This is what emboldened white supremacists look like


Well-known member
Certain police depts. have issues, I agree. And they need to be dealt with....

And I agree certain policies affect the black community more so than others....

But to blame whitey for all their problems isn't right either.


New member
Why White-Nationalist Thugs Thrill to Trump

What drew me to spend an otherwise pleasant Saturday afternoon among a group of white supremacists was the buzz that Donald Trump’s then-nascent presidential campaign had stirred within the movement. Trump’s politics of resentment thrives on a sort of coded groupthink — namely, white groupthink.

Whether Trump himself, in his heart of hearts, is racist is almost beside the point. Like demagogues throughout history, he is taking advantage of an adverse economic and political situation and playing to the populace’s most sordid fears in furtherance of a lust for power. Conservative intellectuals, who like to think of themselves as immune to groupthink, have been flabbergasted at his rise. That has been all to the amusement of NPI director Richard Spencer, a former editor of The American Conservative whose drift into the fever swamps of racial politics apparently became too much even for Pat Buchanan and Taki Theodoracopulos to stomach. Although it was months before Trump would cynically dodge questions about former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke’s endorsement of his campaign, the well-coiffed racists at the Press Club were giddy about Trump’s nativist rhetoric and policy proposals; Spencer described him as an “icebreaker” in the discussion of identitarian issues.

. . . .
And you give this article credibility? Why


Well-known member
The Black Community and Crime
By Walter E. Williams
January 11, 2017

The FBI reported that the total number of homicides in 2015 was 15,696. Blacks were about 52 percent of homicide victims. That means about 8,100 black lives were ended violently, and over 90 percent of the time, the perpetrator was another black. Listening to the news media and the Black Lives Matter movement, one would think that black deaths at the hands of police are the major problem. It turns out that in 2015, police across the nation shot and killed 986 people. Of that number, 495 were white (50 percent), 258 were black (26 percent) and 172 Hispanic (17 percent). A study of 2,699 fatal police killings between 2013 and 2015, conducted by John R. Lott Jr. and Carlisle E. Moody of the Crime Prevention Research Center, demonstrates that the odds of a black suspect’s being killed by a black police officer were consistently greater than a black suspect’s getting killed by a white officer. Politicians, race hustlers and the news media keep such studies under wraps because these studies don’t help their narrative about racist cops.
The homicide victim is not the only victim, whether he is a criminal or not, for there are mourning loved ones. No one ever fully recovers from having a son, daughter, husband, mother or father murdered. Murder is not the only crime that takes a heavy toll on the black community. Blacks are disproportionately represented as victims in every category of violent crime — e.g., forcible rape, robbery and aggravated assault.

Today’s level of lawlessness and insecurity in many black communities is a relatively new phenomenon. In the 1930s, ’40s and ’50s, people didn’t bar their windows. Doors were often left unlocked. People didn’t go to bed with the sounds of gunshots. What changed everything was the liberal vision that blamed crime on poverty and racial discrimination. Academic liberals and hustling politicians told us that to deal with crime, we had to deal with those “root causes.” Plus, courts began granting criminals new rights that caused murder and other violent crime rates to skyrocket. The liberals’ argument ignores the fact that there was far greater civility in black neighborhoods at a time when there was far greater poverty and discrimination.

