The long nightmare has just begun: Inauguration of a fraud.


Well-known member
Why is Trump holding another rally?


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
This shows nap lied how?

Here's how rational people approach serious charges of any sort. They look for proof, evidence of some sort to support the claim and an argument that makes the claim reasonable. When Nap's own news agency doesn't support his claims and pulls him from the air, when the president makes repeated claims but provides no proof, and when pressed points back to Fox News, when agencies that comment say they have no reason to support it, a reasonable person doesn't say, "Well, I guess it could be true then. We just don't know." A reasonable person says, "Well, until there's actual proof it's not much more than a loud rumor and there's no reason to give it any credence."


like marbles on glass
the cbc covered it today - the story led with protesters chanting - sounded like two or three of them :darwinsm:

to give the cbc credit, they did say that trump spoke to a packed room

Two or three? You wish... several hundred's not a bad turnout in a deep red state. :)





like marbles on glass
what i "wish", anna, is they'd grow up, quit the immature protesting crap and get on with finding a valid reason to impeach him

Why don't you get off your butt and do it?

They're exercising their right to free speech and assembly - same as the ones inside the venue chanting in rapt worship at the altar of their lying fraud of a leader.


Well-known member
Russia’s radical new strategy for information warfare

A senior Obama administration official described Krutskikh as a “senior-level adviser” to President Vladimir Putin and “a long-standing player in cyber issues” at the foreign ministry. The official said he couldn’t confirm the details of Krutskikh’s remarks, but that “they sound like something Andrey would say.”

According to notes of Krutskikh’s speech, he told his Russian audience: “You think we are living in 2016. No, we are living in 1948. And do you know why? Because in 1949, the Soviet Union had its first atomic bomb test. And if until that moment, the Soviet Union was trying to reach agreement with [President Harry] Truman to ban nuclear weapons, and the Americans were not taking us seriously, in 1949 everything changed and they started talking to us on an equal footing.”

Krutskikh continued, “I’m warning you: We are at the verge of having ‘something’ in the information arena, which will allow us to talk to the Americans as equals.

Well, we know what that was about now.


Well-known member
Florida Republican Representative Res-Lehtinen, who seems to care more about America than partisanship,
asked Comey and Admiral Mike Rogers this question "Why do you think the Russian didn't mind being loud and being found out?"

The answer

They will be back. I say they are more of a formidable foe than Obama which is apparently lost on President Trump and his ego.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Comey ought to be removed as the FBI Director. He's obviously, politically fighting a war against President Trump. Comey is a very weak man and an enemy of Trump. All that he does has a political motivation.