Trump Is A Knob

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
we shoulda planned ahead and bought that one mr gorbachev tore down

betcha we coulda got it cheap

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Rush has a great description. Young skulls full of mush. I don't see her moving to Mexico to help them, or giving away her extra income. Lying hypocrite....


Well-known member
That's why she's for Sanders. He'll force you to do it so she can feel self-satisfied about the charity that she, by armed proxy, enabled Sanders to extend to "the poor" on her behalf.

Remember...government is what we call those things we choose to do together.


New member
Yes, Trump is a jerk, but he's a winning jerk right now. His supporters probably have one thing in common: they are furious at the Washington establishment. Trump just might win the Republican nomination. If so, we'll have to either vote for him or a socialist/communist. I don't like it, but I would vote for Trump over Clinton or Sanders. Failure to vote would amount to a vote for Clinton or Sanders, and I won't do that.


New member
not if I am as sick as I am today
So you'll not vote rather than pick a less objectionable alternative? That is just being lazy and leaving the decision to others (who may be a majority of stupid people). Do you trust you're fellow Americans to do what you can't and vote for the democratic candidate (or independent if there is one)?

patrick jane

We should all vote for the candidate closest to our beliefs or the party beliefs. Nobody should skip voting, our ancestors lost their lives for our freedom so VOTE