The Trinity

The Trinity

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Bright Raven

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Not so, he is not clear at all.

God and Jesus Christ is TWO not one beings.

It does not say God Jesus Christ.

What did Jesus say? If you believe in me, believe in God also.

Jesus Speaking:
John 20:17 - "I am going to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God."
Matthew 27:46 - "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?"
Revelation 3:12 - "Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will he leave it. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God."
Revelation 3:2 - "for I have not found your works complete in the sight of my God."
Ephesians 1:3 - "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Ephesians 1:17 - "I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father..."
2 Corinthians 1:3 - "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
2 Corinthians 11:31 - "The God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ knows, He who is blessed forever, that I do not lie."
Romans 15:6 - "that with one accord you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
1 Peter 1:3 - "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Revelation 1:6 - "To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, who has made us into a kingdom, priests for his God and Father."

He is not clear to you because your mind is as muddy as the Mississippi River.

john w

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1.Omniscience,omnipresence and omniscience are traits ONE person can have. These are not three separate entities but three entities can have one trait apiece. Now are you trying to say these

Fraud, or drunk. You not only repeated "Omniscience," you "argued", on record, since the word "trinity," is not in the bible, it is false dotrine. "Omniscience,omnipotense, omnipresence," might be "traits," thus doctrine, teachings, "describing" the LORD God of the bible, but these words omniscience,omnipotent, omniscience, are not in the bible.

Thus, you, on record, asert that the LORD God is not omniscient, is not omnipresent, is not omnipotent.

Go ahead-show us the words "omniscience, "omnipotent," "omnipresent," in the bible. If not, you are on record, as asserting that that God is not "omniscient, infinite knowledge... Omnipotent; infinite power... Omnipresent; present everywhere..."(your words), per your "argument."


New member
BR, if you do not believe the words of YOUR God Jesus you most certainly will not believe anything I got to say. John 17:3

Joh 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
Why do you say your God Jesus . You have God and you have Jesus. Jesus is not a God. Statements like that is what causes controversy. Jesus never called himself God. Jesus may be called Godly but not God. God is a jealous God put no one before him.

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New member
Fraud, or drunk. You not only repeated "Omniscience," you "argued", on record, since the word "trinity," is not in the bible, it is false dotrine. "Omniscience,omnipotense, omnipresence," might be "traits," thus doctrine, teachings, "describing" the LORD God of the bible, but these words omniscience,omnipotent, omniscience, are not in the bible.

Thus, you, on record, asert that the LORD God is not omniscient, is not omnipresent, is not omnipotent.

Go ahead-show us the words "omniscience, "omnipotent," "omnipresent," in the bible. If not, you are on record, as asserting that that God is not "omniscient, infinite knowledge... Omnipotent; infinite power... Omnipresent; present everywhere..."(your words), per your "argument."
I was giving the definition for those words that someone ask me. Keep track if you are going to comment.

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Bright Raven

Well-known member
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Why do you say your God Jesus . You have God and you have Jesus. Jesus is not a God. Statements like that is what causes controversy. Jesus never called himself God. Jesus may be called Godly but not God. God is a jealous God put no one before him.

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Titus 2:13 Amplified Bible (AMP)
13 awaiting and confidently expecting the [fulfillment of our] blessed hope and the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus,

john w

New member
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I was giving the definition for those words that someone ask me. Keep track if you are going to comment.

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Fraud, deception. No, you not only repeated "Omniscience," you "argued", on record, since the word "trinity," is not in the bible, it is false doctrine. "Omniscience,omnipotense, omnipresence," might be "traits," thus doctrine, teachings, "describing" the LORD God of the bible, but these words omniscience,omnipotent, omniscience, are not in the bible.

Thus, you, on record, assert that the LORD God is not omniscient, is not omnipresent, is not omnipotent.

Go ahead-show us the words "omniscience, "omnipotent," "omnipresent," in the bible. If not, you are on record, as asserting that that God is not "omniscient, infinite knowledge... Omnipotent; infinite power... Omnipresent; present everywhere..."(your words), per your "argument."


New member
Fraud, deception. No, you not only repeated "Omniscience," you "argued", on record, since the word "trinity," is not in the bible, it is false doctrine. "Omniscience,omnipotense, omnipresence," might be "traits," thus doctrine, teachings, "describing" the LORD God of the bible, but these words omniscience,omnipotent, omniscience, are not in the bible.

Thus, you, on record, assert that the LORD God is not omniscient, is not omnipresent, is not omnipotent.

Go ahead-show us the words "omniscience, "omnipotent," "omnipresent," in the bible. If not, you are on record, as asserting that that God is not "omniscient, infinite knowledge... Omnipotent; infinite power... Omnipresent; present everywhere..."(your words), per your "argument."
How do you change the word traits to doctrine? Someone has me what these words mean and I gave the definition. I never said these words where in or out of the Bible, I said these could be traits of a God.That it,I did not say God had these traits nor did I say it was doctrine! Omnisciece,omnipotence,omnipresent are traits that could describe a God.That what I said then that what I'm saying now.

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New member
How do you change the word traits to doctrine? Someone has me what these words mean and I gave the definition. I never said these words where in or out of the Bible, I said these could be traits of a God.That it,I did not say God had these traits nor did I say it was doctrine! Omnisciece,omnipotence,omnipresent are traits that could describe a God.That what I said then that what I'm saying now.

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Neither is anyone talking about 'traits' that could be of a god but 'words' that are or are not in the Bible (which, BTW, is also not in the Bible either).

This back and forth started with the word "trinity" is not in the Bible, then, the continuation was show me where "omniscience", "omnipotence", "omnipresent" is in the Bible or even the word "Bible". You, changed the goal post by saying that a god could have these traits.

Well, 'traits' of a god is not what started your back and forth.


