Trump Makes His Way Back to the Lead in Poll





Trump favorability rating

angry white men - YES

older voters - YES

the less educated - YES

rural voters - YES

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Trump's favorability rating
"blacks" - NO

Hispanics - NO

visible minorities - NO

women - NO

university educated - NO

urban voters - NO

Opinion: Big data reports Latino support for Trump on the rise at 37%

By Lili Gil Valletta - Published June 07, 2016 - Fox News Latino

"...........Even I must admit that my original assessment of Trump was wrong with my Op-Ed for Fox News Latino back in August of 2015 when I wrote about Trump’s poor debate performance and how his collapse could present an opportunity for the GOP to engage Latinos. Fast-forward to now and we see a Trump candidacy that is strong and rising, even under the emerging hashtag #LatinosForTrump.

Latino advocacy groups and some celebrities have launched powerful videos, protests and campaigns against Trump. Recognized conservative voices like Marco Rubio, Susana Martinez, the Bush family, and even Pope Francis himself have made their discontent clear with the candidate, but could it be possible he is actually gaining support among Hispanics?

Numerous articles and Op-Eds have discounted his so-called “rise” among Latinos by pointing out the flawed nature of polls. Back in February, after claiming a win with 46 percent of the Hispanic vote in Nevada, critics quickly challenged the full sample size of voters captured to disregard the number. Most recently, Latino Decisions published an article called "Why Polls On Latinos Get It Wrong," confirming that current ways of polling are under-representing Latinos' voice.

Clearly, conventional political research is in question, but what if big data analysis reveals Trump’s rise is real, based on a sample size of over 1 million Hispanics?

Based on big data analysis over the last 30 days as of June 1st, Trump reports 37 percent of Hispanic positive sentiment versus 41 percent for Clinton. Surprisingly, the candidates tie in negative sentiment across Hispanics at 38 percent, discounting the fact that Latinos default as Democrats or are completely turned off by Trump’s off-color comments. After all, over 50 percent of Latinos identify as political independents.

"Latino Support for Trump on The Rise at 37%"

Based on big data analysis of digital discussions and opinion over the last 30 days as of June 1st, Trump reports 37 percent of positive opinion among Hispanics versus 41 percent for Clinton. Surprisingly, the candidates tie in negative sentiment across Hispanics at 38 percent. The same methodology was used to measure opinion in January of 2016 and Trump reported 14 percent positive opinion/ sentiment and 22 percent in February.


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Trump's favorability rating
"blacks" - NO

Hispanics - NO

visible minorities - NO

women - NO

university educated - NO

urban voters - NO

Why these diehard Democrats are rooting for Trump

WEIRTON, W.Va. — The Ohio Valley is filled with registered Democrats, the kind that hung portraits of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman and John F. Kennedy on their living room walls. It is made of coal and steel towns and union workers, and stretches from the Pittsburgh exurbs across West Virginia’s panhandle into Ohio.

But here in Weirton — where Weirton Steel Company employed 12,000 people and now only 900 — many say they will cast their ballots for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. They talk about him over beers at local taverns and at church socials. For many of those in the unions, he’s the first Republican for whom they’ll vote — even as national unions, including the United Steelworkers and the AFL-CIO, have endorsed Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

“When the steel industry was going good and the coal was good, it was blue,” said George Psaros, 76, a retired Weirton Steel engineer who voted for President Obama in 2008 and 2012 and is undecided in this contest. “Well, the world has changed.”

Ever since Democrats like Bill Clinton embraced free trade, West Virginia has voted for the Republican presidential nominee in greater margins. West Virginians sided with Democrat Michael Dukakis instead of George H. W. Bush in 1988, only one of 10 states to vote blue. But by 2000, George W. Bush won the state by 6 percent of the vote, and in 2012, Mitt Romney won by more than 20 percent.

Now even one of the most reliably Democratic groups — union members — may be turning red, drawn by Trump’s free-trade bashing and resentful of Clinton’s past support for certain international trade agreements.

