Trump Has A Mandate

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... every member of the compact...

from black's:

The Law Dictionary Featuring Black's Law Dictionary Free Online Legal Dictionary 2nd Ed.

What is COMPACT?

An agreement or contract. Usually applied to conventions between nations or sovereign states. A compact is a mutual consent of parties concerned respecting some property or right that is the object of the stipulation, or something that is to be done or forborne.

Law Dictionary: What is COMPACT? definition of COMPACT (Black's Law Dictionary)

what on earth are you raving on about?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I think you would be better-served spending less time blaming your problems on me, and more time trying to figure out why people keep saying the same things to you.

rex - it's the same dopey people saying the same dopey things to him


just like it's the same dopey people calling trump a nazi


You don't even know what 'Stockholm syndrome' even is, else you wouldn't constantly and ludicrously misapply it all over the place.

I know exactly what Stockholm syndrome is, and you all exhibit it the same as those people in the Stockholm bank fool :wave2:
They are taking what isn't theirs and you're saying they should have it.

You can't even agree with a security system being put in place.
Border walls and such.

It's no wonder it's liberals looting everything.

You two just do what you do best and twist things to make them appear differently.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I know exactly what Stockholm syndrome is, and you all exhibit it the same as those people in the Stockholm bank fool :wave2:
They are taking what isn't theirs and you're saying they should have it.

You can't even agree with a security system being put in place.
Border walls and such.

It's no wonder it's liberals looting everything.

You two just do what you do best and twist things to make them appear differently.

No, you don't and you really are just embarrassing yourself here.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
So you believe a five year old should be able to vote and own property?
It's not his right that impedes him, but his competency to enter into contract, to understand the nature of his actions. A five year old can't. Kids well into their teens typically won't, though some can be emancipated, upon a hearing that confers the status of an adult.

Equality before the law begins with an equal treatment. All five year olds have the same restrictions, related to their competency, not race, religion, or gender.

There's a book on liberal fascism.
There's a book on the flat earth.

And it was written by a Jew, so it must be right, right?
It's not unusual for people with racial/stereotype issues to believe everyone thinks as they do.


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I know exactly what Stockholm syndrome is
Nothing in your application suggests it, though I only just told you what it is, so maybe you'll be a bit more judicious in your future attempts.

, and you all exhibit it the same as those people in the Stockholm bank fool
Not demonstrably, which is why you declare instead of apply the term.

They are taking what isn't theirs and you're saying they should have it.
I believe you're in the throes of an Imaginary Syndrome.

It's no wonder it's liberals looting everything.
No, it's criminals who do that and your inability to distinguish between them goes back to that mindset I noted.

You two just do what you do best and twist things to make them appear differently.
To someone with your issues that criticism would apply to a dictionary. :poly:

No, you don't and you really are just embarrassing yourself here.
It's his go-to move.


Nothing in your application suggests it, though I only just told you what it is, so maybe you'll be a bit more judicious in your future attempts.

There are several definitions of it, you went with the one that you think least applies to you and think that's supposed to suffice.
You all defend your captors, actively and by omission- it's as simple as that.

No, it's criminals who do that and your inability to distinguish between them goes back to that mindset I noted.

You don't treat them as criminals. You treat it as "Well, their ancestors were slaves so- you're just racist".

Lying and saying this is not the case, when it is one of the reasons the Right has grown plain sick of you all, just adds insult to injury.

Hillary is a crook, and you defend her the same as you do all other crooks. You see, conspiracies are conspiracies, and cigars are cigars :wave2:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
There are several definitions of it, you went with the one that you think least applies to you and think that's supposed to suffice.
I actually went to a medical dictionary. What did you mine, Wiki?

You all defend your captors, actively and by omission- it's as simple as that.
See, you just used the foundation I noted. But we aren't held in captivity and, again, only around 8% of people who are literally held in psychologically and physically threatening circumstances respond within the parameters of that syndrome to begin with...meaning your sense of movement or some larger business isn't sustainable on a number of fronts.

You don't treat them as criminals.
There's no truth in that, or support for it. It's just you saying something, again.

You treat it as "Well, their ancestors were slaves so- you're just racist".
Nope. Though your racial investment is noted, again.

Lying and saying this is not the case,
Ironically enough, untrue.

Hillary is a crook, and you defend her the same as you do all other crooks.
Not only untrue, I spent a good bit of time trying to convince people to not vote/support her.

You see, conspiracies are conspiracies, and cigars are cigars
And trollish goofballs without foundational support outside of their noggins are still alive and well and trolling the joint, which I see every time you post on race, gender, or abortion.


I actually went to a medical dictionary. What did you mine, Wiki?

Pretty sure medical dictionaries differ, and expound further. Stockholm syndrome is not very complicated in relevance to other psychological paradoxes. Particularly being that's named after a hostage scenario :chuckle:

There's no truth in that, or support for it. It's just you saying something, again.

Having a picture of Jesus on a public wall is more of an unforgivable act than destroying that wall and setting everything on fire behind it.

That's the logic of neo-liberals. You've passionately defended BLM on here more than once despite them being responsible for things that any other organization would have been federally inquired and shut down for.

How is that not Stockholm syndrome, dude :AMR:
How can you seriously differentiate yourselves from the hostages in Stockholm?

