The Politically Incorrect Truth About Martin Luther King Jr.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The truth about MLK is that he died advancing a noble cause, the equality of all men before the law. He understood the likelihood of the outcome and continued without regard for his personal safety.

Whatever you think of his faith or his politics, that courage, conviction and sacrifice are worth honoring.


is there a war you wont justify?

Since you're attacking me I can only assume that you side with Martin Luther King Jr. (and his communist allies).

Do you consider the brave men (and women) who fought and died in Vietnam 'nazis'? If so, perhaps there are some TOL'ers that lost their brother, dad, uncle or a good friend there and you can share your thoughts with them.


Well-known member
Since you're attacking me I can only assume that you side with Martin Luther King Jr. (and his communist allies).

Do you consider the brave men (and women) who fought and died in Vietnam 'nazis'? If so, perhaps there are some TOL'ers that lost their brother, dad, uncle or a good friend there and you can share your thoughts with them.

And once again you assume too much (as usual).


And once again you assume too much (as usual).

I really shouldn't have to write this, but it appears that I must.

I have not been given a national holiday, so needless to say this thread is not about me.

It is however about an extremely evil person that was given one, and many people ignorantly are celebrating that evil person today.

If someone can justify the things that Martin Luther King Jr. did, then come forward and praise him for his Planned Parenthood award, his ties to mass murdering communists and his immoral heterosexual and homosexual relationships.


Well-known member
I really shouldn't have to write this, but it appears that I must.

I have not been given a national holiday, so needless to say this thread is not about me.

It is however about an extremely evil person that was given one, and many people ignorantly are celebrating that evil person today.

If someone can justify the things that Martin Luther King Jr. did, then come forward and praise him for his Planned Parenthood award, his ties to mass murdering communists and his immoral heterosexual and homosexual relationships.

Like I said earlier, you have NO ARGUMENT with me but with your CANDIDATE for PRESIDENT who YOU SUPPORT!!!!! Got it now? Good!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

King was under FBI surveillance for several years (until he died) due to his ties with communist organizations throughout the country.

You being a seasoned citizen, you very well might have known brave men who fought and died in Vietnam.

Did ever you compare them to the Nazis? King did.

What do the peasants think as we ally ourselves with the landlords and as we refuse to put any action into our many words concerning land reform? What do they think as we test our latest weapons on them, just as the Germans tested out new medicine and new tortures in the concentration camps of Europe? Where are the roots of the independent Vietnam we claim to be building? Is it among these voiceless ones?

Please read King's entire article

Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence
Declaration of Independence from the War in Vietnam

and note how he gives accolades to mass murderers Ho Chi Mihn, Mao Tse Tung and Fidel Castro.

I do not agree with everything King said, so no. Then, I do not see the point on drowning out his good accomplishments with sour rhetoric.

I think I will watch the movie Selma tonight; for sure some here do not like remembering this part of our history and yet very few wish all the past discrimination had remained. We do not want to go back to days of oppression; we have many black people working at all the places we shop, and there is little or no race tension here in the deep South today. I would say if one has issues with blacks today, they should live up north where many towns have no blacks.

This movie, Selma, the actor who played King, in my opinion was not so good.

To change the subject a bit, I am ambivalent about the stink now on the Oscar issue; it seems there may be times when the chosen nominees may not have a African American, and many times we have winners who are not Americans. It seems there may be other reasons for not having a African American nominated? Would choosing actors who are not Americans be anti-American? I really can't imagine those Oscar pickers being racists. It does not make sense to me?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I really shouldn't have to write this, but it appears that I must.

I have not been given a national holiday, so needless to say this thread is not about me.

It is however about an extremely evil person that was given one, and many people ignorantly are celebrating that evil person today.

If someone can justify the things that Martin Luther King Jr. did, then come forward and praise him for his Planned Parenthood award, his ties to mass murdering communists and his immoral heterosexual and homosexual relationships.

You really shouldn't have written any of it...

And of course this thread is about you, as is your monumental 'magnum opus' train wreck about homosexuality.