“I don’t know what Trump would do if he’s elected,” said Mark Glyptis, president of the United Steelworkers Local 2911 and a Trump supporter, who voted for Obama in the past two elections. “But I know what Hillary would do.”

If Trump wants to flip the electoral map and win in November, this may be his most promising strategy. His critique of trade deals may not only help him win Weirton and the rest of West Virginia, but also other, more critical industrial belt states such as Pennsylvania and Ohio.

Nationally, union households have increasingly voted for conservative candidates, data show. In 1996, only 30 percent of union households voted for Republican candidates. In 2012, that increased to 40 percent, and political analysts expect that rise this election cycle



Hall of Fame
You mean that wonderful family man who would date his daughter if he weren't her father?

(He probably would anyway, but incest I believe is still illegal in NY State).


Those are words out of the Trumpateer's own mouth. His own comments confirms that he would be fine with his daughter posing nude for Playboy because "she has a very nice body". I would have expected someone who is a supposedly family-oriented, Conservative to state "there is no way I would ever condone my daughter exposing her body to millions of gawking eyes".

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I noted CC "knowing" something was crooked wasn't a reasoned position and, of course:
....says the moron who voted for the worst president in history, Obama.
Well, that was half-honest, which was half better than I expected. Rather, I absolutely voted for him the first time round, when Republicans offered McCain lite and a nominee for VP that made Dan Quayle look like a Rhodes Scholar and I didn't support him in his bid for reelection.

Forgive me if your "analysis" is not accepted as Holy Writ.
You wouldn't feel that way if you understood statistical models and how they relate to polling data.

Besides, it is the most rational thing to do, to question the extremely biased press.
Rather, declaring polling conducted using proven, reliable mathematical models suspect while you extrapolate from anecdotal snippets and nothing else illustrates that the real bias problem objectively on display is your own.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I would have expected someone who is a supposedly family-oriented, Conservative to state .............

You expected and supposed wrong, the mold is broken. Trump is not your old GOP.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Donald Duck seems less focused on actual victory than on whipping up the “rigged election” mania that will let him claim victory when he loses.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Donald Duck seems less focused on actual victory than on whipping up the “rigged election” mania that will let him claim victory when he loses.

People have been making similar comments since he announced his candidacy and yet here we are. He's cleared the GOP primary field and spent the least amount of money doing it.


Those are words out of the Trumpateer's own mouth. His own comments confirms that he would be fine with his daughter posing nude for Playboy because "she has a very nice body".

'His own comments' were meant to be taken a certain way- and as per usual, you all do what you do best.
I don't know how people go along being so ridiculous.. awhile deep down knowing it. You all know you are full of crap :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You would have to be an epic idiot to believe that sociopath orange Drumpf is ahead in the polls.

You'd have to be blind not to see that the polls have always been rigged in favor of Clinton and against Trump. Way back to the primaries. And now with the DNC wikileaks we know that that the Dems on a national level stacked the deck against Sanders and controlled the message at media outlets like Real Clear Politics.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
You'd have to be blind not to see that the polls have always been rigged in favor of Clinton and against Trump. Way back to the primaries. And now with the DNC wikileaks we know that that the Dems on a national level stacked the deck against Sanders and controlled the message at media outlets like Real Clear Politics.

You're no fool... ....fool.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
People have been making similar comments since he announced his candidacy and yet here we are. He's cleared the GOP primary field and spent the least amount of money doing it.

Some people, few few at that time. You make it sound like every Joe has thought this. Not at all true. Very few have thought, all; along, the Duck was paddling for prosperity in unusual lands.

He played on the fear of those most frightened, as well, those feeling most abandoned by a government, which seems, in their opinion, to have favored minorities, while ignoring the needs of 'regular Americans'. This group of folks is surprising large!

The Duck has attached hos ulterior motives to a party still in recovery, one he has managed to set back another four years at least.