aCW is posting anti-MLK videos by "DestroyZOG"

They describe it as a "Jewish propaganda free look at an iconized persona of Martin Luther King Jr."
But that's just the tip of the iceberg. The narration for the video is originally by
William Luther Pierce, who was a neo nazi, white nationalist leader. He was a founder of white nationalism as we know it today. Pierce founded the white nationalist
National Alliance. The narration comes from his white nationalist radio broadcast (shortwave radio) called "American Dissident Voices."
For aCW's video, the narration was rerecorded by
Kevin Alfred Strom, the neo-Nazi, white nationalist who now runs The National Vanguard, an offshoot of the National Alliance. Strom was convicted for child pornography.
Seriously, aCW has now sunk to posting anti-MLK propaganda by neo-nazi, white nationalist, child porn convicts.
What a freakshow.