God's Truth
New member
Good Luck with your Hope So salvation...I hope you make it.
I have a powerful testimony. Jesus Christ himself saved me.
Good Luck with your Hope So salvation...I hope you make it.
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life."
So.I said the saved are those who REPENT OF THEIR SINS.
Ummm, no, SCRIPTURE said Judas repented.You came on and said Judas repented of his sin.
So.I said Judas was not saved and his repenting later is not the repenting for salvation.
Caught in what? ...... knowing that you don't read what you read.You know you are caught and are now trying to falsely charge me of arguing against something you did not say.
Believes what? You preach just believe. Jesus says believe in him. What about him? Believe he is the one who forgives and washes away sins that you repent of.
I have a powerful testimony. Jesus Christ himself saved me.
Wonderful..like I said.......I pray your "hope so" salvation comes thru.
Let Me take this REALLLLL SSSSSLLLLLLOOOOOOOWWWWWW with you.....Believes what, you ask.....Glad you asked....
Got that.....Goood.....
You are a mocker and an accuser. Where did you get that from?
Ummm, no, SCRIPTURE said Judas repented.
You are the one that has repeatedly said the word "repented" means "stopped sinning".
I merely pointed out that SCRIPTURE says Judas repented.
Caught in what? ...... knowing that you don't read what you read.
I posted SCRIPTURE saying Judas repented.
And then I reminded folks that you have repeatedly said the word "repented" means "stopped sinning".
Nothing more.
You are just once again seeing monsters where there is only windmills.
No, I am being sincere. I am not mocking you or accusing you of something. You said you can lose your salvation. I'm just quoting what you believe. If that looks bad to you now, then the Holy Spirit might be working on you.
I stand by what I said.I stand by what I said.
For what reason does that need to be proven?????As for Judas and sinning, prove he continued to betray Jesus after he repented of it.
I stand by what I said.
Now what?
For what reason does that need to be proven?????
I said a person can lose their salvation. I didn't say I could. I say that I can't lose my salvation, because I obey.
Pay better attention if you care about truth.
CHARGE!! them windmills, GT!!!!Let the Reader read for themselves and decide. I couldn't care any less about your denials.
Wonders what the difference is between you and the guy who could....
Wow. You still don't get it.
One obeyed and the other didn't.
Oh I get it, you just better remember every last thing you did disobey. Or your toast.
You don't know when you sin?
Depends on your definition of sin....Is your definition an action or a condition or both or something else entirely?
You don't even know what sin is?