ECT The Most Misunderstood Passage in the Bible--Romans 5:12-18

Eagles Wings

New member
Without a doubt, the heresy of Pelagianism has been proven to the actual basis of the MAD opposition to the one and only Gospel of Jesus Christ.
As you recently said to me, "Come quickly Lord Jesus".

Gotta go. Love, in our Savior.


TOL Subscriber

Now don't get banned my dear friend. You are needed around here.

Thanks. I hear you.

Hopefully, Sherman will live up to her confession (elsewhere) of the Reformed faith and understand why I oppose such overt heresy being allowed and condoned on TOL.

When we take sides for Truth, we must defend Truth with all our hearts, minds, and souls. That is the first great commandment of Jesus Christ.


My goodness, boy, you can't even be faithful to your own argument. There are more "what ifs" in that one paragraph than I've seen in many a day. You need to bear this in mind....when your premise is faulty, you end up with this very kind of mumbo-jumbo.


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Yes, and since the LORD is no respecter of persons (Jas.2:9) he treats all people in the same way. It was not until Adam sinned when he died spiritually and so no one else dies spiritually until they also sin. And in order to die spiritually a person must first be alive spiritually, just like Adam and Eve were before they sinned.

What about the nephilim

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New member
Jerry's quite off here. The whole race was dying. The sin of Adam was imputed to all. I don't know if Jerry does imputing/crediting/accounting, so until that is resolved, he'll call this misunderstood and won't talk any more about the disciples suppressed knowledge of Christ's death.

Yep to most of that, Interplanner.

2 Corinthians 5:14 For the love of Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead:


It's about time we agreed on something again.

Or as the late great: Sam Cooke put it - "It's been a long time, a long time a comin...But I know a change gonna come, oh yes it will..."
