Trump Makes His Way Back to the Lead in Poll

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
What is your comparative evidence for this? I'd peg a very large number of nations before the US for corruption.

Other countries do have blatant overt visible corruption. But in terms of cash flow - the money involved - Americans have to take the prize. We waste more money than many countries even have.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
We are one the edge of true financial destruction, and you have pinheads like TH running around saying its all normal business as usual.
As opposed to abnormal business as usual? For someone who doesn't want to consider me you spend a fair amount of time doing it. :plain: Else, quote me. I said we weren't bankrupt. We aren't. The sky is always falling when the opposition is in the White House. If Trump manages a win you won't hear a peep about it from the right, just as you didn't hear much when Bush was driving us into deeper and deeper debt. That's just the way partisan nonsense works.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I didn't say social policies are the root of our problem; socialist policies are.
Who enacts social policy for the most part?

The more socialist policies are in place, the more likely economic problems will occur.
Well, I'm not a socialist or advocating it, so you're not going to get a lot of argument from me on the point. I'd say the more programs you have running the higher the tab, so you'd better have an extremely robust economy if you're going to extend very far into that realm.

I didn't say socialist government either although cities like Detroit are close.
You noted socialist policies. Again, who enacts them?

What do all the inner cities of major cities have in common?
A few things, some of which have nothing to do with the local government. Failure to invest in infrastructure coupled with the death of our industrial base, due to a number of factors from ill considered trade agreements to a lack of any protection for major industry and the corporate flight, unimpeded, to manufacturing bases in third world environments, with less regulation, little labor protections and lower taxes. Take the economic heart out of cities wrapped around that industry and I don't care who you have in the mayor's office.

I realize correlation is not causation but what else would you attribute to these cities decline when other cities who enact much less socialist policies are in much better shape
Any number of factors, some of which I noted above. Or, it's a lot more complicated than Republican/Democrat.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Some believe the best person for president would be one who made no changes. Who is most likely to have business as usual?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Some believe the best person for president would be one who made no changes. Who is most likely to have business as usual?

a president hillary ( : projectile vomiting barf: ) will continue and accelerate bammy's failed socialist policies with the cooperation of the dems in the legislature

a president trump ( :barf: ) will have no cooperation from either side of the floor in congress

vote trump :)


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Tell you what. Get Knight to make a post saying he will vote for Trump and I will vote for him. I do not think he will vote for Trump because the Duck is not a real conservative.

I have other reasons for not liking him; however, I WILL, NOT VOTE FOR HILLARY CLINTON EITHER!

We have had too much PC nonsense! I do not like the idea of Muslims coming here to live. The problem is, this is no reason to assume the USA is destined to return to the past, as it cannot, a European fragrant only nation. Donald is too extreme on emigration and now he is being wishy-washy. He acted very silly on the abortion issue and kept changing his punishment aim. He was very shady about David Duck.

Donald has said too many crazy things


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
......... Failure to invest in infrastructure coupled with the death of our industrial base, due to a number of factors from ill considered trade agreements to a lack of any protection for major industry and the corporate flight, unimpeded, to manufacturing bases in third world environments, with less regulation, little labor protections and lower taxes. Take the economic heart out of cities wrapped around that industry and I don't care who you have in the mayor's office.

Any number of factors, some of which I noted above. Or, it's a lot more complicated than Republican/Democrat.

Agree on the infrastructure problem. but the corporate taxes in the USA are too high, and with them so high, as well taxes on the wealthy, the government has grown into a leviathan. This is not a republic concept.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Hillary rally today in Greensboro, North Carolina


Trump rally - in North Carolina 3 days ago.


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Trump surges in battleground, national polls

Donald Trump is surging in new battleground and national polls at a time when Hillary Clinton faces tough questions not only about her health but her sweeping criticism of her Republican opponent’s supporters.

Several surveys appear to show the Republican presidential nominee effectively ending, at least for now, a post-convention slump that saw Clinton leading in virtually every swing state. Now, a Monmouth University Poll shows Trump taking a narrow 2-point lead in Nevada; a Bloomberg Politics poll shows Trump leading Clinton by 5 points in Ohio; and new CNN/ORC polls show Trump leading in Florida and Ohio.

In the latter survey, Trump leads 46-41 percent among likely voters in Ohio, and 47-44 percent among likely voters in Florida.

Meanwhile, a Los Angeles Times tracking poll shows Trump taking a 6-point national lead.

“We’ve really had a good month,” Trump told Fox News’ “Fox & Friends,” claiming he’s enjoying renewed “enthusiasm” from voters.

Clinton, though, plans to return to the campaign trail Thursday afternoon after taking three days off to recover from a bout of pneumonia. While her campaign dispatched high-powered surrogates to the stump in her absence -- including Bill Clinton and President Obama -- the Democratic nominee’s presence could help reset the race once again.

The contest remains tight, and the polls are hardly uniform. A Quinnipiac University national poll released Wednesday showed Clinton leading 48-43 percent among likely voters.

But that still represents a narrowing of the race since a late-August survey showing Clinton up 10 points.

The recent surveys come as Clinton grapples with new controversies on two fronts: Her comment at a Friday fundraiser that half of Trump’s backers are in a “basket of deplorables,” and her campaign’s handling of a health scare on Sunday during a 15th anniversary ceremony honoring victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Clinton has since expressed regret for her “deplorables” comment, though Trump has called on her to outright retract it. And Clinton’s campaign has sought to answer questions about the former secretary of state's health, after Clinton was seen stumbling at the 9/11 memorial event in New York City.

The campaign said she was overheated and dehydrated, and revealed she had been diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday. While the incident revived long-simmering questions about her health, the campaign on Wednesday released additional medical details. Dr. Lisa Bardack, Clinton’s physician, said she is “recovering well with antibiotics and rest.”

Bardack also said Clinton remains “healthy and fit to serve.”

Trump, too, has tried to answer questions about his own health. He discussed the results of a recent physical with TV’s “Dr. Oz,” and told Fox News on Thursday “they were good.” The discussion with “Dr. Oz” will air on his show Thursday.

Meanwhile, the Clinton campaign maintains they always knew states like Ohio would be competitive – and they are building out their operation there.

The campaign announced that they will open a half-dozen new offices in the state, bringing their total to 54

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Besides Trump leading in Ohio and Florida, her 11 point lead in Michigan is within the margin of error. She is only up 3 in the Mitten State. That is the team up north for you Ohio people.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
If he has a Reagan moment in the debates he will win.
He can't rise to the rhetorical level of Reagan.......
You are definitely the king (or queen) of the Straw Man argument.

I said "If he has a Reagan moment", but I never said "rise to the rhetorical level of Reagan."

Maybe you should start your own forum so you can talk to yourself, because that's all you do here.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
besides, reagan's rhetorical polish was the result of practice, practice, practice - in front of a mirror

by the time he delivered a speech, he'd already been through it many many times

a natural consequence of his acting career

his "moments", however, were usually unrehearsed, off the cuff comments: "I paid for this microphone" "we begin bombing in five minutes" "there you go again"