Trump Has A Mandate

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You're making my case for me.


You all will cravenly sell out and undermine your home country's people, culture, and national interest in order to win approval with parties hostile or indifferent to you.

Your defense is:
"You're racist!"

Basically joining the rest of the people calling you a racist and calling the rest of us racist.
Saying you are a cuckolded wimp with Stockholm syndrome is the most piercingly accurate label that could be placed on you all, because that is what you exhibit with every single breath- continuing with the same narrative makes the case, judge and jury hombre. It's been nearly a decade of the same garbage, put a sock in it already, you lost :plain:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Except the things that matter :chuckle:

You cannot be a Muslim and be compassionate of gays- that is why it is a capitol offense in all their countries, you moron.

Good luck lying to yourself though :wave2:

I don't need to lie to myself to recognize the difference between militant zealots and the reasonable thanks. Given how unreasonable and flat out demented you are you'd make a "fine" addition to the Westboro clan you cretin.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

You all will cravenly sell out and undermine your home country's people, culture, and national interest in order to win approval with parties hostile or indifferent to you.

Your defense is:
"You're racist!"

Basically joining the rest of the people calling you a racist and calling the rest of us racist.
Saying you are a cuckolded wimp with Stockholm syndrome is the most piercingly accurate label that could be placed on you all, because that is what you exhibit with every single breath- continuing with the same narrative makes the case, judge and jury hombre. It's been nearly a decade of the same garbage, put a sock in it already, you lost :plain:

Oh wow, it's the "Stockholm syndrome" mantra again.


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Nah. You all will cravenly sell out and undermine your home country's people, culture, and national interest in order to win approval with parties hostile or indifferent to you. Your defense is:"You're racist!"
Said the fellow whose rebuttal is, "Nah"? :think:

Basically joining the rest of the people calling you a racist and calling the rest of us racist.
What would that sentence look like in English?

Saying you are a cuckolded wimp with Stockholm syndrome is the most piercingly accurate label that could be placed on you all...
I'd attempt to place the most accurate label possible on you, but I am untrained in the mental health sciences.


I don't need to lie to myself to recognize the difference between militant zealots and the reasonable thanks. Given how unreasonable and flat out demented you are you'd make a "fine" addition to the Westboro clan you cretin.

There is no such thing as a Muslim who finds gaydom tolerable enough to desire it legal, there may be a teeny tiny group out there who have somehow completely warped Islam beyond recognition to state otherwise, but that's it.

You're a bunch of straight up retards- you attacked Christianity for a vestige like Westboro, and defend an entire culture of intolerance for the vestige who are almost like yourself.

How much sense does that make?
None- you all are a result of mid century hippies, there is virtually no other thing that could have caused yall's stupidity.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
There is no such thing as a Muslim who finds gaydom tolerable enough to desire it legal, there may be a teeny tiny group out there who have somehow completely warped Islam beyond recognition to state otherwise, but that's it.

You're a bunch of straight up retards- you attacked Christianity for a vestige like Westboro, and defend an entire culture of intolerance for the vestige who are almost like yourself.

How much sense does that make?
None- you all are a result of mid century hippies, there is virtually no other thing that could have caused yall's stupidity.

Westboro represents the average Christian as much as the militant Muslim represents their own faith. Each religion has its share of extremists and the terrorist variety isn't to be ignored by any stretch, and isn't. You OTOH mistake an apt comparison with the likes of nutters in the Westboro clan et al as an attack on Christianity itself which is simply dumb on your part as it isn't. I've lived 100 yards away from a mosque for the last 8 years and one that's been in my home town since I was born. Amount of trouble or threat from the Muslim population here? Zero. Yet fruitcakes like you and Musty would insist that I and other inhabitants could be under sharia law in a decade which is so laughable and sad all at once.

Go bore some more with your 'Stockholm' nonsense...


Westboro represents the average Christian as much as the militant Muslim represents their own faith.

The average Christian really doesn't care about gays, only that anti-Christians have made a weapon from the agenda thereof to attack them with.

The average Muslim thinks gays are just typical of a Hell bound society.

You don't understand that Mohammad is their Jesus, and the Quran was directly written by him.
There isn't much to interpret, broseph. It contains law, not passion- there is no liberation, but promise in return for keeping the law.

