Trump Makes His Way Back to the Lead in Poll

patrick jane

Catfish Crusader stated that Donald Trump is a good family man. In my world family men don't think about let alone talk about their daughter posing in Playboy magazine or "dating" them.

If my mind is warped because I'm not into pornography and incest, then I'll gladly keep my warped mind Aaron.

You have sexual issues that permeate your dark soul - when will you stop posting fake disgusting images? When will you stop LYING about Donald J. Trump?


You have sexual issues that permeate your dark soul - when will you stop posting fake disgusting images? When will you stop LYING about Donald J. Trump?!-Part-4&p=4796227&viewfull=1#post4796227

I get well over 200 people viewing this now 4 part thread daily. Many of them undoubtedly share the information with others through word of mouth or on other websites.

Let's hope that the truth permeates the soul of decent people and Donald Trump is sent back to where he belongs:

His casinos so that he can milk little old ladies out of their dead husbands pension fund.

patrick jane

His casinos so that he can milk little old ladies out of their dead husbands pension fund.
FYI, older ladies enjoy playing slot machines, like my Grandma did, if they gamble too much there is help available as it became an addiction. Most old ladies don't lose their dead husband's pension. What a total lying jerk you are - very soon the word pension will be obsolete

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
A change HAS happened Einstein - hence the story.
Not really. Even when Clinton was sporting a significant lead in most polls there was always one showing it close. So you have one with a marginal lead against the field of polling showing it Clinton by a little over five points.

None of that is going to be as impactful as the debates. If Clinton stumbles or Trump reverts to form, that will be the difference maker, though on sum both parties are suffering from running the wrong candidates.

[h=3]Polling Data[/h]
PollDateSampleMoEClinton (D)Trump (R)Spread
RCP Average8/1 - 8/20----46.841.5Clinton +5.3
LA Times/USC8/14 - 8/202551 LV--4345Trump +2
Reuters/Ipsos8/13 - 8/171049 LV3.54136Clinton +5
Economist/YouGov8/14 - 8/16911 RV4.24741Clinton +6
NBC News/SM8/8 - 8/1415179 RV1.25041Clinton +9
Bloomberg8/5 - 8/8749 LV3.65044Clinton +6
ABC News/Wash Post8/1 - 8/4815 RV4.05042Clinton +8


The United States Electoral College is the institution that elects the President and Vice President of the United States every four years. Citizens of the United States do not directly elect the president or the vice president; instead they elect representatives called "electors", who usually pledge to vote for particular presidential and vice presidential candidates.

... Except for the electors in Maine and Nebraska, electors are elected on a "winner-take-all" basis.

On four occasions, most recently in 2000, the Electoral College system has resulted in the election of a candidate who did not receive the most popular votes in the election.
Trump Makes His Way Back to the Lead in Poll

Even if it were true the president is decided by the ELectoral College, not a popular majority - meaning that Trump must win in "swing-states" like Ohio and Pennsylvania!

Having a Republican Governor in Ohio who boycotted the GOP Presidential Convention in his own state and a recent Trump "parting-of-the-ways" with his 2nd campaign manager, for his "pro-Putin" connections, hardly inspires confidence!
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Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
You have sexual issues that permeate your dark soul - when will you stop posting fake disgusting images? When will you stop LYING about Donald J. Trump?

There is something dark, sick, and twisted about ACW. I wonder what his neighbors think of him. Maybe he's the weird old man next door who stares at the neighborhood kids.

User Name

Greatest poster ever

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Well, that's obvious.

I'm not so sure that like is accurate, but we shall see on election day.

Why aren't you sure it's accurate? Like I said, Trump could win all of the states that are "likely" or "leaning" in favor of Trump now, and then he could also win in literally all of the toss-up states--including Ohio--and still lose the election to Clinton. That is a fact.


Trump will win the swing states -
Saying it, no matter how often, doesn't make it so!

When you're already on your third campaign manager, its difficult to develop and maintain a coherent strategy as to where to allocate the candidate's time and financial resources!

It also doesn't inspire confidence among conservative financial donors that Trump has the ability to surround himself with the right people!

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
All I know is that something very crooked is going on.

Let us remember just a couple of months ago, all the news stories about how Trump was registering new voters from all walks. Lots and lots of new registered Republicans, while Democrat numbers sunk.

Let us also remember that in ISSUES based polls, Trump always wins. For example, is an issue question is asked like "Who would do better with ISIS" or "Who would do better with jobs", Trump always wins those issue polls.

So it defies logic that Trump is actually losing, because when every piece of evidence is separated and sorted out, he wins.

Election day shall be very interesting. I can only hope that Americans will remember when they are at the polls, who will do a better job on every issue they care about, because according to the polls, Trump wins on every one.


... So it defies logic that Trump is actually losing, because when every piece of evidence is separated and sorted out, he wins.
Trump's favorability rating
"blacks" - NO

Hispanics - NO

visible minorities - NO

women - NO

university educated - NO

urban voters - NO


New member
Still amazes me that these polls ask about .000008% of the population their opinions and feel like that gives a good pulse on America's thoughts.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
All I know is that something very crooked is going on.
That's because you're not being rational. Nothing crooked is going on, at least not with Trump. Bernie could have made a more substantive claim to that within his party, but that's another horse.

Let us remember just a couple of months ago, all the news stories about how Trump was registering new voters from all walks. Lots and lots of new registered Republicans, while Democrat numbers sunk.
Citation? Didn't see that. I'd like to look at the data.

Let us also remember that in ISSUES based polls, Trump always wins. For example, is an issue question is asked like "Who would do better with ISIS" or "Who would do better with jobs", Trump always wins those issue polls.
The only "issue" that matters is "who will you actually vote for". If you find yourself qualifying to get a different answer, you're in trouble. Well, your candidate is at any rate.

So it defies logic that Trump is actually losing, because when every piece of evidence is separated and sorted out, he wins.
You sound like the Romney people. They were playing with polling right up until they couldn't.

Election day shall be very interesting.
That's not how I spell depressing, but okay. Either way it's no light on a hill day for American politics.

I can only hope that Americans will remember when they are at the polls, who will do a better job on every issue they care about, because according to the polls, Trump wins on every one.
Where if I could manifest hope into reality I'd hope they'd think about character and write in anyone but these two.