The Politically Incorrect Truth About American Indians


The American Indian raped the land and destroyed the wildlife? This is the most ludicrous assertion I've ever seen.

Already addressed in an earlier post:

One other very interesting point about the American Indian. Many tribes didn't even have a word for lying as it was unknown in their world. Could the Indian be cruel? Oh yes. Without a doubt. Most tribes lived for war with their neighbors. Being a warrior was a status symbol. In a lot of tribes a young man couldn't even get married until he had counted coup on an enemy. And he paid a dowry for his wife/wives with the horses he stole from the other tribes near him. And, one of the things Indian tribes did was own slaves. They would raid a neighboring tribe, steal some of their women and make them the camp slaves. Some weren't treated badly and later became adopted members of the tribe. Other captives were worked to death or beaten to death. Their lives were living hells.

The barbarianism of the American Indian has been addressed throughout this thread, but thanks for acknowledging it.

The Indian, with a few exceptions, were much cleaner than the white man too.

That didn't make the Indians perfect by any means as torture was a way life for them. When an Indian from another tribe, or a white man, was captured it was common practice to put them to death by torture.

I'm not sure why you wrote that the Indian was much cleaner (sanitary wise is what I suspect you meant) and then started talking about torture? Can you give some examples of the sanitation habits of various Indian tribes?

Yes, they were cheated out of their lands and every treaty they ever signed was broken by the white man.

How does one "cheat" a nomadic people out of land that they never owned or fully inhabited in the first place?

But neither side was guiltless.

The European settlers were "guilty" of bringing Christianity to a barbaric pagan people. Is that a bad thing? The bad thing is that the American Indian didn't embrace Christianity.


like marbles on glass
How does one "cheat" a nomadic people out of land that they never owned or fully inhabited in the first place?

The European settlers were "guilty" of bringing Christianity to a barbaric pagan people. Is that a bad thing? The bad thing is that the American Indian didn't embrace Christianity.

Where to begin with you and your 19th. century racism... Eh. Not gonna bother with it. Waste of time.


Where to begin with you and your 19th. century racism... Eh. Not gonna bother with it. Waste of time.

I suppose a thread exposing the truth about a pagan culture wouldn't be complete without someone crying "Racist!"

As I'd shown in an earlier post, many American Indian icons from yesteryear converted to Christianity. It's unfortunate that the majority did not, as if they had, we wouldn't be seeing big casinos on practically every Indian reservation across the nation, but Christian churches instead.

There's always hope though, as there are some great organizations within the American Indian community that promote Christianity:

American Indian Christian Mission is one of them.

The Horn

"The only good Indian is a dead Indian ". Pretty much says it all . Yes, the various indigenous tribes fought brutal wars with each other and committed atrocities . The Incas brutally suppressed smaller surrounding peoples in order to make their empire and the Aztecs and Mayas sacrificed who knows how many people by cutting their hearts out .
But does this justify the atrocities committed by white settlers ? Does this justify putting native children in schools and subjecting them to cruel punishments for speaking their native languages in order to teach them English and wipe out the way of life of these indigenous peoples ?
Does it justify the infamous "Trail of tears " ordered by president Andrew Jackson where the Cherokees were ordered to go by foot to be resettled in Oklahoma , and where so many died brutal deaths along the way ? I think not . Atrocities are atrocities no matter who commits them .


Yes, the various indigenous tribes fought brutal wars with each other and committed atrocities . The Incas brutally suppressed smaller surrounding peoples in order to make their empire and the Aztecs and Mayas sacrificed who knows how many people by cutting their hearts out.

Thank you for acknowledging what's already been established numerous times throughout this thread.

Now let's talk about the attempt to assimilate those people that committed barbaric acts into the Judeo-Christian based society that America was:

Cultural assimilation of Native Americans

The cultural assimilation of Native Americans was an assimilation effort by the United States to transform Native American culture to European–American culture between the years of 1790 and 1920.[1][2] George Washington and Henry Knox were first to propose, in an American context, the cultural transformation of Native Americans.[3] They formulated a policy to encourage the civilizing process.[2] With increased waves of immigration from Europe, there was growing public support for education to encourage a standard set of cultural values and practices to be held in common by the majority of citizens. Education was viewed as the primary method in the acculturation process for minorities.