Separating 'radical Islam' from the rest is really just separating the one's who are trying to kill you from the one's who aren't.

You've never tried to see it for what it is, you simply perpetuate liberal nonsense because that's what you've been brainwashed to do :rolleyes:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The average Christian really doesn't care about gays, only that anti-Christians have made a weapon from the agenda thereof to attack them with.

The average Muslim thinks gays are just typical of a Hell bound society.

You don't understand that Mohammad is their Jesus, and the Quran was directly written by him.
There isn't much to interpret, broseph. It contains law, not passion- there is no liberation, but promise in return for keeping the law.

You've never given any of this thought, you simply perpetuate liberal nonsense because that's what you've been trained to do :rolleyes:

No doofus, I can talk through experience having lived most of my life in multicultural societies and actually engaging with people of different faiths and being surrounded by them. I doubt you've ever had a serious and honest conversation with anyone of a differing belief in actual person to be quite frank. You come across as a guy who gets all his 'info' off the net and doesn't go out to be quite honest. It's where you get all of this 'Stockholm syndrome' nonsense from and boy, do you warp that into a whole load of irrelevance.

You're a Calvinist so it stands to *reason* why you won't call out Westboro for the cranks they are also.


No doofus, I can talk through experience having lived most of my life in multicultural societies and actually engaging with people of different faiths and being surrounded by them. I doubt you've ever had a serious and honest conversation with anyone of a differing belief in actual person to be quite frank. You come across as a guy who gets all his 'info' off the net and doesn't go out to be quite honest. It's where you get all of this 'Stockholm syndrome' nonsense from and boy, do you warp that into a whole load of irrelevance.

You're a Calvinist so it stands to *reason* why you won't call out Westboro for the cranks they are also.

A few centuries ago, the penalty for sodomy was castration (death, essentially). Now gays are sacking marriage ceremonies, doing things like replacing wedding cakes with pizza while they sue cake shops for not wanting to endorse gaydom.

I have lived most of my life in a so called 'multicultural' society (there really is no such thing) as well, you see- or rather not see, a canvas of Jesus sparks national attention while a an entire white family being raped and executed by a group of blacks doesn't get passed local news.

I've talked to many Muslims and they all follow the same narrative- they think Christians don't really even believe in God, and damn if they don't have good reason to assume such- every single 'liberal Christian' is a fraud even by our standard, what in that sheep brain of yours thinks that Muslims see them as anything else :rolleyes:

You DO have Stockholm syndrome- you all perpetuate an underlying idea that white men's interests matter LESS because we did well for ourselves, that we should deal with our culture being invaded because we're just bad people.
You dress it up as 'multiculturalism', but multiculturalism is a sham. It hasn't existed since the dawn of man and, outside of your damn UK people don't really want it- you've all disarmed society, are a stomping ground for Muslims, feminists, and gays- it's a bunch of mice in a snake cage.

The fact is that you all are on the verge of moral collapse due to your liberal fascism, and we're tired of you all trying to tell other countries what they ought to do :wave2:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
A few centuries ago, the penalty for sodomy was castration (death, essentially). Now gays are sacking marriage ceremonies, doing things like replacing wedding cakes with pizza while they sue cake shops for not wanting to endorse gaydom.
You omitted anti-miscegenation laws and the impossible demands some people made to marry across racial lines. :rolleyes:

I have lived most of my life in a so called 'multicultural' society (there really is no such thing) as well, you see- or rather not see, a canvas of Jesus sparks national attention while a an entire white family being raped and executed by a group of blacks doesn't get passed local news.
Particular citation? He loves to do this sort of thing.

I've talked to many Muslims
Sure you have.

and they all follow the same narrative- they think Christians don't really even believe in God, and damn if they don't have good reason to assume such- every single 'liberal Christian' is a fraud even by our standard, what in that sheep brain of yours thinks that Muslims see them as anything else
Anytime someone like Cruc spouts the "every/all" you know he's pulling it whole cloth out of his bias.

You DO have Stockholm syndrome- you all perpetuate an underlying idea that white men's interests matter LESS because we did well for ourselves
I'm as sure some do that as I am most don't and never will. People are far to egocentric and self serving to mostly feel like the victimizer, though some will on nearly any point, from gender to race. In general, people tend to think they're better than they are. We're all the heroes of our narratives, for the most part. Also, the Stockholm Syndrome requires its victims be under the sway and power of the people whom they come to identify with, like Patty Hearst and the SLA. It is typically a stress related response to a frightening situation.

