
The rich don't hate Trump. The old money won't cozy up to him, but they aren't worried about him attacking their interests. They hated Bernie. And if you weren't rich when the economy went south (in a bad way) your life was adversely affected.

On the strength of what? The newest manager? Trump staying on script and ending the hostility he's fanned within the movers and shakers of the Republican establishment?

It was a little embarrassing watching the new girl try to undo her own work against him now that she's in the saddle, but that's politics.

I see that you haven't heard what Warren buffet or Bloomberg or Mark Cuban have had to say about Trump.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The economy has been going south since Obama took over, Trump will change that -

Were you asleep during the first election cycle? The economy was collapsing when he took over and has been recovering since, if slowly.

On the strength of Clinton's lies and untrustworthiness - (that's not a word)
That might be true if people expected politicians to be honest and trustworthy. One look at Congress rebuts the presumption.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You noted a handful of rich people who disdain or dislike Trump, suggesting a rebuttal. I paralleled the average height of men doesn't suggest that all men are of average height.

Even if more are than are not.

Or, more succinctly, the exception doesn't disprove the rule. By and large, people who are in a position of power and wealth aren't worried about Trump, who is almost certain to act in the interest of their money and not against it.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
So even the one poll CC keeps repeating...........

Here's THREE polls from Politico with Trump ahead that I have now posted for the THIRD time Mr. I'm-The-Idiot-Who-Voted-For-Obama.


Were you asleep during the first election cycle? The economy was collapsing when he took over and has been recovering since, if slowly.........

....and you're an idiot if you think the Kenyan had ANYTHING to do with that. Talking about being asleep!! The economy goes up and down as a normal thing, just like the seasons. Obama's policies have been harmful at every level - a blind man can see that. It is the sheer power of American business and entrepreneurship and the usual economic cycle that has allowed it to slowly crawl back,. If Reagan had been president it would have bounced back long ago and been booming now.

Your faux-intellectualism is a very thin whitewash that covers your sheer stupidity and ignorance. You're like Obama: A moron with small ideas, wrapped up in big empty words.
