The American Indian raped the land and destroyed the wildlife? This is the most ludicrous assertion I've ever seen.
The herds of buffalo were so large when the white man arrived that it sometimes took days for a herd to pass a single point. Buffalo herd size, not combined herd numbers, was estimated to be in the millions. That's right. A single herd could number into the millions of buffalo. Game such as deer, elk, turkey, antelope, mountain sheep, etc... were found in great numbers. When a tribe had their village in a place long enough for game begin to get scarce in that locale the Indians picked up and moved. That allowed the animals in the area where they had just lived to reproduce and build the numbers once again. The Indian was not stupid enough to kill off all the game in any area. He knew his life would depend on the game being there at a later date so he could live there once again as each tribe had a limited area in which they could roam due to their enemies also holding areas of land.
The streams and rivers were loaded with fish. They were caught with bare hooks without having to snag them. The beaver populations were enormous as the Indians left them almost completely alone thus the water distribution systems were in very good shape and the rest of the animals had many watering holes.
One other very interesting point about the American Indian. Many tribes didn't even have a word for lying as it was unknown in their world. Could the Indian be cruel? Oh yes. Without a doubt. Most tribes lived for war with their neighbors. Being a warrior was a status symbol. In a lot of tribes a young man couldn't even get married until he had counted coup on an enemy. And he paid a dowry for his wife/wives with the horses he stole from the other tribes near him. And, one of the things Indian tribes did was own slaves. They would raid a neighboring tribe, steal some of their women and make them the camp slaves. Some weren't treated badly and later became adopted members of the tribe. Other captives were worked to death or beaten to death. Their lives were living hells.
The Indian, with a few exceptions, were much cleaner than the white man too.
That didn't make the Indians perfect by any means as torture was a way life for them. When an Indian from another tribe, or a white man, was captured it was common practice to put them to death by torture. And their methods of torture were pretty vicious. They included tying down their victim so that his head would be far enough from the ground to build a small fire under. They would then bake the head of their victim until his brain boiled and his eyes basically melted. They would repeatedly rape white women and girls using gang rape techniques. They would rape them to death. Scalping was far from the worst thing to happen to a captive. Both men and women prisoners would be mutilated. The men would have their genitals cut off and stuck in their mouths. Women would have their breasts sliced off. Another one of the things done was to take pine slivers made from very pitchy wood and stick it under the fingernails of their victims and then light them on fire. All these things were done to men, women, and children. One thing the Indian did to white children was to take them by their heels and beat their heads against a wall or a rock until they were unrecognizable. Just like the Nazis did to Jewish children.
The Indian was not the gentle person the socialists love to portray them as. Yes, they were cheated out of their lands and every treaty they ever signed was broken by the white man. But neither side was guiltless. Just think about coming home to find your family butchered as I have described above and think about what your view of an Indian would be then. As to innocent Indians being punished for the bloodletting of other Indians, that happened on both sides. To an Indian a white man was a white man so killing one white man for the outrage committed by another white man was logical and right. Same thing went for the killing of one Indian for the outrage committed by another Indian. Both sides were guilty. People on both sides had plenty of reason to hate.