The Most Dangerous Teaching

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
I don't preach, I speak, and I believe that if we are being saved then we will do the works of God and we will start to deny ourselves and not live by the lusts of our flesh through Christ by the power of the Spirit.

And the gospel that I follow is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Taught by him and his apostles and disciples.

Then you admit, you're teaching the "Kingdom Gospel?" You must be because the Apostle Paul was preaching/teaching the "Grace Gospel." You're either preaching one or the other and I submit that you've chosen to preach the "Kingdom Gospel." Are you a member of the "House of Israel?"


New member
Hi and why did not Paul use a formula , like in the name of Jesus ??
I would suggest to you he did because that is what Jesus instructed on how to make Christians. Just because it isn't stated in this passage doesn't mean it wasn't done.

Please notice that the Greek word BAPTIZO / BAPTIZED does not have the Greek word for WATER / HUDOR , here at all ??
The Greek word means to dip or submerge. To make Christians, it's clear the water is used for the immersion.

Could Paul water baptize , when 1 Cor 1:17 NOT sent to Baptize !!
WHEN was Paul sent to "not" baptize? I find it strange that after he was sent to preach the gospel and "not to baptize" that he established churches and converted people all over the world by baptizing them and then on his last journey writes a letter saying he was "not" sent to baptize? I would suggest that verse is cherry picked out of context and used incorrectly.

In Acts 16:33 , why does it say , " and was baptized , he and all his INSTANTLY ??
I would suggest they were baptized "on the spot" while they were at water (washing wounds). Paul proclaimed Jesus, they washed their wounds and then were baptized. That is the order in that passage.

BAPTIZO /BAPTIZE has 12 meanings and it means the jailer and his house were washed and saved !!

Just like Titus 3:5 says !!
Just like Mk. 16:16 says.

Right Divider

Body part
I would suggest to you John did not baptize these men. If you read the end of Acts 18, you can see what they were taught.
Acts 19:3 (AKJV/PCE)
(19:3) And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto John's baptism.

Also, as far as I know, John the B never preached Jesus but prepared the way for him.
So everyone that John baptized needed to be re-baptized?

Peter preached the same thing Paul did.
Nope... SOME but not all as Peter did NOT receive the revelation that Paul did AFTER the RISEN and ASCENDED LORD Jesus Christ showed many things to him. This is actually why Paul, THREE times in scripture, calls what he preached MY gospel. Some think that Paul was arrogant, are you one of them?
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Well-known member
We can't be saved without faith or God's grace, and I have said this many times on this forum. But that doesn't mean we don't do anything, we have works to do, and we are to stop living as we please and live by the will of God and turn from this world of sin and stop lusting after the flesh and stop putting ourselves first and God will help us to do this, he will help us overcome through Christ by the Spirit.

Stop living as we please? :think:

Are you saying those who have believed unto righteousness have any desire whatsoever to please themselves? That those who have believed unto righteousness have any desire to put themselves first?

You're wrong. That you still have such lusts and desires just shows you have not been created a new creature in Christ Jesus.

The trouble with many here is, they seem to think that once they say "I believe" then they don't have to do anything else, and that's it, they are guaranteed a place in heaven no matter what they do. That's a false teaching and isn't the truth.

The trouble with those like you is they don't know the power of God, and have never experienced what it means to be hid with Christ in have no confidence in God performing His work in us.

We aren't baptised with the Spirit in our time, it's in God's time, and only then do we begin to be saved not when we say with our mouth "I believe", to truly believe is to repent, obey Christ Jesus and turn from sin. We are saved through Christ, through faith, by truly believing in the gospel and living by it, and obeying the word of God, and all is done by the grace of God.

And all is done by the grace of God you say? Except for all that stuff in yellow you claim to do yourself. :chuckle:

I can't overcome my flesh...

But you try and try and try. Your faith is in yourself.


New member
Paul preached SOME of the same things that Peter preached. Paul confirmed ALL that came before, but Paul also received NEW revelation that you're trying to force into something else.

This is the way I see it. I assume Paul received the gospel from Jesus when he was converted. We then see him interacting with the 12 and those who were in Christ before him. Then traveling with Barnabas establishing churches preaching the same thing Peter preaches and baptizing the believers just as Peter does. Paul calls what he was preaching the gospel.

So after he finishes his travels while under house arrest he writes these letters to people he made Christians that there's a new gospel? After having received it from Jesus before he even started preaching?
That doesn't make sense that after receiving revelation from Jesus he would teach and make Christians one way and then later write and tell them there's a new way.

That is confusion.


New member
Acts 19:3 (AKJV/PCE)
(19:3) And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto John's baptism.

