ok doser
lifeguard at the cement pond
So much for benevolence! :idunno:
i don't believe that benovolence is a necessary attribute of God
So much for benevolence! :idunno:
are you aware of how much of a jerk you're being when you do this?
i don't believe that benovolence is a necessary attribute of God
The priest disobeyed the just law.
Was it just or merciful for the priest to disobey the law and feed the hungry men the temple shewbread?
Apparently. Sad though, you view Him as such.
infantile though, you view it otherwise
ok, sometimes people are unaware of the appearance of their behavior for many reasons, including autism, tiredness, etc.
looks like in your case it's just 'cause you're a jerk :idunno:
Was it just or merciful for the priest to disobey the law and feed the hungry men the temple shewbread?
It applied at the time it happened.doesn't apply to today's world, unless you want to re-create priests/temples/etc
Fear of what?neither
it was fear
So one doesn't need to go by the law to be merciful and just.i would say that it was merciful of God not to strike dead both David and Ahimelech
and just
Fear of what?
...Ahimelech was afraid at the meeting of David...
So one doesn't need to go by the law to be merciful and just.
How 'bout that!
It applied at the time it happened.
So was it just or unjust to disobey the law at that time?
Again, as a reminder ........
The just shall live by faith.
The law is not of faith.
So one doesn't need to go by the law to be merciful and just.
I'm asking about the shewbread being eaten which was disobedience to the law.it was unjust of david, of Ahimelech and of saul
Salvitic is not the issue of eating the shewbread, so we can certainly discuss that.again, as a reminder - i'm not interested in discussing salvific issues
Then live by law and show no mercy or forgiveness.or in confusing civil law with faith or mercy or forgiveness
I'm not GOD.not if one is God
are you God?
Can you say that killing a baby in the womb is right since it is ok by civil law?can you give mercy and forgiveness to Stephen M. Howells II and Nicole Vaisey?
can you tell the NYS justice system that it was wrong to sentence them to life in prison for kidnapping and molesting children?
I'm asking about the shewbread being eaten which was disobedience to the law.
Then live by law ...
I'm not GOD.
Neither was David and the priest.
Can you say that killing a baby in the womb is right since it is ok by civil law?
You see, Doser, no matter which way you go with this, there is always the flip-side to the coin.