Yeah, I think you did that just to make yourself feel...*ahem*...'comfy' CCW...
Now that we've gotten pleasantries out of the way, are you here to defend Martin Luther King Jr., or as usual, to troll?
Looking at the 65 page document that was put in the Congressional Record, it appears that MLK Jr. had a thing for Ralph Abernathy:
J. Edgar Hoover reportedly discovered that King had numerous love affairs. Hoover had “at least 15 reels of tape about sexual entertainment and conversations between King and Abernathy that might lead to the conclusion that there was a homosexual relationship between the two ministers,” noted Rowan.71 During a discussion with someone in the FBI, Rowan discovered that there had been sexual intercourse in “the King suite” with Rev. Ralph David Abernathy. At another time, there was an “orgy.” Those conversations had both been taped by one of the FBI’s bugs.72 The black newspaper writer and television talk show host Tony Brown mentioned the reported conversation between King and Abernathy behind closed doors. In Brown’s column, he described King’s reported love
“‘Come on over here, you big, black..." (page 11)

Ralph Abernathy, Martin Luther King Jr. and Bayard Rustin
Why is America celebrating this degenerate?