To Those Who Think Adulterers, Homosexuals, Fornicators etc...

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
do you think that God can do anything that isn't just?

as i've said before, He had plans for David

apparently He had different plans for David's child


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In regard David, he lived his salvation and in relation to his sin he was able to write: "Blessed is the man unto whom Yah Veh imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile".
Thank goodness, or we would all be doomed if we relied on obeying the letter of the law.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Was God "just" when He killed little children and babies?

yes, by definition

do i fully understand it?


does it keep me awake at night?



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when God "does" mercy, grace and forgiveness, is there any possibility that it would be unjust?
Answer that yourself by asking if obeying the letter of the law is always the right thing to do.
Keep in mind that the law is not of faith. (Gal 3:12)


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do you believe that God is restrained by the letter of the law?
I don't believe GOD or man is restrained by the letter of the law.
If it is justice you require for your sins instead of mercy then you are doomed as all would be that have ever disobeyed one single jot or tittle of the law.
Justice is merited, mercy is not.


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you're bouncing all over the place here :dizzy:
The priest disobeyed the just law.
Was it just or merciful for the priest to disobey the law and feed the hungry men the temple shewbread?


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then you're an anarchist :idunno:
I think there is a time and place for all --- a time for law & justice and a time for mercy & forgiveness..
The question will always be which one will you choose to perform.

tam, you really have to stop conflating salvific law and civil law

it makes you bounce all over the place

my interest in this discussion is civil law and civil law only
Breaking the Mosaic law of the shewbread was civil law, not salvation.
The priest had a choice, obey the letter of the law or show mercy.
You have the same choice.


I know ... it includes offenses that maliciously destroy the lives of others.

Then you're just repeating yourself. You're emotionally compelled to play at god..."Go straight to hell, don't pass go, don't collect your $200 (i.e. chance to repent)".

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I think there is a time and place for all --- a time for law & justice and a time for mercy & forgiveness..
The question will always be which one will you choose to perform.

if i'm a cop, i enforce the civil law

if i'm a judge, i deliver justice according to the civil law

if i'm a judge and i ignore the civil law and release perverts and criminals back into society on the basis of "mercy" and "forgiveness", then i deserve to be removed from my post

in interpersonal relationships, i can choose to perform mercy and forgiveness

Breaking the Mosaic law of the shewbread was civil law...

doesn't apply to today's world, unless you want to re-create priests/temples/etc