The Trinity

The Trinity

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john w

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Omniscience; infinite knowledge
Omnipotent; infinite power
Omnipresent; present everywhere
These are good descriptors of a God.
I don't know what kind of proof I have other than the fact that we are here in this goldilocks zone, so far the only planet with life as we know it and there was a beginning so that means there an end , science seems to now validate a God or Gods. I am a firm believer in a creator but not a fan of the Bible.


The word bible is not taught to others to denote God, Jesus and holy ghost. The word bible is not doctrine, and by you making the comparison between the two let's me know that you have no intelligent response to my answer.

Is not that the LORD God being described as:
Omniscience; infinite knowledge
Omnipotent; infinite power
Omnipresent; present everywhere
These are good descriptors of a God.

...not "doctrine?" Save it, fraud. It's a rhetorical q. You argued that, since the word "trinity," describing a doctrine, is not in the bible(another word not in the bible), as it is another word man made up," the doctrine of the trinity is false.

Find the word trinity in the Bible. You won't find it. Trinity, another word that man (Roman Catholic Church) made up.

Fine-show us the words "Omniscience, "Omnipotent," "Omnipresent," in the bible, which you, on record, agree "are good descriptors of a God," teaching us about God's attributes, i.e., doctrine.

Go ahead-show us the words "Omniscience, "Omnipotent," "Omnipresent," in the bible. If not, you are on record, as asserting that that God is not "Omniscience; infinite knowledge... Omnipotent; infinite power... Omnipresent; present everywhere..."(your words), per your "argument."

You need to fold your hand, as you are debating me in Texas, "Texas Hold 'Em," with "deuce-seven" unsuited. Lay it down....Texas "Fold 'Em" for you.


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So you are comparing the word bible to trinity. The word bible is not taught to others to denote God, Jesus and holy ghost. The word bible is not doctrine, and by you making the comparison between the two lets me know that you have no intelligent response to my answer. So since both words are not in the"Bible", stop using them. That makes as much sense as your comment. I expected better but then I am dealing with people who are easily mislead.

The doctrines of God's omniscience, omnipresence are taught, and apparently accepted by you, yet those three words are not found in the Bible (which again, is also a word not found in the Bible).

Sounds like you're a hypocrite to me.

Yes, The Trinity is being taught worldwide and and all those that believe are doomed.

Saying it doesn't make it so.

Omniscience; infinite knowledge
Omnipotent; infinite power
Omnipresent; present everywhere
These are good descriptors of a God.

So is "Triune."

I don't know what kind of proof I have other than the fact that we are here in this goldilocks zone, so far the only planet with life as we know it and there was a beginning so that means there an end , science seems to now validate a God or Gods. I am a firm believer in a creator but not a fan of the Bible.

Which has nothing to do with the topic of this thread, let alone the subforum topic, which is titled "Religion."

There is only one (1) God for us.

No disagreement there.

One God. Check!

Jesus address God as the father.

No, He addressed His Father as God. There IS a difference.

The word holy ghost is only found in KJV.

Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit...


Jesus was here to teach the ways of the Father, why he never says the word trinity or triune.

Is it at all possible that those who don't believe God is triune are not on the same page, so to speak, as those who wrote the Bible?

Why it always the Catholic church who introduces new terminology and practices such as praying to Paul and Michael and Mary, changing the Sabbath.

I'm not a Catholic, I just follow what the Bible teaches.

Also why is the Vatican (as we speak) studying the solar system thru telescopes in Arizona?

Nothing wrong with that, is there?

To get closer to God?

The heavens do declare the Glory of God, maybe they're interested in what they have to say?

The Bible has answers to all their questions, why study space.

Does the Bible answer the question of "2+2=?"?

What does the Bible say about accumulating wealth, but the Catholic church is one of the riches entities on earth.

It says that it's ok to be wealthy. It does warn against greed, though.

Why do priest wear the color purple which in ancient times denotes royalty, not to mention red, gold,white and black.

No idea... Doesn't really matter though, at least not to me...

Why priest and nuns are not to marry, Bible says be fruitful and multiply.

Failure to read and understand God's Word, the Bible.

Why are so many Catholic's priests pedophiles?

Because the Catholic church tells the priests and bishops and other leaders that they cannot marry. Again, because they fail to read and understand what the bible says.

Why a killer of Christians wrote 80℅ of the new testament?

That's something you should ask in a Mid-Acts Dispensationalist thread. Not here.

YHWH is a name of the Father.

No, it's THE name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Y'hoshua is the name of the Son.

So the Son can't have multiple names as well?

Only YHWH is God,

This we agree on.

the son is a creation,

The One who created all things cannot Himself be created.

an image of his creator.

See what I just said.

He is a spirit.

And? God is a spirit.

YHWH is not Triune, your misguided friend.

My what? I have a misguided friend?

