Trump Has A Mandate

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Grosnick Marowbe

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Even after reading this, I am still having an extremely hard time understanding how anyone who believes in Jesus Christ could have supported Trump or celebrate elevation to President. I can't think of a political personality in US history more antithetical to the person of Jesus Christ than is D. Trump. He based his entry into conservative politics by forcefully lying (bearing false witness) against the current President and kicked off his campaign by rejecting the least of our neighbors (those have neither the legal protections of citizenship nor the even the cover of legal status). It seems to me that by basing his campaign on the rejection of the "least of my brothers," Trump founded that campaign on the rejection of Jesus Christ. Please explain how someone who calls him or herself by Jesus name could support that?

Perhaps it's you who has the problem? What church or denomination are you affiliated with?


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Hall of Fame
What else was it? I've heard this before but with no good examples- as far as I'm concerned, there's not a single thing liberals have not tried to attach those labels to in everything opposed to what they want :rolleyes:
As one example, his temperament.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
College students being irresponsible with their class choices is not something anyone should have to pay for except their own selves.
That, again, having nothing at all to do with your assertion that every liberal complaint and concern can be reduced to a common root and slathered in cries of "racism, sexism or xenophobia" to use kmo's sum. I don't care what you think about it, the fact remains that it (and other issues I could trot out) aren't covered by your litmus, the one you insist is found in every liberal complaint. So, once again you're wrong on a point.

Insanity is defending those spoiled whiners over hard working men getting the shaft in rural America
Rather, insanity is making a claim, being rationally refuted in a way that doesn't allow for discussion (supra) and rebroadcasting the claim again. Well, there are other options, but it's close to Christmas.


That, again, having nothing at all to do with your assertion that every liberal complaint and concern can be reduced to a common root and slathered in cries of "racism, sexism or xenophobia" to use kmo's sum. I don't care what you think about it, the fact remains that it (and other issues I could trot out) aren't covered by your litmus, the one you insist is found in every liberal complaint. So, once again you're wrong on a point.

But you aren't stating issues, you're stating imagined ones. Someone going to college, taking classes that somehow lead them to the conclusion that every white person is a bigot, not getting an education in a realistic field, and then demanding those white bigots pay for it is ridiculous.
Going around crying and breaking things after the election is ridiculous.

Leave it to liberals to defend the indefensible- for every college student who ends up in a dead end job, it's natural justice- it's their own crap flying right back and pieing in their face.
You should really stop encouraging them.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Even after reading this, I am still having an extremely hard time understanding how anyone who believes in Jesus Christ could have supported Trump or celebrate elevation to President. I can't think of a political personality in US history more antithetical to the person of Jesus Christ than is D. Trump. He based his entry into conservative politics by forcefully lying (bearing false witness) against the current President and kicked off his campaign by rejecting the least of our neighbors (those have neither the legal protections of citizenship nor the even the cover of legal status). It seems to me that by basing his campaign on the rejection of the "least of my brothers," Trump founded that campaign on the rejection of Jesus Christ. Please explain how someone who calls him or herself by Jesus name could support that?
Then there's the problem of his no and yes not being no and yes, or a "witness" to being a Christian that entails answering "Who do you believe Jesus is?" with:

"Somebody I can revere in terms of bravery and in terms of courage and, because I consider the Christian religion so important, somebody I can totally rely on in my own mind."

Or reducing the need for repentance to communion, describing it:
"[w]hen I drink my little wine -- which is about the only wine I drink -- and have my little cracker, I guess that is a form of asking for forgiveness, and I do that as often as possible because I feel cleansed."

When Cal Thomas tried his best to frame Trump palatably for the evangelical right by repeatedly attempting to get Trump to answer on "Who is Christ?" and to question him on not asking for forgiveness (or regularly involving God in his considerations) it was to no avail.

Trump called Jesus someone he could admire for bravery and forgiveness something he "will be asking for" but not much. Because?


After months of reflection, Donald Trump says he still doesn't regret his decision not to ask God for forgiveness for his sins.

"I like to be good. I don't like to have to ask for forgiveness. And I am good. I don't do a lot of things that are bad. I try to do nothing that is bad."