So everyone that John baptized needed to be re-baptized?
I can see you didn't read the end of chapter 18 to see what these men were taught.

Some think that Paul was arrogant, are you one of them?

Not at all, there were a lot of false doctrines going around. Paul is merely saying I speak the true words of God.

Right Divider

Body part
This is the way I see it. I assume Paul received the gospel from Jesus when he was converted. We then see him interacting with the 12 and those who were in Christ before him. Then traveling with Barnabas establishing churches preaching the same thing Peter preaches and baptizing the believers just as Peter does. Paul calls what he was preaching the gospel.
Paul calls something MY gospel.... How can he even do that it's all the same? Was Paul arrogant?

So after he finishes his travels while under house arrest he writes these letters to people he made Christians that there's a new gospel. That doesn't make sense that after receiving revelation from Jesus he would teach and make Christians one way and then later write and tell them there's a new way.

That is confusion.
That you try to mash the things that God was doing to and through Israel with what God is doing through the body of Christ is confusion.

Again, I've love to see where Peter preached the cross as good news anywhere in Acts 1-8. It should be super easy is it's "all the same gospel".


New member
Again, I've love to see where Peter preached the cross as good news anywhere in Acts 1-8. It should be super easy is it's "all the same gospel".

In Acts 14 it says Paul continued to proclaim the gospel. In Acts 13 we can see that gospel and it's exactly the same as what Peter preached.

Right Divider

Body part
I would suggest to you John did not baptize these men. If you read the end of Acts 18, you can see what they were taught.

Acts 19:3 (AKJV/PCE)
(19:3) And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto John's baptism.

I can see you didn't read the end of chapter 18 to see what these men were taught.
I didn't need to go back to chapter 18 so see that you were wrong about their baptism.

Not at all, there were a lot of false doctrines going around. Paul is merely saying I speak the true words of God.
Sure he was.

Right Divider

Body part
In Acts 14 it says Paul continued to proclaim the gospel. In Acts 13 we can see that gospel and it's exactly the same as what Peter preached.
Are you just going to continue to avoid this problem?

Again, I've love to see where Peter preached the cross as good news anywhere in Acts 1-8. It should be super easy if it's "all the same gospel".
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Well-known member
This is the way I see it. I assume Paul received the gospel from Jesus when he was converted. We then see him interacting with the 12 and those who were in Christ before him. Then traveling with Barnabas establishing churches preaching the same thing Peter preaches and baptizing the believers just as Peter does. Paul calls what he was preaching the gospel.

So after he finishes his travels while under house arrest he writes these letters to people he made Christians that there's a new gospel? After having received it from Jesus before he even started preaching?
That doesn't make sense that after receiving revelation from Jesus he would teach and make Christians one way and then later write and tell them there's a new way.

That is confusion.

Paul had MANY revelations from the Lord...including a trip to the third heaven (Paradise).


Well-known member
WHEN was Paul sent to "not" baptize? I find it strange that after he was sent to preach the gospel and "not to baptize" that he established churches and converted people all over the world by baptizing them and then on his last journey writes a letter saying he was "not" sent to baptize? I would suggest that verse is cherry picked out of context and used incorrectly.

You find it strange because you don't see that being baptized into one body BY THE SPIRIT, is the ONE BAPTISM that saves. And it is the effect of being begotten by the Gospel when we are given the earnest of the Spirit.

1 Corinthians 1:17 For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.

1 Corinthians 12:13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.​


New member
Stop living as we please? :think:

Are you saying those who have believed unto righteousness have any desire whatsoever to please themselves? That those who have believed unto righteousness have any desire to put themselves first?

You're wrong. That you still have such lusts and desires just shows you have not been created a new creature in Christ Jesus.

The trouble with those like you is they don't know the power of God, and have never experienced what it means to be hid with Christ in have no confidence in God performing His work in us.

And all is done by the grace of God you say? Except for all that stuff in yellow you claim to do yourself. :chuckle:

But you try and try and try. Your faith is in yourself.

You are asserting "Holiness Movement" nonsense.


Rom. 5: 6-8

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You find it strange because you don't see that being baptized into one body BY THE SPIRIT, is the ONE BAPTISM that saves. And it is the effect of being begotten by the Gospel when we are given the earnest of the Spirit.

1 Corinthians 1:17 For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.

1 Corinthians 12:13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.​

Great post, Glorydaz.


Well-known member
You are asserting "Holiness Movement" nonsense.


Giving God all the glory is holiness? Cool. :thumb:

I'm merely stating what Paul does.
I'm not surprised you would say that, however.
You have a worker bent in you.

Your "study" and your "methods" are evidence of that.