God is not 3 in 1.

Saying it doesn't make it so, Keypurr.

Your still in the muck of RCC doctrine.

My still? I don't own a still, and even if I did, The only muck around here is here by the river.

I have been telling you that for a long time.

Telling me what? That you're a heretic who is going to Hell because He rejects Christ as his God and Lord?


New member
There is only one (1) God for us. Jesus address God as the father. The word holy ghost is only found in KJV. Jesus was here to teach the ways of the Father, why he never says the word trinity or triune. Why it always the Catholic church who introduces new terminology and practices such as praying to Paul and Michael and Mary, changing the Sabbath. Also why is the Vatican (as we speak) studying the solar system thru telescopes in Arizona? To get closer to God? The Bible has answers to all their questions, why study space. What does the Bible say about accumulating wealth, but the Catholic church is one of the riches entities on earth. Why do priest were color purple which in ancient times denotes royaly, not to mention red, gold,white and black. Why priest and nuns are not to marry, Bible says be fruitful and multiply. Why are so many Catholic's priests pedophiles? Why a killer of Christians wrote 80℅ of the new testament?

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Wow! I can see you very much hate God. Not even Roman Catholics hate God as you do.


New member
Wow! I can see you very much hate God. Not even Roman Catholics hate God as you do.
I do not hate God. I believe in a creator. I believe in a higher power. The Bible as a whole is a very historical document. And not just the books OKd by Constantine and his gang of rabble rousers, but all the ancient manuscripts from the various religious groups before and after "Jesus" to get a gist of the environment at those times. Imagine finding the old testament unedited or NT. Did you know God's name was once in the Bible? Theologians can translate the original themselves and we would not have all this controversy about with is said and what is implied. There is a similarity amongst all major religions, the storylines are similar. I just don't like bullsh*t. It's like being handed a counterfeit bill and then told to go spend it.

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Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
If one does not believe in the Trinity then they are not a Christian. End of story. You morons can keep arguing but that's the last word on the subject


New member
The Bible as a whole is a very historical document. And not just the books OKd by Constantine and his gang of rabble rousers, but all the ancient manuscripts from the various religious groups before and after "Jesus" to get a gist of the environment at those times. Imagine finding the old testament unedited or NT. Did you know God's name was once in the Bible? Theologians can translate the original themselves and we would not have all this controversy about with is said and what is implied. There is a similarity amongst all major religions, the storylines are similar.

God is so smart and merciful and good, He chose for you not to be able find the autographs, because if you had the autographs in your hands, you would be able to say they say whatever you want it to say and no one else would be able to prove that what you say is what the autographs say.

God promised He would protect His word and He did and He does. Yes, no question about it, my God is awesome!


New member
If one does not believe in the Trinity then they are not a Christian.

Not really, however, I understand what you say.

There are people who do not believe in the word trinity, however, they do believe in God being Father, Son, Holy Spirit, and have believed in their hearts Who Jesus is and What Jesus did at the Cross of Calvary, believe that God has raised Jesus from the dead, have called on the name of the Lord, and they are Christians; nonetheless, they are not Roman Catholics as yourself.

End of story.

Just because I, CatholicCrusader, demand it to be so.

You morons can keep arguing but that's the last word on the subject

Thank you.


New member
If one does not believe in the Trinity then they are not a Christian. End of story. You morons can keep arguing but that's the last word on the subject

The word trinity is derived from the Latin word trinitas, which came from the Platonic term trias meaning three. Thus it is philosophical in origin.

The word trinity was introduced by Tertullian (160-225 AD) who was a pagan turned Catholic theologian and one of the early Church fathers who wrote in the early third century to define the teaching concerning the Godhead. His conclusion was that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit were one substance, but not one in person. He also did not see the Son as being co-eternal with the Father.

There are many unanswered questions about the trinity doctrine and the most obvious is where in the Bible is it explained? Scholars throughout history have acknowledged that it is not found in the Bible. Many will respond that the trinity doctrine is found in 1 John 5:7. But the italicized part of this verse that says, “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one,” does not exist in the earliest manuscripts!

I guess this is false or made up. Pagan origins?

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New member
If one does not believe in the Trinity then they are not a Christian. End of story. You morons can keep arguing but that's the last word on the subject
If one does not believe in the Trinity then they are not a Christian. End of story. You morons can keep arguing but that's the last word on the subject

The word trinity is derived from the Latin word trinitas, which came from the Platonic term trias meaning three. Thus it is philosophical in origin.

The word trinity was introduced by Tertullian (160-225 AD) who was a pagan turned Catholic theologian and one of the early Church fathers who wrote in the early third century to define the teaching concerning the Godhead. His conclusion was that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit were one substance, but not one in person. He also did not see the Son as being co-eternal with the Father.

