This is what emboldened white supremacists look like


like marbles on glass
Stormers and the Alt-Right

Long before it adopted the motto describing itself as “America’s #1 Most-Trusted Republican News Source,” The Daily Stormer billed itself as “The Most Visited Alt-Right Web Site.” That was a reference to the so-called “alternative right,” a sort of kinder, gentler rebranding of white supremacy for public relations purposes that has picked up a great deal of steam in the last year.

The Alt-Right is fundamentally about the idea that societies and nations should be based on race, an old mainstay of the radical right. But most of its self-described activists tend to avoid neo-Nazi imagery and Klan robes, preferring to paint themselves as real intellectuals seeking to solve real problems.

Not Andrew Anglin. He specializes in a kind of sophomoric and repulsive humor about topics like the Holocaust. He styles himself a “general,” ordering his Stormer Troll Army into dirty campaigns meant to frighten enemies with threats and insults, often accompanied by publication of their personal information.

But he also sees himself as a guardian of the Alt-Right name. In March 2016, Breitbart published “An Establishment Conservative’s Guide to the Alt-Right,” by Breitbart tech editors Allum Bokhari and Milo Yiannopoulos. The story whitewashed the racism at the core of the movement, enraging Anglin.

“Basically, they claim that everything the alt-right says it believes they don’t actually believe, but simply say they believe as part of a joke to [tick] off feminists and Black Lives activists,” he wrote in response. “This is not the exact opposite of what’s actually happening, but it is close enough.”

Regardless of these internecine squabbles, the Alt-Right received enormous publicity last year, especially after an August speech by Clinton that lambasted Trump for failing to disavow his support in that movement. One result of Trump’s apparent sympathy for the Alt-Right and Anglin’s adoption of the label was that The Daily Stormer got even more mainstream attention.

Three days before the election, Anglin tried to repay the debt. Announcing “Operation No Survivors,” he implored readers to vote for Trump. The goal was for each of his alleged 100,000 readers from the United States to convince five other people to vote for the man Anglin calls “Glorious Leader.” The comment section of Anglin’s Election Day story detailing followers’ efforts to get out the vote reached a total of some 3,000 posts, thick with racist and anti-Semitic memes.

On July 18, 2016, The Daily Stormer officially surpassed Stormfront’s traffic totals, making it the most popular English-language radical right website in the world. Andrew Anglin had successfully used computer and communications savvy, rising right-wing populism, the Trump phenomenon, and his own signature vulgarity and aggressiveness to displace Don Black, for years arguably the radical right’s most longstanding and respected cyber-leader. Few had seen it coming.​


Well-known member
Propelled by the Trump campaign and a new focus on the 'alt-right,' the Daily Stormer is now the top hate site in America.

The celebrations at The Daily Stormer began early on Nov. 9, just hours after the presidential election was called for Donald Trump. And Andrew Anglin, the neo-Nazi who started the website in 2013, was in full-on arsonist mode.

“Female Hajis Fear to Wear the Headtowel in Public After Trump Win — You Should Yell at Them,” read one of the first post-election headlines written by Anglin that day. “Fear,” he wrote below. “Now is the time for it. We want these people to feel unwanted. We want them to feel that everything around them is against them. And we want them to be afraid.”

“This was not a presidential Election,” Anglin added. “It was a referendum on the international Jewish agenda. And the biggest part of that agenda is multiculturalism.”

Anglin and his confederates had plenty of reasons to celebrate. The man Anglin had endorsed 17 months earlier, in the wake of Trump’s out-of-the-gate description of Mexican immigrants as rapists and drug dealers, had won, shocking the entire American political establishment.

The campaign that preceded that victory, with its dog whistles to the racist right, had helped propel Anglin and his movement into public consciousness.

Just three months earlier, The Daily Stormer had moved into the real world from cyberspace, setting up a “Troll Army” of activists who follow Anglin’s lead in the vicious online harassment of enemies of his movement.

And in July, four months before Trump’s win, The Daily Stormer had become the most popular English-language website of the radical right, eclipsing the Stormfront site that had held that position since the early days of the Internet.

“We won, brothers,” Anglin wrote a few hours after Hillary Clinton conceded. “Our Glorious Leader has ascended to God Emperor. Make no mistake about it: we did this. If it were not for us, it wouldn’t have been possible.”

The very next day, a new banner went up atop the site: “Andrew Anglin’s The Daily Stormer, ‘America’s #1 Most-Trusted Republican News Source,’ First in Facts — First in Integrity!” Bracketing the site’s new “Republican” masthead were photos of former President Ronald Reagan and President-elect Donald J. Trump.​
Wow, another website run by an idiot who has much a following within the political sphere as daffy duck.

