Trump Is A Knob


New member
There is no way any one man is going to make America great again, even if the majority of people support him. Our political, legal, and commercial/economic systems are too complex for the average person to keep up with. It takes most of our time and energy to earn enough to pay our household bills, let alone the national debt. Add to that the fact that we are divided into so many camps that each have their own ideas about what constitutes "great", and it will be easy for the uber-rich to keep meaningful change out of reach. For a functional form of representative government to work, the people who are being represented need to have at least a basic understanding of every aspect of everything that touches their lives. To maintain that level of understanding takes a certain amount of free time, and the willingness on the part of the people to invest that free time wisely. Good luck with finding either of those conditions met in America. Technology, which impacts all of us heavily, is impossible for even highly intelligent people to keep up with. That is why most people who work in developing that field are highly specialized. Add to that the fact that things are getting more "globally connected" all the time, changes anywhere around the world can have a big effect on the rest of us. And even if we had the ability to keep up with the reach of technology, we wouldn't have the economic freedom to afford us the time to use that ability. Does anyone really think that our economic state is going to improve when multi-national corporations which are heavily into the insurance business control 2/3 of the investment capital in world markets? They have their fingers in every pie and can twist every section of the economy any way they want. They can control the medical field by throwing their capital and their lobbyists around, pushing costs through the roof, thus sending people running to their insurance companies or the government for "protection". Once the government gets involved the costs get even larger. This same kind of thing is happening in the funeral business. Big name insurance companies are selling "life" insurance policies that only cover "final expenses". We are told that we need this kind of insurance to protect ourselves from the ever rising cost. Well why are cost steadily climbing? You would think that in a free market, competition would slow that down. We get told that insurance companies can do enough business with companies in the field of endeavor that they are selling policies for, to enable them to put pressure on those companies to keep costs in check. Why would insurance companies want to do that? Make health care, or anything else too affordable and people won't buy their insurance. Now I've got our veterinarian advertising health insurance for our pets. Will it ever end?

patrick jane

There is no way any one man is going to make America great again, even if the majority of people support him. Our political, legal, and commercial/economic systems are too complex for the average person to keep up with. It takes most of our time and energy to earn enough to pay our household bills, let alone the national debt. Add to that the fact that we are divided into so many camps that each have their own ideas about what constitutes "great", and it will be easy for the uber-rich to keep meaningful change out of reach. For a functional form of representative government to work, the people who are being represented need to have at least a basic understanding of every aspect of everything that touches their lives. To maintain that level of understanding takes a certain amount of free time, and the willingness on the part of the people to invest that free time wisely. Good luck with finding either of those conditions met in America. Technology, which impacts all of us heavily, is impossible for even highly intelligent people to keep up with. That is why most people who work in developing that field are highly specialized. Add to that the fact that things are getting more "globally connected" all the time, changes anywhere around the world can have a big effect on the rest of us. And even if we had the ability to keep up with the reach of technology, we wouldn't have the economic freedom to afford us the time to use that ability. Does anyone really think that our economic state is going to improve when multi-national corporations which are heavily into the insurance business control 2/3 of the investment capital in world markets? They have their fingers in every pie and can twist every section of the economy any way they want. They can control the medical field by throwing their capital and their lobbyists around, pushing costs through the roof, thus sending people running to their insurance companies or the government for "protection". Once the government gets involved the costs get even larger. This same kind of thing is happening in the funeral business. Big name insurance companies are selling "life" insurance policies that only cover "final expenses". We are told that we need this kind of insurance to protect ourselves from the ever rising cost. Well why are cost steadily climbing? You would think that in a free market, competition would slow that down. We get told that insurance companies can do enough business with companies in the field of endeavor that they are selling policies for, to enable them to put pressure on those companies to keep costs in check. Why would insurance companies want to do that? Make health care, or anything else too affordable and people won't buy their insurance. Now I've got our veterinarian advertising health insurance for our pets. Will it ever end?

Excellent post Big Boof

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Don't be fooled by the jingle in your pocket. "Trump change" won't spend. :nono:

It was either that or, "Looks like you can buy the Republican nomination with Trump change."