Americanization policies were based on the idea that when indigenous people learned United States (American) customs and values, they would be able to merge tribal traditions with American culture and peacefully join the majority of the society. After the end of the Indian Wars, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the government outlawed the practice of traditional religious ceremonies. It established Native American boarding schools which children were required to attend. In these schools they were forced to speak English, study standard subjects, attend church, and leave tribal traditions behind.
Read more:

Unfortunately liberals won the war against assimilating the American Indian into Judeo-Christian based American culture and hence the American Indian has been subjected to the things that come with liberalism:

Rampant fatherless homes, rampant alcoholism, rampant poverty and rampant early death amongst the American Indian people.


like marbles on glass
Now let's talk about the attempt to assimilate those people that committed barbaric acts into the Judeo-Christian based society that America was:

How Boarding Schools Tried to ‘Kill the Indian’ Through Assimilation

“Kill the Indian in him, and save the man.”

That was the mindset under which the U.S. government forced tens of thousands of Native American children to attend “assimilation” boarding schools in the late 19th century. Decades later, those words—delivered in a speech by U.S. cavalry captain Richard Henry Pratt, who opened the first such school in Carlisle, Pennsylvania—have come to symbolize the brutality of the boarding school system.

The history of this forced assimilation is far from settled. On August 7, 2017, the U.S. Army began exhuming the graves of three children from the Northern Arapaho tribe who had died at Pratt’s Carlisle Indian Industrial School in the 1880s. The children’s names were Little Chief, Horse, and Little Plume—names they were forbidden to use at the school.

Students at Carlisle and the roughly 150 other such schools that the government opened were susceptible to deadly infections like tuberculosis and the flu. During Carlisle’s operation between 1879 and 1918, nearly 200 other children were buried in the same cemetery as the Northern Arapaho boys, according to The Washington Post.

Carlisle and other boarding schools were part of a long history of U.S. attempts to either kill, remove, or assimilate Native Americans. In 1830, the U.S. forced Native Americans to move west of the Mississippi to make room for U.S. expansion with the the Indian Removal Act. But a few decades later, the U.S. worried it was running out of places to relocate the country’s original inhabitants. . . .

As part of this federal push for assimilation, boarding schools forbid Native American children from using their own languages and names, as well as from practicing their religion and culture. They were given new Anglo-American names, clothes, and haircuts, and told they must abandon their way of life because it was inferior to white people’s.


like marbles on glass
Throughout the Northeast, proclamations to create ‘redskins’, or scalps of Native Americans, were common during war and peace times. According to the 1775 Phips Proclamation in Massachusetts, King George II of Britain called for “subjects to embrace all opportunities of pursuing, captivating, killing and destroying all and every of the aforesaid Indians.”

Colonists were paid for each Penobscot Native they killed – fifty pounds for adult male scalps, twenty-five for adult female scalps, and twenty for scalps of boys and girls under age twelve. These proclamations explicitly display the settlers’ “intent to kill”, a major indicator of genocidal acts.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
"We" came over, found an empty land (with inconvenient savages wandering around) and claimed it

Mine! "we" said, and "we" meant it.



What this liberal article fails to acknowledge that these "boarding schools" were missions run by Catholics. They were places where pagan children were taught about God and where amongst other things they were given immunizations against diseases.

If the author of the above post would like to talk about the infant/child mortality rate amongst the various Indian tribes I'd be more than happy to discuss that subject.


like marbles on glass
What this liberal article fails to acknowledge that these "boarding schools" were missions run by Catholics. They were places where pagan children were taught about God and where amongst other things they were given immunizations against diseases.

If the author of the above post would like to talk about the infant/child mortality rate amongst the various Indian tribes I'd be more than happy to discuss that subject.

Catholics are guilty too. There's bad history in the missions.

You can't whitewash this. Why you're even trying boggles the mind. White Christians are guilty of the basest kinds of cruelty and they won, didn't they? Your whole thread is pointless. And racist.


Throughout the Northeast, proclamations to create ‘redskins’, or scalps of Native Americans, were common during war and peace times.

The history of scalping.

