Trump Is A Knob

patrick jane

Originally Posted by SaulToPaul
I don't know what a knob is.

It's a filthy word used in the homosexual community.
It's a filthy word used in the homosexual community.


From the OP:

Quote: Originally posted by patrick jane:
Truth be told, I thought a new thread with Knob in it might do well. Trump is a knob, and we can keep track of the ridiculous things he says whilst he destroy the GOP.

Mission accomplished ey Patrick?
:chuckle: Truth be told, I thought a new thread with Knob in it might do well. Trump is a knob, and we can keep track of the ridiculous things he says whilst he destroy the GOP.

Feel free to quote Trump and show his rash foolish rantings. He doesn't even debate, he gives sound clips and newspaper quotes, and they're terrible. I can't believe I live in world where Trump would be considered as the leader of the free world, alongside names like Lincoln, Washington and JFK.

BTW, if I could have worked in the word RAPE with TRUMP, this thread would be "enormous" (a favorite Trump word), but that's exactly what Trump is doing to the Republican party.

View attachment 21114

Interesting take, Patrick. Most of all, I was, as if, rabidly anti-Hillary this election, but having a very guarded, near nil, optimism, with respect to Trump. It's simply a fact campaigns are lip service, people behind the scenes crafting popular talking points and speeches to tickle peoples' ears, thereby gain their vote. In other words, political campaigns are about deception, getting the crowd to like you, first and foremost, tell them what they want to hear. You only see truth in the actions of men, a consistency of talk and walk. It's also obvious a flaming lack of humility, a heavy ego, is not of God.

To avoid seeming to insult people that were over the deep end in some demagogue worship of Trump, I refrained from pointing out to people Trump could be a worse judgment on the nation than Bush or Obama, that people should wait and see. To my mind, Hillary was surely unthinkable, but that was about all. And Hillary from hell elected Trump, not Trump's own merits, and what could also be Trump from hell. Nobody can say Trump has ever been the picture of a Christian, anyway, how Christians mistake any over-the-top, gold-gilt, carnally rich businessman and secular politician for, as if, a prophet or servant of God, for some carnal, pie-in-the-sky lip service, is quite baffling. You see all sorts of, as if, worship of this man with no track record of righteousness, from purported Christians, a man with a history rather much the opposite. And oh how presidential candidates all suddenly become born again, start showing up at some church in photo ops, when you could have sworn their entire previous life must have involved Baal or Ishtar worship, real news they're a Christian, all the sudden that they need some Christian votes!

In any event, Trump is now flopping like a fish out of water, actions and campaign rhetoric having no nexus, even before the first hundred days are out. He's doing all the things he claimed were the likes of stupid, during his campaign, even must be a card carrying neocon of some sort.

People of God, here is where you find the truth of a person, and it is not their lip service. False prophets are nothing but incessant lip service, you, therefore, can determine nothing from flapping lips, as our Lord Jesus well pointed out,

Matthew 7:15-20 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

Also, there’s no blessing for the warmongers, rather,

Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

This begs the question, liberal or conservative warmonger, if the peacemakers are the children of God, whose children are the warmongers? And can a liar claim Christ, ever? John 8:44, Revelation 21:8.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Like so many on TOL, Crucible needs psychological and spiritual help. Do you think that banning him from a Christian website will help him in the long run?
He's a repeat troublemaker that posts stuff that is waay over the line. He's been doing it for several years. He's been given many chances to fix his behavior. Nuff said on that.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
PJ, do you pronounce the "k" in knob or leave it silent? I'm not looking for a dictionary run-down, I mean you, personally. :plain:

And wouldn't the word be a lot more fun if everyone did that?


Well-known member
PJ, do you pronounce the "k" in knob or leave it silent? I'm not looking for a dictionary run-down, I mean you, personally. :plain:

And wouldn't the word be a lot more fun if everyone did that?