The presence of criminals, having driven many businesses out, forces residents to bear the costs of shopping outside their neighborhoods. Fearing robberies, taxi drivers — including black drivers — often refuse to do home pickups in black neighborhoods and frequently pass up black customers hailing them. Plus, there’s the insult associated with not being able to receive pizza or other deliveries on the same terms as people in other neighborhoods.
In low-crime neighborhoods, FedEx, UPS and other delivery companies routinely leave packages that contain valuable merchandise on a doorstep if no one is at home. That saves the expense of redelivery or recipients from having to go pick up the packages. In low-crime communities, supermarket managers may leave plants, fertilizer and other home and garden items outdoors, often unattended and overnight. They display merchandise at entryways and exits. Where there is less honesty, supermarkets cannot use all the space that they lease, and hence they are less profitable. In high-crime neighborhoods, delivery companies leaving packages at the door and supermarkets leaving goods outside unattended would be equivalent to economic suicide.
Politicians who call for law and order are often viewed negatively, but poor people are the most dependent on law and order. In the face of high crime or social disorder, wealthier people can afford to purchase alarm systems, buy guard dogs, hire guards and, if things get too bad, move to a gated community. These options are not available to poor people. The only protection they have is an orderly society.
*Ultimately, the solution to high crime rests with black people. Given the current political environment, it doesn’t pay a black or white politician to take those steps necessary to crack down on lawlessness in black communities.


Well-known member
Water Williams said:
Whites are apprehensive of blacks, and blacks are offended by being subjects of that apprehension. That apprehension and offense are exhibited in many insulting ways to law-abiding blacks — for example, jewelers keeping their displays locked and store clerks giving extra surveillance to black shoppers.
White people and police officers cannot fix this or other problems of the black community. If blacks do not fix them, they will not be fixed, at least in a pleasing way.

And that would be correct...It sucks that it is this way. It is time to stop the race baiting.


Well-known member
Nothing like stoning women to death at the hands of islam. Not a word of protest from the left. Only a false narrative of systematic white racism.

It's incredible. The libs don't want to see real evil....they prefer the kind they can pretend to be offended over. Then they can say they stood up. :nono:


New member
"Pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon"....rioting, burning, looting, inciting riots, threatening police officers. Do you think it's gone unnoticed?

I said "specifically" for a reason. You can't connect any of that back to BLM as an organized movement. You have to distinguish between the unrest surrounding some of these questionable shootings and the movement that often seeks to respond to it. Most of what BLM does is organize peaceful protests.


like marbles on glass
Propelled by the Trump campaign and a new focus on the 'alt-right,' the Daily Stormer is now the top hate site in America.

The celebrations at The Daily Stormer began early on Nov. 9, just hours after the presidential election was called for Donald Trump. And Andrew Anglin, the neo-Nazi who started the website in 2013, was in full-on arsonist mode.

“Female Hajis Fear to Wear the Headtowel in Public After Trump Win — You Should Yell at Them,” read one of the first post-election headlines written by Anglin that day. “Fear,” he wrote below. “Now is the time for it. We want these people to feel unwanted. We want them to feel that everything around them is against them. And we want them to be afraid.”

“This was not a presidential Election,” Anglin added. “It was a referendum on the international Jewish agenda. And the biggest part of that agenda is multiculturalism.”

Anglin and his confederates had plenty of reasons to celebrate. The man Anglin had endorsed 17 months earlier, in the wake of Trump’s out-of-the-gate description of Mexican immigrants as rapists and drug dealers, had won, shocking the entire American political establishment.

The campaign that preceded that victory, with its dog whistles to the racist right, had helped propel Anglin and his movement into public consciousness.

Just three months earlier, The Daily Stormer had moved into the real world from cyberspace, setting up a “Troll Army” of activists who follow Anglin’s lead in the vicious online harassment of enemies of his movement.

And in July, four months before Trump’s win, The Daily Stormer had become the most popular English-language website of the radical right, eclipsing the Stormfront site that had held that position since the early days of the Internet.

“We won, brothers,” Anglin wrote a few hours after Hillary Clinton conceded. “Our Glorious Leader has ascended to God Emperor. Make no mistake about it: we did this. If it were not for us, it wouldn’t have been possible.”

The very next day, a new banner went up atop the site: “Andrew Anglin’s The Daily Stormer, ‘America’s #1 Most-Trusted Republican News Source,’ First in Facts — First in Integrity!” Bracketing the site’s new “Republican” masthead were photos of former President Ronald Reagan and President-elect Donald J. Trump.​