As witness goes, as an apparent of the essential tenets of Christianity go, Trump is a trainwreck.

And that's outside of his sexual misconduct, from the alleged to the admitted.


New member
You're not much of an optimist, are ya?

Why would I be optimistic because the authoritarian taking power has a little "R" instead of a little "D?" Your problem is that you think the issue is WHO is at the head of the system. It isn't. The problem is the system. The problem is having a handful of people ruling over 350 million people.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
But you aren't stating issues, you're stating imagined ones.
No, that's been a stump point for Sanders and many of the Democrats. But feel free to keep demonstrating why even your challenges reduce to phony declarations. It's all to the good.


No, that's been a stump point for Sanders and many of the Democrats. But feel free to keep demonstrating why even your challenges reduce to phony declarations. It's all to the good.

Turning America into a socialist state is not liberalism, it is socialism. Didn't you all stress that point?
So, why are they all identifying as liberals and desiring socialism?

Socialism pays the tuition, you see. That's why they wanted Sanders. They are striving moochers who don't have a budget outside of Starbucks, booze, and chukka boots.

They are all big babies. Only in this age can a person be over 20 years old and be protesting about safe spaces and imagined terrors. It's something to expect in a high school, not in cities and colleges.

The supreme irony is that you don't see areas that are unsafe calling for safe spaces- it's students in safe spaces calling for safe spaces.
Just like high school, you see :chuckle:

Nobody should care who they want for president, they are still children dude- half their parents are probably Trump supporters who feel like their kids have been made hippies :rolleyes:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
We'll differ given how those comments and others like them illustrated a temperament and character that are the foundation of the president-elect.

sez the man who voted for a candidate who illustrated his temperament and character by voting to allow the murder of children "accidentally" born alive

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It's the part I heard, what do you think the "parts of his message" are in order of largeness?

i was going to ask something similar - is there some kind of official ranking or is this just a typical "this is my opinion and I'll defend it to the death" type of crap that characterizes tol lately?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Turning America into a socialist state is not liberalism, it is socialism.
While not every liberal is a socialist, every socialist is necessarily liberal, assuming the point.

That, again, having nothing at all to do with your assertion that every liberal complaint and concern can be reduced to a common root and slathered in cries of "racism, sexism or xenophobia" to use kmo's sum. I don't care what you think about it, the fact remains that it (and other issues I could trot out) aren't covered by your litmus, the one you insist is found in every liberal complaint. So, once again you're wrong on a point. .

Liberals have been talking about this for a while and none of it meets your ham-fisted attempt at pigeon holing them into a few neat categories of complaint in route to rote dismissal.

Socialism pays the tuition, you see. That's why they wanted Sanders. They are striving moochers who don't have a budget outside of Starbucks, booze, and chukka boots.
Most places train their employees, in essence paying for the expertise they utilize to make a profit, at least until the cost of that training becomes significant. Then they expect the employee to eat the debt. That's ridiculous (and one rebuttal to the moocher business).

They are all big babies. Only in this age can a person be over 20 years old and be protesting about safe spaces and imagined terrors. It's something to expect in a high school, not in cities and colleges.
Thanks for illustrating my earlier point about your conformist, myopic approach to the most complex creature in creation. I omit the rest of your effort to toss enough sand (well, something much darker and more odious, but it's nearly Christmas) into the air to distract from the point you lost then put your eye out with. :)


New member
That's not a zero sum game, the spending and the Taxes.
Taxes are a percentage of how much the economy does. If you expand the economy you can have more tax revenue even with a lower tax rate.

Tax cuts have a very limited stimulative potential in conditions nothing like what we have right now. Specifically, when there is a short-term, systemic liquidity crisis, some sort of tax cut can inject cash into the economy to get things moving again. Apart from that, many of the things that business can do that actually results in economic activity are at least partially deductible. The tax system is mostly designed to tax the profits, so cutting taxes has the impact mostly of making investments more profitable without really creating any avenue of growth.

The reason I say that they will have virtually nil impact right now is that there isn't a shortage of investment capital. If anything, there's a shortage of investment opportunity, and tax cuts don't do a thing to address that limitation directly. But saying that, there's actually been some good growth in the last year or two, so I list that only as a relative problem. I think the more fundamental problem is that innovation in our economy has left some members of our society behind. Short of just giving them money, I don't know what the solution to that problem is.

