Trump Makes His Way Back to the Lead in Poll

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Check out Deplorable Irma @latinaafortrump:


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Just like some nutter, hard right wing internet invention to try to play the victim card while their candidate is "surging". :eek:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Looks like Trump is surging in the wrong the day of the first debate he'd closed a once considerable gap, and fivethirtyeight had it 54.8/45.2 in favor of Clinton taking the election, with Trump's numbers increasing and Clinton's on a slide.

Oh what a difference a debate makes.

Today? 63.8/36.2, or a near ten point bump for Hillary and about the same slide for Trump.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Looks like Trump is surging in the wrong the day of the first debate he'd closed a once considerable gap, and fivethirtyeight had it 54.8/45.2 in favor of Clinton taking the election, with Trump's numbers increasing and Clinton's on a slide.

Today? 63.8/36.2, or a near ten point bump for Hillary and about the same slide for Trump.

Update: 5308

Today? 76.7/23.2 in favor of Clinton as her lead continues to grow.

Electoral vote estimate 9/17 - 10/5

Hillary Clinton 288.8 -

Donald Trump 219.0 - 248.8

Gary Johnson 0.4 -

Popular vote

Hillary Clinton 46.5 -

Donald Trump 44.3 - 43.5%

Gary Johnson 7.9 - 6.9%


patrick jane

Update: 5308

Today? 76.7/23.2 in favor of Clinton as her lead continues to grow.

Electoral vote estimate 9/17 - 10/5

Hillary Clinton 288.8 -

Donald Trump 219.0 - 248.8

Gary Johnson 0.4 -

Popular vote

Hillary Clinton 46.5 -

Donald Trump 44.3 - 43.5%

Gary Johnson 7.9 - 6.9%

You couldn't wait to post that Trump is trailing :chuckle:

patrick jane

Update: 5308

Today? 76.7/23.2 in favor of Clinton as her lead continues to grow.

Electoral vote estimate 9/17 - 10/5

Hillary Clinton 288.8 -

Donald Trump 219.0 - 248.8

Gary Johnson 0.4 -

Popular vote

Hillary Clinton 46.5 -

Donald Trump 44.3 - 43.5%

Gary Johnson 7.9 - 6.9%

I think Trump will get a boost in the polls from Mike Pence's performance

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I think Trump will get a boost in the polls from Mike Pence's performance
I wouldn't count on much. VPs tend to not hurt you at large and boost you in some key state or region else. Some, like Palin, can work against a ticket. But they won't overcome whatever is in play for the senior part of the ticket. I'm not doing a celebration dance, but absent a remarkable turn around in debate fortunes, I think this is going to look like Romney.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Sean Hannity finally stated that the bimbo known as Megyn Kelly is a liberal and Hillary Supporter.

No kidding. At least he did it. I hope he didn't just realize it.

patrick jane

I wouldn't count on much. VPs tend to not hurt you at large and boost you in some key state or region else. Some, like Palin, can work against a ticket. But they won't overcome whatever is in play for the senior part of the ticket. I'm not doing a celebration dance, but absent a remarkable turn around in debate fortunes, I think this is going to look like Romney.
Trump has a path to 270 !!! Don't count him out yet -

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Rasmussen, today:

Thursday, October 06, 2016

Donald Trump has gained another point on Hillary Clinton in the wake of Tuesday night’s vice presidential debate.

The latest Rasmussen Reports White House Watch telephone and online survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds Trump with a 43% to 41% lead over Clinton. Yesterday, he was ahead 42% to 41%. Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson again earns eight percent (8%) of the vote, while three percent (3%) prefer the Green Party’s Jill Stein. Two percent (2%) like some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Trump has been edging back all week. He was five points ahead of Clinton going into their first debate last week but then fell behind by three after widespread criticism of his debate performance. By this past Monday, however, the two major party candidates were in a near tie, and Trump has gained a point on Clinton each day since then.


like marbles on glass
Rasmussen has been criticized in the past for skewing Republican.

Apart from that, I wonder how accurate any political polling is these days. Online polls are worthless, and phone polls connecting only with landlines aren't demographically diverse enough anymore. I looked at Rasmussen's methodology and to make up for the landlines problem, in addition they used an online survey tool to randomly select from a panel of participants, which seems to me like too much of a convenience sample. And then how do they weight it?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You couldn't wait to post that Trump is trailing :chuckle:
Yeah, but not for the reason some people might think. It's time to draft Hunstman from the floor and discard this guy before another election is gift wrapped for the Democrats.

Now I'm not in love with the Republican party, but if they could manage that they'd get my vote

Meanwhile, in the wake of the latest embarrassment, even more Republicans, including Huntsman, are calling for Trump to step aside.

While in polling news it's time for a post VP debate update.

The last time I posted FiveThirtyEight had it 76.7/23.2 in favor of Clinton.

That lead has increased to 81.8 to 18.2 in favor of Clinton.

Electoral vote estimate 9/17 - 10/5 - 10/8

Hillary Clinton 288.8 -
318.8 - 330.5

Donald Trump 248.8 - 219.0 - 207.3

Gary Johnson 0.4 -
0.2 - 0.1

Popular vote

Hillary Clinton 46.5 -
48.2 - 48.9

Donald Trump 44.3 - 43.5 - 43.2

Gary Johnson 7.9 - 6.9 - 6.6


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Friday, October 07, 2016

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are still running neck-and-neck as they prepare for their second debate on Sunday night.

The latest Rasmussen Reports White House Watch national telephone and online survey finds Clinton with 43% support among Likely U.S. Voters and Trump with 42%. Yesterday, Trump had a two-point lead, 43% to 41%.