Trump Has A Mandate

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Don't be fooled by the Islamic Agenda. They seek to kill and destroy.
No. Were that true, given the billion and a half adherents, the world would be on fire. Rather, there is an element within Islam that, empowered, seeks to eradicate not only those who diametrically oppose their faith, but those within their faith who fail to agree with their principles. That's why most of the people dying at the hands of radicalized Islam and most of the people actually risking their necks fighting it are Muslims.

They also seek to bring in "Sharia Law."
Most Westernized Muslims don't want it and those who do want the secular portion, and that applied to Muslims, not others. I did a long bit on the research by Pugh on the point a while back.

Those who are not followers of Islam are called "Infidels."
What do you call Muslims, brothers?

Christians, Jews, and the U.S. as a whole are considered such. The Muslim name for God is Allah and Allah, according to the Quran has no Son. Muslims deny the Trinity and worship "Another god" other than the God of the Bible.
Or, to put it another way, they aren't Christians and so don't follow Christian dogma. True of every religion and adherent who isn't a member of the Body.

Islam isn't a "Religion of Peace" in fact, it is quite the opposite.
The chief problem with Islam is found in third world countries where it has the sort of corrupting political power that once jaded our Christian faith and to some bloody ends.

God forbid that Christians accept Islamics as brothers.
See what I mean? Supra.

Their "Religion" is another satanic counterfeit.
And you found "infidels" alarming? :plain:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
No. Were that true, given the billion and a half adherents, the world would be on fire.


you really can't afford to be this stupid



That explains a great deal about you. :plain:

white people standing up for white people = racism

Funny how that only applies to white people, and not Natives, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Smurfs, ETs, or 2D Flatlanders.
Nope, just whites :rolleyes:

You're a lot like the woman who insisted she wasn't a racist after describing the First Lady with "Monkey face".

It's only racist if you make it racist :idunno:

If a person says they aren't racist, than they aren't racist. You can't be accidentally racist- but that's the absurdity perpetuated. You have to try to not be racist, and walk on eggshells not to offend anyone.

It's nonsense.

You should apologize for the idiocy of even suggesting that everyone associated with the movement does anything of the sort. Then, of course, for encouraging criminal behavior in response.

They know that their movement is hate fueled ignorance- it has caused innocent deaths and destruction of businesses and neighborhoods- and they still go with it because they are all a bunch of white-hating individuals bent on making everyone around them miserable.

I'm tired of those like yourself lying about it.
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
white people standing up for white people = racism
White guy using stereotypes to demean minorities, standing up for a race that owns most power and things and insisting on seeing melanin content as a cultural marker. Sure.

I wrote: "You're a lot like the woman who insisted she wasn't a racist after describing the First Lady with "Monkey face"."
It's only racist if you make it racist :idunno:
No, it's racist because anyone reading it who wasn't would understand, immediately, that when you compare a black person to a monkey you have an issue on the point.

If a person says they aren't racist, than they aren't racist.
As silly as suggesting that because you think that's an argument it is.

You can't be accidentally racist
Agreed. But you can be a) fearful of being seen as a racist or b) ignorant of the depth of your bias and how it stands in relation to the working definition. I doubt that woman thought of herself as a racist, but I bet you'd be hard pressed to get a similar impression from most people who understand the cultural/historical use of animals, especially monkeys, when characterizing blacks.

You have to try to not be racist
In the same sense that not cursing randomly is "trying" not to be confused with someone who suffers from Tourette's.

They know that their movement is hate fueled ignorance
No, but that's a solid summary of your position in relation.

I'm tired of those like yourself lying about it.
That's funny. You are to honest evaluation what Einstein was to break dancing.


standing up for a race that owns most power and things

So because someone is successful, they deserve to not be stood for and instead tossed by others?

How liberal of you :rolleyes:

No, it's racist because anyone reading it who wasn't would understand, immediately, that when you compare a black person to a monkey you have an issue on the point.

Most people, white or black, has said something 'racist' in their life. Most people think something 'racist' from time to time, as that is just HUMAN NATURE- something you liberals try to repeal and it's working out about as well as tying a shoe with oven mitts on.

This calling everything racist, seeing everything as racist- is a new age lie produced by a society of crybabies.

No, but that's a solid summary of your position in relation.

You're just in denial, is all.
No, not even that, you're just blatantly lying- your idea of what BLM is simply doesn't exist.

That's funny. You are to honest evaluation what Einstein was to break dancing.

Barricaded in an office everyday with a bottle of gin, who knows :chuckle:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
So because someone is successful, they deserve to not be stood for and instead tossed by others?
The King doesn't need defending.