Worse yet, Trump's announced tax plan is almost entirely going to the richest people. If you make about $100,000, you get about 1% tax cut. And the lowest wage earners will actually see a tax hike if enacted as stated so far. So, it's almost a pure transfer of tax burden from the poor to the rich. So, it really is "trickle-down on steroids", enhancing rather than ameliorating the structural problems with our economy, giving money from the already poor to the already rich.

This experiment has actually been tried by Republicans repeatedly. Can you point to a case where tax cuts have lead to increased revenue?
What's your biggest fear about The Donald?

So many. I think the biggest is that he's going to turn the government into a kleptocratic client state of Russia with actually rigged elections, like Ukraine under Yanukoych. Also high on my list, the potential for a new nuclear arms race and possible nuclear exchange, given that Putin and Trump seem to have little respect for the lives of civilians, the possibility of defaulting on the debt as he proposed, which would probably instantly explode the deficit and could lead to a catastrophic collapse of the dollar, the chance he could abandon our NATO allies to Russian invasion. The chance of some sort of Hitlarian purge of political opponents and immigrants.
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Thanks for illustrating my earlier point about your conformist, myopic approach to the most complex creature in creation. I omit the rest of your effort to toss enough sand (well, something much darker and more odious, but it's nearly Christmas) into the air to distract from the point you lost then put your eye out with. :)

University students, and particularly the females, are the most privileged people on the planet. They are all upper-middle or better, who have never experienced enough of the real world to handle something offensive within it.

Meanwhile, in rural America, men are working sweat to brow every day in their blue collar jobs to make a living, and they are all being demonized by these privileged people WHILE THEY GET IT FROM MINORITIES.

Trump's election is what this country needed, especially being that you all have the NERVE to talk about 'whats fair'.
I think you spent to much time in the courtroom to concede to anything, that's why you can't get off your technical shtick :rolleyes:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
University students, and particularly the females, are the most privileged people on the planet.
Americans are among the most privileged people in the world. The educated are among the most empowered, but the female bit is just you being a doofus again.

They are all upper-middle or better,
Well, no. Pell Grants, a significant force for good on large numbers of campuses, are largely given to students with parents whose income is under 20k. It's also why the majority of college students graduate carrying student debt.

Meanwhile, in rural America, men are working sweat to brow every day in their blue collar jobs to make a living, and they are all being demonized by these privileged people WHILE THEY GET IT FROM MINORITIES.
Nothing less compelling than an angry, ignorant white man blaming his worries on minorities. How utterly ineffectual that race would have to be were the complaint true, instead of merely race baiting crap.

Trump's election is what this country needed, especially being that you all have the NERVE to talk about 'whats fair'.
There's that lump sum thinking again...or the capstone of the whole troll thing you have going. For your sake I'll continue to hope its the latter.

I think you spent to much time in the courtroom to concede to anything,
And you've spent too little time in a classroom to understand why that's funny.

that's why you can't get off your technical shtick
The truth isn't a technicality.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Why would I be optimistic because the authoritarian taking power has a little "R" instead of a little "D?" Your problem is that you think the issue is WHO is at the head of the system. It isn't. The problem is the system. The problem is having a handful of people ruling over 350 million people.

Your problems are so numerous there's no sense mentioning them.


Americans are among the most privileged people in the world. The educated are among the most empowered, but the female bit is just you being a doofus again.

Certain Americans are the most privileged- America's poster boys and girls- the one's Muslims try to kill :rolleyes:

Well, no. Pell Grants, a significant force for good on large numbers of campuses, are largely given to students with parents whose income is under 20k. It's also why the majority of college students graduate carrying student debt.

Let's leave community colleges out of it, where people put their money into making a living and not marching on basic, everyday human nature :wave2:

Nothing less compelling than an angry, ignorant white man blaming his worries on minorities. How utterly ineffectual that race would have to be were the complaint true, instead of merely race baiting crap.

Sorry, but there is nothing comparable to finding human nature so offensive that one must march on it. Pretty much just damns the whole matter with them :chuckle:
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