There are many unanswered questions about the trinity doctrine and the most obvious is where in the Bible is it explained? Scholars throughout history have acknowledged that it is not found in the Bible. Many will respond that the trinity doctrine is found in 1 John 5:7. But the italicized part of this verse that says, “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one,” does not exist in the earliest manuscripts!

I guess this is false or made up. Pagan origins? Was not in original manuscript! You Catholics change or alter everything you touch. Why are you referred to as The Whore of the Babylon . Not my words.

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john w

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Was not in original manuscript! You Catholics change or alter everything you touch

Fraud. You/anyone has seen/touched/read, from this " original manuscript?"

Save it, as you've been exposed as merely a liar, a troll, who just searches the net, to "prove" her "doctrine," as the "original manuscript" bit the dust, almost as soon as "the ink dried," and neither you, or anyone, would be able to tell if they were looking at this "original manuscript," even if an angel from heaven dropped it into your/their lap(s), and told you/them that they were the "original manuscript."

You're just another scammer, who just picked up this "original manuscript" from a website, and thought you'd try to impress us all. We've all seen this clown act before. Move on, Big Top.


New member
Fraud. You/anyone has seen/touched/read, from this " original manuscript?"

Save it, as you've been exposed as merely a liar, a troll, who just searches the net, to "prove" her "doctrine," as the "original manuscript" bit the dust, almost as soon as "the ink dried," and neither you, or anyone, would be able to tell if they were looking at this "original manuscript," even if an angel from heaven dropped it into your/their lap(s), and told you/them that they were the "original manuscript."

You're just another scammer, who just picked up this "original manuscript" from a website, and thought you'd try to impress us all. We've all seen this clown act before. Move on, Big Top.
I should not be able to prove anything if you are right. But you are not right so instead of validating your point you resort to name calling like a child. Grow up, take stock of yourself a do a little research. My response came from a religious website and you still huff and puff. I am not making this stuff up, it's there for anyone to easily find. You do not want the be spoon- fed lies your entire life and your psyche can not/will not handle the truth. When the "rapture" comes you and your minions,all 1billion of you, will run and hide your face in fear.

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Bright Raven

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I should not be able to prove anything if you are right. But you are not right so instead of validating your point you resort to name calling like a child. Grow up, take stock of yourself a do a little research. My response came from a religious website and you still huff and puff. I am not making this stuff up, it's there for anyone to easily find. You do not want the be spoon- fed lies your entire life and your psyche can not/will not handle the truth. When the "rapture" comes you and your minions,all 1billion of you, will run and hide your face in fear.

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And what did that have to do with anything?


Active member

The word trinity is derived from the Latin word trinitas, which came from the Platonic term trias meaning three. Thus it is philosophical in origin.

The word trinity was introduced by Tertullian (160-225 AD) who was a pagan turned Catholic theologian and one of the early Church fathers who wrote in the early third century to define the teaching concerning the Godhead. His conclusion was that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit were one substance, but not one in person. He also did not see the Son as being co-eternal with the Father.

There are many unanswered questions about the trinity doctrine and the most obvious is where in the Bible is it explained? Scholars throughout history have acknowledged that it is not found in the Bible. Many will respond that the trinity doctrine is found in 1 John 5:7. But the italicized part of this verse that says, “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one,” does not exist in the earliest manuscripts!

I guess this is false or made up. Pagan origins? Was not in original manuscript! You Catholics change or alter everything you touch. Why are you referred to as The Whore of the Babylon . Not my words.

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A term can come long after a conception. So sometimes it's pointless to say who created the term. The concept may already existed for long. The concept of hell may exist long before the English term itself. It is a rather later consensus that humans use the term hell.

We don't have any full set of the original canonization documents. You can refer a manuscript as the earliest piece found, but no such thing as "original manuscript".

KJV is rather an independent source of Bible translation originated from mainly Greek and Latin. Partly because at some point of history we all lost what can be considered original and that certain part of the Latin translation at hand can be considered more original than the Greek version at hand. NIV is yet another independent source of today's Bible translations.


Get your armor ready!
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The apostles called Jesus Lord God and Savior; knowing that only YHWH could be called Lord God and Savior of the world.
And that there is none other like Him, as uncreated creator of the world.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I should not be able to prove anything if you are right. But you are not right so instead of validating your point you resort to name calling like a child. Grow up, take stock of yourself a do a little research. My response came from a religious website and you still huff and puff. I am not making this stuff up, it's there for anyone to easily find. You do not want the be spoon- fed lies your entire life and your psyche can not/will not handle the truth. When the "rapture" comes you and your minions,all 1billion of you, will run and hide your face in fear.

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Did our hero address:

You/anyone has seen/touched/read, from this " original manuscript?"

You're a fraud, and have been deceived, and you/other websites are scamming others with this "original manuscript" farce/scam. You don't even know what the word, "manuscript," "original," means, do you?

That is what I thought.