ECT The Most Misunderstood Passage in the Bible--Romans 5:12-18

Eagles Wings

New member
You are insisting on a serious heretical stance.

Man is fallen. Mankind fell through the agency of Adam. All men are born as sinners.

May God help you and protect others from your denial of this basic and foundational Truth.

I agree with you, that the denial of the biblical doctrine of Original Sin from so many in this thread is shocking.


Well-known member
Jerry's quite off here. The whole race was dying. The sin of Adam was imputed to all. I don't know if Jerry does imputing/crediting/accounting, so until that is resolved, he'll call this misunderstood and won't talk any more about the disciples suppressed knowledge of Christ's death.

The sin of Adam was not imputed to us, and we are quite capable of committing our own sin. "The whole race was dying"...those are the kind of comments that have no scriptural support.

Sin entered the world....from that you get sin entered Adam's offspring. Why didn't God mention the little detail of Adam's sin being passed to his offspring when He enumerated the curse that would come upon them as a result of their sin?

Gen. 3:16-19KJV Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.​

Why didn't God say, 'Oh by the way, because you disobeyed me, all your children will be born with the guilt of your sin? Their very nature will be sinful, and they will be born spiritually dead.
They will be evil continually, unable to seek me, and unable to do good.'


TOL Subscriber

I agree with you, that the denial of the biblical doctrine of Original Sin from so many in this thread is shocking.

Yeah . . who realized until now, that Knight has produced an anti-Christian, heretical, and Pelagian website of this magnitude, in these modern times?

All in the name of supposed Christian Theology, Open Theism, and Mid Acts Dispensationalism . . .

Well, now we know who TOL endorses and what it is all about.


Well-known member
Yeah . . who realized until now, that Knight has produced an anti-Christian, heretical, and Pelagian website of this magnitude, in these modern times?

All in the name of supposed Christian Theology, Open Theism, and Mid Acts Dispensationalism . . .

Well, now we know who TOL endorses and what it is all about.

Oh she's going to blame Knight. Won't someone try to knock this woman off her high horse? Her holier than thou stench is getting to be very annoying.


TOL Subscriber
Isn't it odd that we are discussing that original sin with SCRIPTURE instead of doctrine commentaries or creeds, and folks are flipping out about it.

You two are not discussing "Original Sin" according to Scripture, but are merely playing games guessing about arguments that might supposedly deny and oppose the truths of Scripture.

Shame on you both ...

Eagles Wings

New member
Yeah . . who realized until now, that Knight has produced an anti-Christian, heretical, and Pelagian website of this magnitude, in these modern times?

All in the name of supposed Christian Theology, Open Theism, and Mid Acts Dispensationalism . . .

Well, now we know who TOL endorses and what it is all about.
Well, it is coming out loud and clear in this thread.


TOL Subscriber
Did you see Nang flipping out and blaming Knight for hosting this ungodly site? :rotfl:

If Knight allows the erroneous teaching of Pelagianism, he supports and encourages that vile and ancient heresy.

Otherwise, he would actively oppose the posting of such anti-Christian rhetoric.

He is either ignorant or compliant . . .
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TOL Subscriber
It's one of those "attack the messengers' things, isn't it? Just keep holding up that Bible, Tam, and they won't be able to lay a glove on us. ;)

You should fear the Lord about what you testify to on this site . . .He is the Judge with the heavy hand.