The Politically Incorrect Truth About Martin Luther King Jr.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Since liberals/Libertarians are notorious for bashing Christopher Columbus...

noting that columbus died long before there was an America =/= "bashing"

acw said:
Not until his third voyage did Columbus actually land on the American mainland.

that would be the south american mainland

it's a different continent

(see "google")
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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Let's see: Your hatred of my* country's greatest Founding Father has been noted, how about bashing the late great J. Edgar Hoover next?

*ok doser lives in Canada, as the welfare benefits are better there.

oh, i forgot how much you love those who owned slaves and especially those who raped them

When debating liberals/Libertarians like ok doser (who surprisingly didn't much care for MLK Jr. when he posted earlier in this thread under another username...sigh, another username, another medication he was on), one must remember that they want to talk about anything other than the person or behavior that is being exposed.

But since he brought up the men who were responsible for the phrase "All men are created equal":

The Bible, Slavery, and America's Founders

Were all of America’s Founding Fathers racists, pro-slavery, and hypocrites?

Now back to the degenerate that you're defending who contributed directly to the mass murder of 59 million unborn babies in the last 44 years, a disproportionate amount whom were black.



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Now back to the degenerate that you're defending who contributed directly to the mass murder of 59 million unborn babies in the last 44 years, a disproportionate amount whom were black.

no, that's retarded

i don't "hate" washington, i recognize that he was a very severely flawed human being who should have been executed for enslaving his fellow man

you need to stop being so retarded

Still no condemnation of the degenerate who contributed directly to the mass murder of 59 million unborn babies in the past 44 years, a disproportionate amount whom were black.

(Sigh, and ok doser has worked so hard trying to fool people into believing that he's pro life).

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Let's see: Your hatred of my* country's greatest Founding Father has been noted....

no, that's retarded

i don't "hate" washington, i recognize that he was a very severely flawed human being who should have been executed for enslaving his fellow man

you need to stop being so retarded

*ok doser lives in Canada...

....When debating liberals/Libertarians like ok doser...

...another username, another medication he was on...

...the degenerate that you're defending ....

see - these are all examples of you being a total retard

i don't live in canada
i'm not a liberal/libertarian
i'm not on meds
and i'm not defending mlk

seriously dude, you need to stop being such a retard :nono:


no, that's retarded

i don't "hate" washington, i recognize that he was a very severely flawed human being who should have been executed for enslaving his fellow man

you need to stop being so retarded

Still no condemnation of a degenerate who contributed directly to the mass murder of 59 million unborn babies in the past 44 years, a disproportionate amount whom were black.

(Sigh, and ok doser has worked so hard trying to fool people into believing that he's pro life).

see - these are all examples of you being a total retard

i don't live in Canada

I guess they had one too many loafers up there ey?

i'm not a liberal/libertarian

The Perversion of Libertarianism

i'm not on meds

With socialized medicine (which MLK Jr. would have been a big fan of), you should be able to get some for free! free! free!

and i'm not defending mlk

Yet not a bad word about him (the rainbow crowd sticks together).

seriously dude, you need to stop being such a retard :nono:

There ought to be something in my above remarks where you can go runny to mommy to report me.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Still no condemnation of a degenerate who contributed directly to the mass murder of 59 million unborn babies in the past 44 years, a disproportionate amount whom were black.

(Sigh, and ok doser has worked so hard trying to fool people into believing that he's pro life).

I guess they had one too many loafers up there ey?

The Perversion of Libertarianism

With socialized medicine (which MLK Jr. would have been a big fan of), you should be able to get some for free! free! free!

Yet not a bad word about him (the rainbow crowd sticks together).

There ought to be something in my above remarks where you can go runny to mommy to report me.

why are you being such a retard?

does it give you some gay little thrill?

are you sick?

has your constant obsession with homos finally rotted what little brain you had left?


why are you being such a retard?

does it give you some gay little thrill?

are you sick?

has your constant obsession with homos finally rotted what little brain you had left?

Still no condemnation of a degenerate who contributed directly to the mass murder of 59 million unborn babies in the past 44 years, a disproportionate amount whom were black.

(Sigh, and ok doser has worked so hard trying to fool people into believing that he's pro life).

Do you really want to start trash talking with me library boy, cuz you're not going to win.

I won't...ahem..."beg"*you to leave, but I will ask you nicely since you're not contributing to this thread.

*An inside joke regarding ok doser's college days.


Now that a card carrying member of TOL's "Rainbow Brigade" has graced the thread with it's presence, I'll continue reviewing the "The Politically Incorrect Truth About Martin Luther King Jr."