Does the OP mean that President Trump reminds him of a..... door handle...?.... you know, opening up doors to wonderful new Republican Policies, or something like that?

I do like it when the OP writes 'nice things' about folks....... such a breath of fresh air! Wonderful!!


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Does the OP mean that President Trump reminds him of a..... door handle...?.... you know, opening up doors to wonderful new Republican Policies, or something like that?

I do like it when the OP writes 'nice things' about folks....... such a breath of fresh air! Wonderful!!

I like your spirit! :thumb:

But remember that there's always a razor thin line between tremendous optimism and a full blown commitment hearing... :noid:
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Well-known member
Trump told us he'd put Hillary in jail.
Instead he adopted all of her policies and goes after Assange.
Thanks for nothing


Well-known member
Like so many on TOL, Crucible needs psychological and spiritual help.

We all need spiritual help. But Bless you, anyway! :angel:

Do you think that banning him from a Christian website will help him in the long run?
Oh...... I know I'm thick, but I never realised. :confused: I thought this site was about theology?
Silly me!


Well-known member
Trump told us he'd put Hillary in jail.
Instead he adopted all of her policies and goes after Assange.

Good..... innit?
The most amazing political subterfuge in a century.
Imagine the book title 'The Secret Democrat'.

All about a bored billionaire wanting something to do, who posed as a Republican Rightist Politician and suckered the GOP an' all into placing him into the highest polictical office in the World, and when he retired (eventually) his country had swung Circa 75% for Democracy..... Democrats!

The only question is, who is going to caste the medal, and what to call it?

That's going to be an amazing story...... one day.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Like so many on TOL, Crucible needs psychological and spiritual help.

We all need spiritual help. But Bless you, anyway! :angel:

Let's just say that someone who calls himself a Christian yet defends things that God abhors (abortion, homosexuality, prostitution, recreational drug legalization) needs a bit more spiritual help than others.

As far as the psychological aspect: Crucible wen through things as a child that no child deserves. He's in dire need of professional psychiatric help.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Do you think that banning him from a Christian website will help him in the long run?

Oh...... I know I'm thick, but I never realised. :confused: I thought this site was about theology?
Silly me!

Yes, you are thick and silly, but that's a topic for another thread. TOL touts itself as a 'Conservative Christian website', not a website where you can make Christianity into anything that you want it to be (although there are many on here that do).


Well-known member
Yes, you are thick and silly, but that's a topic for another thread.
Phew!!...... that's relief! For a moment there I thought you were going to launch into insults and stuff....!

TOL touts itself as a 'Conservative Christian website', not a website where you can make Christianity into anything that you want it to be (although there are many on here that do).
OK..... so, really, if I adjust my dense and slow mentality to think of TOL as CCOL (Conservative Christians on Line)then that would be a more accurate view.... yeah? I'm just thinking of all those Christians out there whose faith might not fit in so well here, then..... that's all.

But it's sweet of you all to let dafties like me on here1 :D

patrick jane

PJ, do you pronounce the "k" in knob or leave it silent? I'm not looking for a dictionary run-down, I mean you, personally. :plain:

And wouldn't the word be a lot more fun if everyone did that?
I do pronounce it !! I went to school with a guy named Gale Knoettig and it's pronounced Ka-nettig


OK..... so, really, if I adjust my dense and slow mentality to think of TOL as CCOL (Conservative Christians on Line)then that would be a more accurate view.... yeah?

I should point out that the term "Christian Conservative" is redundant, as one can't be a Christian without conserving the teachings of Jesus Christ/the Son of God/God in the Flesh.

Since we're both on a website that encourages theological debate, show me how one cannot embrace the teachings of Jesus Christ/the Son of God/God in the Flesh and still call themselves a follower of Christ (i.e. a Christian).

I'm just thinking of all those Christians out there whose faith might not fit in so well here, then..... that's all.

Their issue is with God, not people who embrace His teachings.