Trump Makes His Way Back to the Lead in Poll

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
And we know he knows how to use bankruptcy to protect himself. A true man of the people!

Actually he is a true businessman. A smart businessman uses the laws to enrich his business and make his business a great one, and he will now use his skills and savvy to make America great. Your post is childish and represents someone who does not live in the real world.

Are you aware that most US counties and cities that have filed bankruptcy are under democratic leadership?

THAT is because Democrat socialist policies lead cities to where all socialist policies lead: Bankruptcy and failure. I give you Greece and Venezuela as two examples.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
And we know he knows how to use bankruptcy to protect himself. A true man of the people!
Actually he is a true businessman. A smart businessman uses the laws to enrich his business and make his business a great one, and he will now use his skills and savvy to make America great...

But if a city with a democratic administration uses the law...
THAT is because Democrat socialist policies lead cities to where all socialist policies lead: Bankruptcy and failure.

Congratulations. You finally posted something relatively intelligent.
So he's one up on you.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Hellary abuses the law and breaks the law in everything she does - she's a free felon
Because nothing says, "Listen to my objective take on Clinton" like declaring that she breaks the law "in everything she does". :plain: :eek: You know, some people actually believe that. :think:

Try again McFly...
Hey, CC just dropped a Back to the Future snap like it was a hot mic.

Man, that would have been something in the 80s. :plain:

I said use the law to make something great! Democrats use it to make things worse.
What really happened was JD noted Trump's use of bankruptcy laws and then you wrote:

Actually he is a true businessman. A smart businessman uses the laws to enrich his business and make his business a great one

So bankruptcy can be a smart business decision and, like Trump, some cities have used it to aid in economic rebound. It can't magically be one thing in the hands of someone you like (and his business practices would have to be the reason for the need too, Marty) and another thing if you don't happen to like the user.

Then you tacked on:
and he will now use his skills and savvy to make America great...
Which doesn't have anything to do with bankruptcy, unless you see him driving the country there in route to "greatness".

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I have no idea why I bothered to address that idiot TH.
On the upside, at least you did it here instead of telling everyone how happy you were that you had me on ignore and didn't have to read me, then show up and blow up in Quixote's, like the last time. :plain:

So, that's progress.

He'll do any mental gymnastic in order to justify failed Democrat socialist policies
Except I never did anything of the sort and mostly vote Republican...other than that you're aces. :eek:

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
No, we aren't and haven't been. Are we going to discuss prevailing economic theory are is this just more along the lines of chit-chat?

Are you like that moron who always goes on MSNBC who says that 20 Trillion dollars of debt is no biggie? Here's a tip Einstein, if you have a debt you cannot pay - and we do - then you are Bankrupt. Maybe not "officially" yet but we are. We cannot pay our debt and we cannot pay our monthly bills. We are Like a man who sees a train about to hit him, he is dead, not quite yet, but he is dead none the less.

Now, back to the topic:


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
20 trillion in debt seems bankrupt to me. In a few years just paying the interest alone will be the 3rd biggest program expenditure in government.
You just rebutted yourself. If you can pay the interest on a debt you aren't insolvent, creditors aren't coming to knock on your door with legal demands and you are, in fact, something other than bankrupt.

Are you like that moron who always goes on MSNBCwho says that 20 Trillion dollars of debt is no biggie?
You must have a "wrong headed assumption" quota going. Has to be a pretty big number.

Debt is inevitable when you have a government our size. The only real question involves limits and ratios.

Here's a tip Einstein, if you have a debt you cannot pay - and we do - then you are Bankrupt.
Next time you decide to condescend you might want to at least understand what you're talking about and get it right...though this is funnier.

Maybe not "officially" yet but we are.
Any time you feel the urge to caveat yourself out of a jam you just got yourself into the better part of valor would be to edit the whole before hitting "post".

As to the polling. FiveThirtyEight has Trump taking Ohio too, though not Florida. It's a real horse race. I think PJ is right to be excited about the debates. They may have a real impact on the election.