Fine, fine, you win. (He used scripture, it was super effective!)
I grew up in a Christian home and was learning Bible verses from an early age. John 3:16, Revelation 3:20, II Chronicles 16:9 among others. Between the ages of three and four I had a dream in which I was killed. I woke up terrified and asked my mother what I should do. She explained the sinner's prayer and I prayed it. Now, this was a 3 year old's understanding of what it meant to be a Christian, which boiled down to I get to go to heaven when I die because I believe in Jesus. I had several other "walking down the aisle" type events because as a youngster I wanted to be sure the first one would "stick". I attended a Christian school up until 6th grade so I learned a tremendous amount of scripture and expanded my views on what it meant to be a Christian. There have been many ups and downs in my walk with Christ through my life but I currently have a church home and a Christian husband. But the essence of my faith has always been the same, that Christ is the mediator between sinful man and a Holy God and belief in him is the only way to a relationship with God and salvation. And a correct understanding of that relationship should give every human being humility and love towards God and fellow human beings.
I see the exact opposite of all of the qualities a Christian should have in Trump which is what angers me seeing so many Christians voted for him.
Happy now?