You all are really good and simply taking something and calling it something else- it's not criminal, it's racial oppression. You're not defending them, you're just opposing us.

Nonsense, nonsense, and more nonsense. The liberal response is to throw everyone else under the bus to award their self vindication from these people.
Both here and over in the UK, there is a Rightist extremism brewing. Maybe you'll defend them the same :chuckle:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Pretty sure medical dictionaries differ,

Having a picture of Jesus on a public wall is more of an unforgivable act than destroying that wall and setting everything on fire behind it.
Says who? I mean other than you. :rolleyes:

That's the logic of neo-liberals.
It isn't, but thanks for the illustration of a flawed premise.

You've passionately defended BLM on here more than once
I didn't. I've ardently resisted the attempts by some, driven by an irrational and dishonest agenda, to paint it with a thuggish, singular brush. But I recall you from those discussions. Here's one of your gems that made The Wrap:

Originally Posted by Crucible
I aptly applaud anyone who runs over a BLM protester on the highway. You won't be excused like they do, sniping out people, but bravo

A few other racial gems:
There is data out there suggesting black men cannot swim.

They're all white culture :rolleyes: You all put it that way to continue trying to strip white men of their dignity and right to stand up for themselves. It's done blew back in your faces
Nice going, hillbilly Shakespeare.

How is that not Stockholm syndrome, dude
In any number of ways. It's rooted in a distortion, doesn't reflect what you mean for it to and wasn't derived from the agreed foundations of the actual syndrome.

Other than that it's peachy. [/sarcasm]

You all are really good and simply taking something and calling it something else- it's not criminal, it's racial oppression.
I've never done that and you'll never quote me doing it.

You're not defending them, you're just opposing us.
Them...all of them, eh? A part of your ongoing problem. And I oppose irrationality, no matter who proposes it. If you mean by "us" people with your attitude toward race, gender, or abortion, sure. I'll oppose that sort of cancer in anyone and hope to dislodge it.


Here's one of your gems that made The Wrap

"They're all white culture You all put it that way to continue trying to strip white men of their dignity and right to stand up for themselves. It's done blew back in your faces"

Nothing racial there at all. It's called not being a pushover.

"I aptly applaud anyone who runs over a BLM protester on the highway. You won't be excused like they do, sniping out people, but bravo"

Yep, still feel that way to :)
I'm supposed to apologize for people who burn things down and kill people getting ran over?


Guilty by association- you associate with killers, than you'll be treated the same. That's just the natural law of the world, hombre. In fact, that's what drives your BLM- why are you defending them over us?

Oh yeah..

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
"They're all white culture You all put it that way to continue trying to strip white men of their dignity and right to stand up for themselves. It's done blew back in your faces"

Nothing racial there at all. It's called not being a pushover.

"I aptly applaud anyone who runs over a BLM protester on the highway. You won't be excused like they do, sniping out people, but bravo"

Yep, still feel that way to :)
I'm supposed to apologize for people who burn things down and kill people getting ran over?


Guilty by association- you associate with killers, than you'll be treated the same. That's just the natural law of the world, hombre. In fact, that's what drives your BLM- why are you defending them over us?

Oh yeah..

Wow, what an idiot.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
We talked about a lot of stuff when we worked. Your dumb stereotyping is akin to saying all Christians ascribe to the likes of cranks like Phelps' and the Westboro baptist church.

Stop being a dipstick for once dude.

Don't be fooled by the Islamic Agenda. They seek to kill and destroy. They also seek to bring in "Sharia Law." Those who are not followers of Islam are called "Infidels." Christians, Jews, and the U.S. as a whole are considered such. The Muslim name for God is Allah and Allah, according to the Quran has no Son. Muslims deny the Trinity and worship "Another god" other than the God of the Bible. Islam isn't a "Religion of Peace" in fact, it is quite the opposite. God forbid that Christians accept Islamics as brothers. Their "Religion" is another satanic counterfeit.


Islam isn't a "Religion of Peace"

They seek to obtain peace by rendering or killing all who they deem against Allah.
That's the kit and kaboodle of it- and what a lot of people don't seem to understand.

They've turned beheading into an art- that blade is probably worth more than the computer you're reading this on :rolleyes:


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
"They're all white culture You all put it that way to continue trying to strip white men of their dignity and right to stand up for themselves. It's done blew back in your faces"

Nothing racial there at all.
That explains a great deal about you. :plain:

It's called not being a pushover.
You're a lot like the woman who insisted she wasn't a racist after describing the First Lady with "Monkey face".

"I aptly applaud anyone who runs over a BLM protester on the highway. You won't be excused like they do, sniping out people, but bravo"

Yep, still feel that way to :)
That's your problem. You feel your way through life and confuse it with thinking.

I'm supposed to apologize for people who burn things down and kill people getting ran over?
You should apologize for the idiocy of even suggesting that everyone associated with the movement does anything of the sort. Then, of course, for encouraging criminal behavior in response.

Guilty by association- you associate with killers, than you'll be treated the same.
Most serial killers are white. You're white. You associate with white people. You should be treated like a serial killer. Same "logic".

That's just the natural law of the world, hombre
Only the racist, irrational part of it...but I repeat myself.

In fact, that's what drives your BLM- why are you defending them over us?
Them and us. You sad, troll or racist. That's not how it works.

Oh yeah..
Still haven't gotten your noggin wrapped around that one yet either.
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