Intertribal warfare

Author and historian Mark van de Logt wrote, "Although military historians tend to reserve the concept of 'total war'", in which civilians are targeted, "for conflicts between modern industrial nations," the term "closely approaches the state of affairs between the Pawnees, the Sioux, and the Cheyennes. Noncombatants were legitimate targets. Indeed, the taking of a scalp of a woman or child was considered honorable because it signified that the scalp taker had dared to enter the very heart of the enemy's territory."[13]

I really shouldn't be redundant, as it's been discussed numerous times in this thread the savagery American Indians committed against women, children and babies.


like marbles on glass
Yes, I went there, didn't see any primary sources

And they're wrong about smallpox and blankets as well

Follow the links in the article. This is from one of them, regarding the smallpox:

Unfortunately for this thesis, we know of but a single instance of such warfare, and the documentary evidence is inconclusive. In 1763, a particularly serious uprising threatened the British garrisons west of the Allegheny mountains. Worried about his limited resources, and disgusted by what he saw as the Indians’ treacherous and savage modes of warfare, Sir Jeffrey Amherst, commander-in-chief of British forces in North America, wrote as follows to Colonel Henry Bouquet at Fort Pitt:"You will do well to try to inoculate the Indians [with smallpox] by means of blankets, as well as to try every other method, that can serve to extirpate this execrable race."

Bouquet clearly approved of Amherst's suggestion, but whether he himself carried it out is uncertain. On or around June 24, two traders at Fort Pitt did give blankets and a handkerchief from the fort’s quarantined hospital to two visiting Delaware Indians, and one of the traders noted in his journal:"I hope it will have the desired effect." Smallpox was already present among the tribes of Ohio; at some point after this episode, there was another outbreak in which hundreds died.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You just quoted the link.

As well, they propagate the 90% death rate as fact, when most scholars accept that 90% is the upper range of a broad array of estimates, some as low as 15%, a matter of dispute, research and discussion among experts in the field


like marbles on glass
The history of scalping.

Phips Proclamation


Whereas the Tribe of Penobscot Indians have repeatedly in a perfidious manner acted contrary to their Solemn Submission unto his Majesty long since mad and frequently renewed. I have therefore at the desire of the House of Representatives with the Advice of his Majesty's Council thought fit to issue the Proclamation and to declare the Penobscot tribe of Indians to be Enemies, Rebells, and Traitors to his Majesty King George the Second.

And I do hereby require his Majesty's Subjects of this Province to Embrace all opportunities of pursuing, captivating, killing and Destroying all and every of the aforesaid Indians.

And whereas the General Court of the Province have Voted that a bounty or Incouragement be granted and allowed to be paid out of the public Treasuryto the Marching Forces that shall have been employed for the Defence of the Eastern and Western Frontiers from the first of the twenty-fifth of this Instant November --I have thought fit to publish the same and I do hereby Promis that there shall be paid out of the Province Treasury to all and any of the said Forces over and above their Bounty upon inlistment, their Wages and Subsistance the Premiums or Bounty following viz.

For every Male Penobscot Indian above the Age of twelve years that shall be taken within the Time aforesaid and brought to Boston Fifty Pounds.

For every Female Penobscot Indian taken and brought in as aforesaid and for Every Male Indian Prisoner under the age of twelve Years taken and brought in as aforesaid Twenty five Pounds.

For every Scalp of such Female Indian or Male Indian under the Age of twelve years that Shall be killed and brought in as Evidence of their being killed as aforesaid, Twenty pounds.

Given at the Council Chamber in Boston this third day of November 1755 and in the twenty ninth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the second by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith.

By his Honour's Command,
J. WILLARD, Secry.
God save the King.



Catholics are guilty too. There's bad history in the missions.

Yeah, the Catholic Church is probably one of the most unsafe places a child could be in modern day America, but those missions helped many an American Indian discover God.

I know in the secular humanist world that's considered a bad thing, but my thread is titled "The Politically Incorrect Truth about the American Indian" for a reason.

You can't whitewash this. Why you're even trying boggles the mind. White Christians are guilty of the basest kinds of cruelty and they won, didn't they? Your whole thread is pointless. And racist.

Shall we review the lies misinformation that you've been caught posting? Shall we start with your post that pretty much stated that the American Indian were conservationists when in reality they raped the natural resources of America?