To Those Who Think Adulterers, Homosexuals, Fornicators etc...


Hall of Fame
You actually surprised me with your position on this, considering how liberal you are in many of your other positions. I do understand your line of thinking, and I’m not totally against what you’re saying. However, I’m a firm believer that if it is possible for someone to reform and redeem themselves, they should be given that chance.

When it comes to things such as abortion and protecting children and adults from sexual assault and violence I am extremely conservative. I don't see anyone who molests or rapes a child as someone as deserving of living their life freely because they have committed such an atrocious crime. It's up to them to see the error of their ways, ask for forgiveness and make his/her peace with God and the family of the victim.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
When it comes to things such as abortion and protecting children and adults from sexual assault and violence I am extremely conservative. I don't see anyone who molests or rapes a child as someone as deserving of living their life freely because they have committed such an atrocious crime. It's up to them to see the error of their ways, ask for forgiveness and make his/her peace with God and the family of the victim.
Conservative is the wrong way to describe this stance. You're not seeking to conserve current standards. To be accurate, you'd be right-wing.

Or just "right."


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
If justice is served by stoning to death adulterers according to the law, then justice was not served for King David according to the law.
And King David broke the law both physically and of the heart (lusting after another man's wife).


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
ok :idunno:

prolly too late to dig him up at this point
Dig him up???
Is that supposed to be another example of your "rational discussion"?
He was alive when he was guilty of adultery.
Why wasn't he stoned to death?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Dig him up???

yes, prolly too late to do that

Is that supposed to be another example of your "rational discussion"?

yes, it was a humorous attempt to respond to your silly statement

sorry you missed that :idunno:

He was alive when he was guilty of adultery.

yes he was :thumb:

Why wasn't he stoned to death?

good question

what do you think?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
and so we return to your statement:
If justice is served by stoning to death adulterers according to the law...

/full stop

justice is not served by stoning to death adulterers according to the law if it is contrary to God's will

this is why i responded humourously

because strawman

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Perhaps it was to demonstrate mercy instead of law.
A concept some are void of when they are sticklers for the letter of the law.
What do you think?

Add compassion, basic human understanding and empathy to that as well. Reading the legalists on here is on par with a chick tract at times.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
justice is not served by stoning to death adulterers according to the law if it is contrary to God's will
How do you determine when it is contrary to GOD's will to stone an adulterer to death per the law?


For me I guess I have to conclude that sex before marriage is not always adultery punishable by death even though I grew up with marriage being between one man and one woman, such that sex before marriage is either adultery being sex with another man's wife or adultery sex with someone who may become someone else's wife (spouse) to be even if there is no engagement / betrothal that has taken place. Being Jewish now I understand that there may be a penalty for this sex and that two people may become married after rape if she will accept him (consensual sex outside of marriage). But then if she does not accept him does the rapist go free if it was consensual or does the rapist get punished?


When it comes to things such as abortion and protecting children and adults from sexual assault and violence I am extremely conservative. I don't see anyone who molests or rapes a child as someone as deserving of living their life freely because they have committed such an atrocious crime. It's up to them to see the error of their ways, ask for forgiveness and make his/her peace with God and the family of the victim.
They can't do that if they're dead.
(RE: post #33)