How liberal of you :rolleyes:
No, but it's like you to say so.

Most people, white or black, has said something 'racist' in their life.
Maybe. I'm speaking of the ones who make a habit of it.

Most people think something 'racist' from time to time, as that is just HUMAN NATURE
We're fallen creatures. But we should aspire.

- something you liberals
Only someone lacking wit tries this sort of thing repeatedly.

This calling everything racist, seeing everything as racist- is a new age lie produced by a society of crybabies.
As I only call a thing as it insists on making itself known, that's no concern to me.

You're just in denial, is all. =
No, not even that, you're just blatantly lying- your idea of what BLM is simply doesn't exist.
Not to you, but then, given what you believe does, that's a comfort.

Barricaded in an office everyday with a bottle of gin, who knows :chuckle:
No one disputes your rich fantasy life. ;)


We're fallen creatures. But we should aspire.

We all come from tribes, our natural mentality is slightly xenophobic and racist. It simply depends on what you want to call 'racism' or 'xenophobia' beyond that fact.

it's an unchangeable fact. Blame nature, not white people :)


I didn't come from a tribe.

You were born and raised in a white family, weren't you? You know more white people than others, live in a predominantly white neighborhood.
You tend to not be around areas that are predominantly a different race.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree :rolleyes:
England calls itself a 'multicultural' country despite that it's 88% white- that's because multiculturalism is basically a lie that exists nowhere on Earth, even 5000 years later. Races, collectively, do not get along.


Well-known member
You were born and raised in a white family, weren't you? You know more white people than others, live in a predominantly white neighborhood.
You tend to not be around areas that are predominantly a different race.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree :rolleyes:
England calls itself a 'multicultural' country despite that it's 88% white- that's because multiculturalism is basically a lie that exists nowhere on Earth, even 5000 years later.

I still didn't come from a tribe.


I still didn't come from a tribe.

Tribe- a social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect, typically having a recognized leader.

Except you pretty much did :chuckle:


Well-known member
Tribe- a social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect, typically having a recognized leader.

Except you pretty much did :chuckle:

That's one definition/opinion but not a Scriptural one.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
We all come from tribes,
You're either getting better at regurgitation or you're being a little less careful. :) In any event, it depends on how broadly you apply the term.

our natural mentality is slightly xenophobic and racist.
Nah. Ethnocentric, to be sure, but the move into the territory you're speaking to takes personal effort.

It simply depends on what you want to call 'racism' or 'xenophobia' beyond that fact.
They aren't really hard to identify

Also, it's an unchangeable fact. Blame nature, not white people :)
I blame individuals for their choices, not ideas spawned by individuals.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
No. Were that true, given the billion and a half adherents, the world would be on fire. Rather, there is an element within Islam that, empowered, seeks to eradicate not only those who diametrically oppose their faith, but those within their faith who fail to agree with their principles. That's why most of the people dying at the hands of radicalized Islam and most of the people actually risking their necks fighting it are Muslims.

Most Westernized Muslims don't want it and those who do want the secular portion, and that applied to Muslims, not others. I did a long bit on the research by Pugh on the point a while back.

What do you call Muslims, brothers?

Or, to put it another way, they aren't Christians and so don't follow Christian dogma. True of every religion and adherent who isn't a member of the Body.

The chief problem with Islam is found in third world countries where it has the sort of corrupting political power that once jaded our Christian faith and to some bloody ends.

See what I mean? Supra.

And you found "infidels" alarming? :plain:

I totally disagree with just about everything you just said. I'm kind of shocked by your NAIVETY.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I totally disagree with just about everything you just said.
Then you should probably try doing that, by which I mean take rational exception to particular points in rebuttal, illustrating by example and sustaining by fact and argument. Otherwise, all you're telling me is how you feel about it, which is fine, but can't control a single point beyond your feeling.

I noted that your disdain for Islam in how it values other religions is fairly mirrored by your own disdain for other religions. I noted the sheer number of adherents to Islam, were they radicalized, would impress a different world upon us. I noted prior studies on the distinction between third world adherents and Western Muslims. And I reminded you that when we wed our religion with political power the results were often disastrous and bloody.

I can readily defend every single point and have already begun the process by pointing out a bit of it in your own usage, to which I'll add, if necessary, the 30 Years War and the Crusades, to illustrate the danger/corruption political power can hold for religion.

I'm kind of shocked by your NAIVETY.
I'm rarely shocked by how others conflate their bias with an unvarnished truth. The rest is argument.
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