New member
Neither is anyone talking about 'traits' that could be of a god but 'words' that are or are not in the Bible (which, BTW, is also not in the Bible either).

This back and forth started with the word "trinity" is not in the Bible, then, the continuation was show me where "omniscience", "omnipotence", "omnipresent" is in the Bible or even the word "Bible". You, changed the goal post by saying that a god could have these traits.

Well, 'traits' of a god is not what started your back and forth.
This is the original question to me from john w;

Find the word "Bible," in the scripture.

Does the LORD God have omniscience? Is he omnipotent?Is he omnipresent?

Please provide proof, if your answer is "yes.

Now, these was a question address to me, which I answered. Where did I say these words were in/out of Bible. I think this is a tactic you use to try to confuse the issue. Read the first thread before you criticize.

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This is the original question to me from john w;

Find the word "Bible," in the scripture.

Does the LORD God have omniscience? Is he omnipotent?Is he omnipresent?

Please provide proof, if your answer is "yes.

God is omniscient, in that He can know everything that He wants to know that can be known. He cannot know that which cannot be known.

God is omnipotent, in that He has all power that he has not delegated to some authorities.

God is omnipresent, in that He can be anywhere He wants to be. He cannot be forced to be somewhere He doesn't want to be, like in Hell for all of eternity.

Now, these was a question address to me, which I answered. Where did I say these words were in/out of Bible. I think this is a tactic you use to try to confuse the issue. Read the first thread before you criticize.

That's called moving the goalposts, Bee. It's a logical fallacy.

You accuse us trinitarians of teaching a word that doesn't exist in the Bible, then you yourself bring up the word's omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence, which are themselves not in the Bible, and claim that the Bible teaches them.

It's hypocritical, Bee, and John was calling you out on your hypocrisy.

And so am I.

"Trinity" is not in the Bible, nor are the Omni-s. Yet the doctrines can be taught (insofar as they are taught in the Bible).


New member
Again I did not bring up the words omniscient...... What is wrong with you people on this thread. I just show the the question that includes these words and I gave the definition and my thoughts as the answer. I never said or asked were these words in/out of Bible. I moving on to the next thread of interest.
God is omniscient, in that He can know everything that He wants to know that can be known. He cannot know that which cannot be known.

God is omnipotent, in that He has all power that he has not delegated to some authorities.

God is omnipresent, in that He can be anywhere He wants to be. He cannot be forced to be somewhere He doesn't want to be, like in Hell for all of eternity.

That's called moving the goalposts, Bee. It's a logical fallacy.

You accuse us trinitarians of teaching a word that doesn't exist in the Bible, then you yourself bring up the word's omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence, which are themselves not in the Bible, and claim that the Bible teaches them.

It's hypocritical, Bee, and John was calling you out on your hypocrisy.

And so am I.

"Trinity" is not in the Bible, nor are the Omni-s. Yet the doctrines can be taught (insofar as they are taught in the Bible).

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john w

New member
Hall of Fame
How do you change the word traits to doctrine? Someone has me what these words mean and I gave the definition. I never said these words where in or out of the Bible, I said these could be traits of a God.That it,I did not say God had these traits nor did I say it was doctrine! Omnisciece,omnipotence,omnipresent are traits that could describe a God.That what I said then that what I'm saying now.

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Observe, the deception, spin, side stepping, backtracking. Doctrine, moron, merely means "teaching." I know that's quite deep....Take a deep breath. Thus, when the bible discusses the traits of the LORD God, discusses His attributes, His character, it is teaching about Him-doctrine. So, stuff your sophistry.

Now-go ahead-show us the words "omniscience, "omnipotent," "omnipresent," in the bible. If not, you are on record, as asserting that that God is not "omniscient, infinite knowledge... Omnipotent; infinite power... Omnipresent; present everywhere..."(your words), per your "argument."


New member
This is the original question to me from john w;

Find the word "Bible," in the scripture.

Does the LORD God have omniscience? Is he omnipotent?Is he omnipresent?

Please provide proof, if your answer is "yes.

Now, these was a question address to me, which I answered. Where did I say these words were in/out of Bible. I think this is a tactic you use to try to confuse the issue. Read the first thread before you criticize.

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You very well know that the conversation was about 'words' in or not in the Bible (BTW which is not in the Bible either). Nothing about 'traits of a god' as you asserted.

The question was "show the words 'trinity', 'omniscience', 'omnipotent', 'omnipresent', etc. in the Bible", and you know it so well, you had to change the goal post.

john w

New member
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You very well know that the conversation was about 'words' in or not in the Bible (BTW which is not in the Bible either). Nothing about 'traits of a god' as you asserted.

The question was "show the words 'trinity', 'omniscience', 'omnipotent', 'omnipresent', etc. in the Bible", and you know it so well, you had to change the goal post.
Correctamundo, LIG-it's also called the "Bait and Switch," the Create A Moving Target" technique, i.e., if your argument, premise("supporting walls")is being picked apart, repeatedly, it is because you are staying on one topic too long. In this situation, it is always a good idea to move the goal posts, create a moving target,in hopes that your opponents forget what your initial argument was, and change subjects, pretend that your opponent has denied (fill in the blank), and act outraged, crying, "heresy!!!" Catholics have perfected this technique with their "perpetual virginity" scam.


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Correctamundo, LIG-it's also called the "Bait and Switch," the Create A Moving Target" technique, i.e., if your argument, premise("supporting walls")is being picked apart, repeatedly, it is because you are staying on one topic too long. In this situation, it is always a good idea to move the goal posts, create a moving target,in hopes that your opponents forget what your initial argument was, and change subjects, pretend that your opponent has denied (fill in the blank), and act outraged, crying, "heresy!!!" Catholics have perfected this technique with their "perpetual virginity" scam.