Sent from my SM-G920V using TOL mobile app

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Typical leftist ploy where they call out a fringe group and say this covers all Trump supporters..idiots I tell ya..
Which will be an answer if she ever does that. I have noticed this tactic on the right. Take any particular unpleasant portrayal of any part of it as a blanket condemnation, so they can bring on the ever popular unreasonable persecution effect.

the horror! :noway:

he should definitely be stabbed in the eye with a fork
Which would be a great rebuttal for someone actually trying to make either point that wasn't attempted. :plain:

cleansing america of criminal blacks would be a good thing?
Way to step up and take one for the teaming.
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New member
The political correctness movement came out of the work of the Transformational Marxist Frankfurt School on the correlates of the "Authoritarian Personality." They were interested in studying the personality traits of the potential fascist.

Theodore W. Adorno, 1903-1969, was a member of the Marxist Frankfurt School who migrated to the U.S. in the thirties after the Nazis took over Germany. He was given a position at the University of California at Berkeley where he and his crew of American psychologists produced the research which is the basis for the book, The Authoritarian Personality of 1950, by Adorno and others.

A large number of personality-social psychology grad students read the research that came out of The Authoritarian Personality and many contributed to the research, using Adorno's F Scale to measure the extent to which people had an authoritarian personality.

At first the Adorno group at Berkeley wanted to find the correlates of the Anti-Semitic personality. But they changed the wording to the correlates of the Authoritarian Personality. The California F-scale, a paper and pencil questionnaire, created in 1947, was meant to measure the Authoritarian Personality, the tendency to support fascism.

The potentially fascist personality was also racist, in the eyes of the Frankfurt School Marxists.

Adorno et al claimed to measure the Authoritarian Personality and not just Right Wing Authoritarian Personality. And they tended to believe that a high score on their F Scale indicated mental illness,

Soon, however, Milton Rokeach published his 1960 book, The Open and Closed Mind, and reported on studies he and others did using his new Dogmatism Scale. Rokeach was critical of Adorno and his crew for using bad methodology in claiming to measure the "Authoritarian Personality" because Rokeach knew that there was also a Left Wing Authoritarian Personality.

This insight and finding by Rokeach has much relevance for the very dogmatic and authoritarian Marxist Left of today in its conflict with the Patriot-Populists and Alternative Media. It turns out that contemporary Marxist Leftists and the Feminists are highly authoritarian, which Rokeach called dogmatism.

One theoretical and methodological flaw in the work of the Marxist Adorno in the late forties and early fifties on the correlates of the fascist or authoritarian personality was that he and his team at Berkeley assumed that there was only a right-wing type of authoritarianism or dogmatism, and that there could be no left wing authoritarianism or dogmatism. This assumption made the work of Adorno and his Berkeley crew more propaganda than social science.

But this research flaw did not prevent Adorno's work on prejudice, anti-semitism and the traits of the fascist and racist personality from developing into political correctness as a movement to weaken and finally do away with the culture of the West which was not vulnerable to Soviet style Bolshevism.

"Once the earthly family is discovered to be the secret of the
heavenly family, the former must be destroyed (annihilated), in theory
and in practice." Karl Marx, Feuerbach Thesis #4

Theodore W. Adorno said
that Christianity and the family both cause fascism and must be done away
with. The family in the West is made up of small groups, but when it was
cohesive as small groups under the father, the family made conformity to a
collectivist regime less likely. This is why Marx himself said the family
must be destroyed in theory and in practice.

Biblical Christianity also supported the culture of the West which made a communist style takeover by conventional Bolshevism unlikely. The West had to be taken over gradually by Transformational Marxism. Elements of the culture which raised up and supported the individual with individual rights had to be destroyed.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
He said that the reason he thought the judge was unable to be fair to him was that "he's Mexican" and "I'm (Trump) building a wall". How is that not questioning the judge's ability to do his job based upon his perceived race?

perhaps because his questioning of the judge's ability to do his job is based upon his perceived bias?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
the judge's bias, in this case, is rooted in his racial identity

but that doesn't make trump's recognition of the bias racist


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You can criticize a person without mentioning their race. The fact that race was the only thing Trump cited as his reason for believing that Judge Curiel was biased against him suggests that it was a merely race-based attack.

Mexican isn't a race.


New member
the judge's bias, in this case, is rooted in his racial identity

but that doesn't make trump's recognition of the bias racist

So you say, but what bias was shown? He's never been specific. He launched a racial theory without telling anyone what it was supposed to be explaining. You think there's bias because you like Trump, but you can't say what the bias was. For that reason, I default to assuming that it is exactly what it appears to be: a race-based assault on the legitimacy of the judiciary.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Let's turn this around. Why do you think white supremacists like him so much?

He's going to deport the Illegals. 60% of which are from Mexico.
And in Mexico 90% are Indigenous or mixed:
The Mexican racial breakdown is officially presented as 9% white, 60% Mestizo (Indigenous-European hybrid), 30% Indigenous, and 1% other. The Mestizaje (mixture) of Indians and Spaniards is the principal fact of Mexican racial history.

So what?