Trump Has A Mandate

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
and changing his mind on a full repeal of Obamacare on day one?

Gingrich saying that making Mexico pay for the wall was just a great campaign device?

Republican leaders saying they aren't sure they can actually expand the coal industry meaningfully?

No actual mass deportation, only convicted criminals who are illegals (which is good, at any rate)?

Likely only renegotiating the Iran treaty?

Why does he talk more about the price of fighter jets than the national debt?

He isn't dismantling Obama's terrible czars who weren't elected, he's just replacing them with his own.

Point is, Pandora's Box is harder to close than people realize.

that box was opened loooong ago

in terms of our system of government, i don't think it was ever unopened :idunno:


New member
I disagree, people like McCain and Rand Paul won't be yes sirs to him. Republicans don't have so big a majority that they can afford any resistance in their own party.

I wish that McCain would go away. I don't have a problem with Rand Paul. It is clear that much of what Trump wants to do requires Congressional action.


New member
I wish that McCain would go away. I don't have a problem with Rand Paul. It is clear that much of what Trump wants to do requires Congressional action.

It does require congress play along indeed. I mean, Trump isn't a king. If people would read his book, "The America We Deserve" , then they'd have more of an idea what he is about minus all the pomp and circumstance surrounding him. Time will tell.


Well-known member
You're one of those who calls evil good and good, evil. Isaiah 5:20 "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"

I would say the same to you.

I voted for Trump and am happy with my decision.

Are you happy with this?


Spray painted on a church.

Source and other incidents

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Looks like the work of a leftist secular humanist to me... do you believe this was the work of a Trump supporter?

alateone seems to think that every single instance of retarded behavior should reflect badly on all trump supporters

it's that "liberalism is a mental disorder" thing at work, i'm afraid


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Yep, she doesn't understand the secular humanist crowd she runs with (leftists) are an intolerant, sometimes violent we have seen.


Well-known member
Looks like the work of a leftist secular humanist to me... do you believe this was the work of a Trump supporter?

It's always about denial isn't it? My side can't have done these bad things, it's gotta be those evil "leftists". When are you going to wake up and realize Trump has emboldened the worst elements of the right in this country. By winning, you told the country that Trump's racism and misogyny were okay. People have a hard time understanding that winning elections doesn't make you morally right.

There are hundreds of examples of this kind of thing across the country, and yes most are likely from actual Trump supporters. Sometimes they're even nice enough to make a video of them.


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
town demonstrates his inanility to refrain from trolling me by responding to my comment to artie:
Your sincerity is only outmatched by your spelling. One post that wasn't meant for me to underscore my rebuttal of one that was, set against the weight of threads, posts, your signature and habit, which in sum have had you banned and barred.

Funny fellow. And here's my Christmas present to me then. That's the last of you at all until after it. :D

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It's always about denial isn't it? My side can't have done these bad things, it's gotta be those evil "leftists". When are you going to wake up and realize Trump has emboldened the worst elements of the right in this country. By winning, you told the country that Trump's racism and misogyny were okay. People have a hard time understanding that winning elections doesn't make you morally right.

There are hundreds of examples of this kind of thing across the country, and yes most are likely from actual Trump supporters. Sometimes they're even nice enough to make a video of them.

not sure what you're looking for here ala :idunno:

sure, there's some real jerks who support trump

i suspect one could say the same about the other side :idunno:
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