The Horn

Culture Warrior, it's common knowledge now that J.Edgar Hoover was a closeted gay man who lived with his boyfriend , who was his number two man in the FBI Clyde Tolson . He may also have been a cross dresser .
Pot calling the kettle black ?


Oh look, yet another card carrying member of TOL's "Rainbow Brigade" calling someone a homosexual.

Culture Warrior, it's common knowledge now that J.Edgar Hoover was a closeted gay man who lived with his boyfriend , who was his number two man in the FBI Clyde Tolson . He may also have been a cross dresser .
Pot calling the kettle black ?

Make your case (case=presenting evidence).


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Now that a card carrying member of TOL's "Rainbow Brigade" has graced the thread with it's presence, ...

you must be referring to yourself and your gay little avatar

Your pro LGBTQueer/pro abortion comrade De Horn is going to need some help demonizing the late great J. Edgar Hoover. While I have confirmation (put into the Congressional Record) showing the smear campaign against Hoover, I would like to see some unity between the different factions of TOL's "Rainbow Brigade" working together for a common goal.

Can you give De Horn a helping hand library boy*?

*a library boy is someone who doesn't have a job, was cut off from mommy and daddy's bank account, and has to go to the public library to use the internet.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Your pro LGBTQueer/pro abortion comrade De Horn is going to need some help demonizing the late great J. Edgar Hoover. While I have confirmation (put into the Congressional Record) showing the smear campaign against Hoover, I would like to see some unity between the different factions of TOL's "Rainbow Brigade" working together for a common goal.

Can you give De Horn a helping hand library boy*?

yeah, that's really really retarded

i think obsessing over homosexuality has rotted your brain :kookoo:

Since De Horn probably won't be responding to my request, would you pull out your copy of Dustin Lance Black's "Milk"... "Pedro"...I mean "J. Edgar" so that we can get the conversation on the communist smear campaign against J. Edgar Hoover started?

I know that you'd prefer to talk about buggery (every TOL Rainbower does), but it needs to be shown that the communists will do anything to smear the reputation of a patriotic American.
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Since none of TOL's "Rainbow Brigade" want to come forward and provide evidence that the late great J. Edgar Hoover was a cross dressing homosexual, I'll share what was put into the Congressional Record on that matter (based on what I've read, submitted by the late Senator Jesse Helms of North Carolina) :

It's a rather long passage, so I'll submit it in two posts:

"Because of the investigations conducted by the late FBI director J. Edgar Hoover of subversive organizations, like both the Nation of Islam and Communist Party, Hoover has been repeatedly slandered by them. And, some of the media have only been too happy to repeat these things— probably with the hope of generating a little attention to themselves (and the accompanying money). The Federal Bureau of Investigation has always been targeted by people in the past who have felt that the FBI is out to get them. In some cases, where the people are criminals, they may be right. (For instance, Louis Farrakhan, who has threatened to lop off the heads of any undercover FBI agents in his organization in his speech Warning to the Government, is probably not rated too highly among FBI members.) There have been numerous attempts, recently, to defame the late J. Edgar Hoover— much of which borders on sheer insanity, the rest of which is an outright, licentious rumor— by leftist hatemongers. Why would they do that? It is quite simple: By attacking Hoover with their unproven, insipid jeremiads in an attempt to discredit him, they hope that all of his findings will be discredited as well. For instance, there have been rumors that Hoover was some a clandestine racist. Nothing could be further from the truth. At the same time he had left-wing extremists investigated, he was doing the same with the right-wing extremists as well.64 And, despite differences that he had with Martin Luther King, Jr., Hoover was personally responsible for launching a massive investigation to find King’s killer, James Ray, which led to Ray’s conviction. Hoover was actually quite impartial and merely went about doing his job. By attacking Hoover, these leftists hope to destroy the FBI’s reputation and credibility. They hope to discredit the facts uncovered by the American government about the leftist hatemongers’ nefarious activities. The leftists, in numerous cases, have already destroyed the reputation of some law enforcement agencies. Now, they are attempting to destroy anyone in the government who does not hold their pixilated opinions as truth. Hoover has been unfairly maligned and viciously attacked by unsubstantiated allegations, the foremost of which is that he was a homosexual. It almost seems ironic that the leftist hatemongers have accused Hoover of being a homosexual, since many of them engage in it or, at the least, promote its acceptance. Some people in the media are only too happy to repeat the baseless rumors concerning Hoover..."