And even in those stressful, endangering situations, the FBI conducted post interviews in a study that found 92% of people within the sort of situation that actually produces the syndrome don't, in fact, find it rooted in their attitude. So, it's largely a sliver of an inordinately dangerous and stressful pie. What Cruc is serving up here repeatedly is something else. Don't swallow it.

You dress it up as 'multiculturalism', but multiculturalism is a sham. It hasn't existed since the dawn of man and, outside of your damn UK people don't really want it- you've all disarmed society, are a stomping ground for Muslims, feminists, and gays- it's a bunch of mice in a snake cage.
I think the measure of paranoid ethnocentrism run amok in that is its own best rebuttal.

The fact is that you all are on the verge of moral collapse due to your liberal fascism
Or maybe it's their tall shortness or their happy sorrows. :plain:

and we're tired of you all trying to tell other countries what they ought to do
See: unithink and the sort of people who buy into it. There's probably even a syndrome. :D


You omitted anti-miscegenation laws and the impossible demands some people made to marry across racial lines. :rolleyes:

It was for the same reason as women not being able to vote or own property- white men didn't want to share what others didn't put in on.

Reasons you believe women should have had those rights:
-Because misogyny

Feminism in a nutshell :rotfl:

Also, the Stockholm Syndrome requires its victims be under the sway and power of the people whom they come to identify with, like Patty Hearst and the SLA. It is typically a stress related response to a frightening situation.



I really need to just find a folder for these images :chuckle:

The fact that your response is not an immediate condemnation of those images is your Stockholm syndrome, bro.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
It was for the same reason as women not being able to vote or own property- white men didn't want to share what others didn't put in on.
A neat trick. Make laws that don't allow full participation then claim the people denied it don't deserve it because they don't fully participate. :plain:

Reasons you believe women should have had those rights:
Equality before the law is the right of every member of the compact living within it.

The fact that your response is not an immediate condemnation of those images
That weren't presented until after my response on your ongoing inability to apparently understand either fascism or the Stockholm Syndrome? That would have been some trick.


Equality before the law is the right of every member of the compact living within it.

So you believe a five year old should be able to vote and own property?

May as well :chuckle:

That weren't presented until after my response on your ongoing inability to apparently understand either fascism or the Stockholm Syndrome? That would have been some trick.

There's a book on liberal fascism. And it was written by a Jew, so it must be right, right? Sort of like if a woman calls something misogynistic :plain:


Not that it's really such a hard concept- liberal fascism is simply Leftist instead of Rightist.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
A few centuries ago, the penalty for sodomy was castration (death, essentially). Now gays are sacking marriage ceremonies, doing things like replacing wedding cakes with pizza while they sue cake shops for not wanting to endorse gaydom.

I have lived most of my life in a so called 'multicultural' society (there really is no such thing) as well, you see- or rather not see, a canvas of Jesus sparks national attention while a an entire white family being raped and executed by a group of blacks doesn't get passed local news.

I've talked to many Muslims and they all follow the same narrative- they think Christians don't really even believe in God, and damn if they don't have good reason to assume such- every single 'liberal Christian' is a fraud even by our standard, what in that sheep brain of yours thinks that Muslims see them as anything else :rolleyes:

You DO have Stockholm syndrome- you all perpetuate an underlying idea that white men's interests matter LESS because we did well for ourselves, that we should deal with our culture being invaded because we're just bad people.
You dress it up as 'multiculturalism', but multiculturalism is a sham. It hasn't existed since the dawn of man and, outside of your damn UK people don't really want it- you've all disarmed society, are a stomping ground for Muslims, feminists, and gays- it's a bunch of mice in a snake cage.

The fact is that you all are on the verge of moral collapse due to your liberal fascism, and we're tired of you all trying to tell other countries what they ought to do :wave2:

You don't even know what 'Stockholm syndrome' even is, else you wouldn't constantly and ludicrously misapply it all over the place.

One can only hope that in a few years time, with some more life experience behind you that you'll look back on your posts here and cringe.
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