You're completely transparent now aCW. You're also soooo not clever enough to mask your sources, bigotry and racism. Only an utter clown would use a white supremacy site as evidence for your claims so enjoy your day and get a flippin' life man...


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Like I said earlier, you have NO ARGUMENT with me but with your CANDIDATE for PRESIDENT who YOU SUPPORT!!!!! Got it now? Good!

Well, apparently Cruz is still supportable by aCW's 'standards' as he is isn't actually as well informed as ... aCW...

Gotta laugh over it really...


New member
I do not agree with everything King said, so no. Then, I do not see the point on drowning out his good accomplishments with sour rhetoric.

I think I will watch the movie Selma tonight; for sure some here do not like remembering this part of our history and yet very few wish all the past discrimination had remained. We do not want to go back to days of oppression; we have many black people working at all the places we shop, and there is little or no race tension here in the deep South today. I would say if one has issues with blacks today, they should live up north where many towns have no blacks.

This movie, Selma, the actor who played King, in my opinion was not so good.

To change the subject a bit, I am ambivalent about the stink now on the Oscar issue; it seems there may be times when the chosen nominees may not have a African American, and many times we have winners who are not Americans. It seems there may be other reasons for not having a African American nominated? Would choosing actors who are not Americans be anti-American? I really can't imagine those Oscar pickers being racists. It does not make sense to me?

You have to get with the program. Everything and everyone is racist.


Since you're attacking me I can only assume that you side with Martin Luther King Jr. (and his communist allies).

Do you consider the brave men (and women) who fought and died in Vietnam 'nazis'? If so, perhaps there are some TOL'ers that lost their brother, dad, uncle or a good friend there and you can share your thoughts with them.
Successive Administrations made dire predictions if the Viet-Cong weren't defeated in Vietnam - now we have diplomatic relations with both Communist China (1979) and Vietnam (1995).

Unfortunately conservatives are slow learners which explains why the G W Bush Administration repeated the same mistake in Iraq that they should have learned from Vietnam.

As for MLK, Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher also accused Nelson Mandela, who was fighting apartheid in South Africa, of being a communist - he went on to become one of the most respected elder statesmen in the world.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
...To change the subject a bit, I am ambivalent about the stink now on the Oscar issue; it seems there may be times when the chosen nominees may not have a African American, and many times we have winners who are not Americans. It seems there may be other reasons for not having a African American nominated? Would choosing actors who are not Americans be anti-American? I really can't imagine those Oscar pickers being racists. It does not make sense to me?
I was surprised that Michael Jordan was snubbed for "Creed", but I suspect more Oscar voters were disappointed that it wasn't the guy they remembered from "Space Jam".


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
MLK's birthday is a big one for aCW and his ilk:

That was pretty much seen as an anomaly here. There are a few KKK types in some parts and up into rural Georgia and over to the same area in Mississippi, yet those folks are crackers who stay much to themselves today. I doubt they sent them, being they stay put? Most here think it was probably a stupid kids prank. Mobile would not be very receptive, not even Montgomery!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I was surprised that Michael Jordan was snubbed for "Creed", but I suspect more Oscar voters were disappointed that it wasn't the guy they remembered from "Space Jam".

I had to look it up. maybe it is because those people are too (fill in the word) to pick a take-off on a "Rocky" movie? I do not think it was about race as much as it is, you know better than me, they like more arty films. They seem to dislike convention.

Creed had an 82 Metascore and sounds good to me, then I am not one who picks Oscars, and never would have picked "Birdman" it seemed a big waste of time to me?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I had to look it up. maybe it is because those people are too (fill in the word) to pick a take-off on a "Rocky" movie? I do not think it was about race as much as it is, you know better than me, they like more arty films. They seem to dislike convention.
I don't know, they nominated Stallone for his supporting role. And the kid was great. Maybe his name really was offputting for people. I mean, do we really know how many of the nominators have actually seen all of the films?

I'm not suggesting racism, but I don't understand the snub.


These are the mass murdering barbarians that Martin Luther King Jr. sided with.

Communist atrocities

Also remember that King accepted Planned Parenthood's Margaret Sanger Award. Sanger, through her interest in eugenics, had ties to mass murderer Adolf Hitler.