"...Anthony Summers wrote a book about J. Edgar Hoover, Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover. In his book, he alleges that Hoover was a closet homosexual. To prove his ludicrous allegation, he quotes some real honest— and that term is used sarcastically— people. He cites people like Seymour Pollock, a friend of the mobster Meyer Lansky. Pollock said, “The homosexual thing was Hoover’s Achilles Heel.” Evidently, we are supposed to believe Pollock, a person whose company was the mob, over Hoover, who spent his entire life on maintaining law-and-order, according to Summers. Curt Gentry, in his book J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and the Secrets, reiterates the same baseless rumors as Summers. Contradictory to Gentry’s suggestion that Hoover may have been a homosexual, Gentry admittedly noted that Hoover had once warned former President Richard Nixon that “ring of homosexualists” surrounded him. Apparently, Gentry cannot even see the contradiction in his own writing: If Hoover was indeed a homosexual, he certainly would not care if homosexuals were in Nixon’s government.
It is time to put an end to the allegation that Hoover was a homosexual. Hoover never did approve of homosexuality. And, he made that known. He did not even allow homosexuals to be members of the FBI, which was stated in the FBI’s rules at the time. Ralph de Toledano, in his book J. Edgar Hoover: The Man in His Time, describes how the baseless rumors of Hoover being a homosexual began. It all started in 1964. One of Lyndon Johnson’s aides and associates was arrested for committing a “homosexual act” in a bathroom at a YMCA. Johnson’s aide was emotionally collapsed after being arrested for the homosexual act and went to a hospital in Washington, D.C. The White House kept the lid on the story for 24 hours and did not tell the newspapers. One of Hoover’s FBI assistants found out that Johnson’s aide was in the hospital but did not know the reason why. The FBI assistant sent some flowers to Johnson’s aide, using J. Edgar Hoover’s name, which was customary. The media, hoping to generate a few headlines, were only too happy to make that known. Hoover had difficulty explaining what happened for a couple of reasons, which is described by Toledano:
“If [Hoover] had said that he knew nothing of the homosexual charge, he would have admitted that the FBI was not omniscient. If, on the other hand, he claimed knowledge, then he would be convicting himself of friendship with a homosexual.”65
The Communist Party’s members heard about the incident with the flowers and decided that it would be in their best interest to use some under-handed tactics of their own. They decided to engage in what Hoover described as a “smear campaign” against him.66 Their hatred for Hoover has always been well known, so that should not be too surprising. After all, almost single-handedly, Hoover had kept the Communist Party from attaining social acceptance by releasing information about its nefarious activities. The Communist Party sent a letter to several government officials, which was supposed to have been written by Hoover, that suggested Hoover himself was engaging in homosexual affairs (as if Hoover, a man who had fought valiantly against the acceptance of homosexuality into the FBI, would engage in such a perverse act). The letter was described as “scurrilous and putrid” by Senator Bourke Hickenlooper.67 Hoover proved that the letter was just another disinformation attempt that was made to discredit the FBI by attacking him personally.68 Though there have been many attempts to use disinformation against Hoover, what he purportedly discovered about King during the course of the bugging is simply incredible." Pages 10 and 11


The Horn

Fact : Hoover never married , is never known to have had any relationship with a woman, and lived for decades with his number two man in the FBI for decades . Looks pretty suspicious .
Many closeted right-wing easy men are "anti-gay" and ones in power have persecuted many gay people .


Oh look, a card carrying member of TOL's "Rainbow Brigade" is back attempting to smear the name of J. Edgar Hoover (without a shred of evidence).

Fact : Hoover never married, is never known to have had any relationship with a woman,...

"Edward S. Miller, a lifetime FBI man of high rank and stature, recently passed away at the age of 89. A good man and good American, Miller, who was also a veteran of World War II (Okinawa), faithfully served his family, country, and God. He also faithfully served the agency that hired him in 1950, as well as the longtime head of that agency, J. Edgar Hoover.
I was fortunate to spend a long Saturday afternoon with Ed Miller back in March, at long last meeting him after previously only corresponding with him. (He was an alumnus of Grove City College, where I teach.) It was a time I won't forget, and Miller had some things he wanted me not to forget -- and to share with the public. Foremost among them was his take on J. Edgar Hoover. He wanted the world to know what he insisted was the real J. Edgar Hoover --

"...Ed Miller told me that the claims of Hoover having Clyde Tolson as a "gay lover" were "absolutely false." He said that Hoover was a heterosexual who had love affairs with beautiful women such as the glamorous actress Dorothy Lamour. Their romance, in fact, almost led to marriage. Hoover, however, was married to his job. "She dumped him because he was married to his job!" said Miller. "He had one hell of an interesting job, Paul. And he was always very busy."


Now run along and watch your faggot Dustin Lance Black movies, where you undoubtedly got your disinformation from.