The long nightmare has just begun: Inauguration of a fraud.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Yo, Fool, who's the precious baby in your avatar?

That's the youngest of my four beautiful sons about five days after birth I believe, picture taken by my wife.
It won avatar of the year at some point so I've kept it.


like marbles on glass
My point is trying to figure out what your point is.

I'm always disappointed when I haven't been clear. Point out to me specifically what I said that you're questioning and I'll do my best to clarify.

So do you stand by the quote?
What quote? The one from the anonymous sources? How do I "stand by" a quote of someone else's words?

I'm gonna want to have sources that can be cited.

I think you know what would happen if they were to identify themselves.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I love that photo. :)

I have three much-loved sons of my own.

It's such a great pic because he has this "What's Up?" look that could mean so many things.
Like he's staring into your soul and demanding you answer all your doubts and conflicts that you didn't even know you had.
The pictures before and after that one were more typical thumb sucking and pukeing type pics but for that one instant he seemed to personify the entirety of life's existence going forever into the past and future at the same time.


like marbles on glass
He's paid gazillions in taxes, he has 25,000 employees.

How do you know?

Now Donald Jr. and Eric have 25,000 employees.

How do you know?

Do you understand taxes?

Enough to be able to know if he's worth as much as he says he is, if he's in debt more than he says he is, and how and where he's doing business such that it would conflict with his office. How about you? Are you in the tax business?


like marbles on glass
It's such a great pic because he has this "What's Up?" look that could mean so many things.
Like he's staring into your soul and demanding you answer all your doubts and conflicts that you didn't even know you had.
The pictures before and after that one were more typical thumb sucking and pukeing type pics but for that one instant he seemed to personify the entirety of life's existence going forever into the past and future at the same time.

He looks wise beyond his days. I've looked at him so many times when you've been posting, I just love his little face, and you should never change your avatar.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I'm always disappointed when I haven't been clear. Point out to me specifically what I said that you're questioning and I'll do my best to clarify.
You posted the article, what did you mean by it?

What quote? The one from the anonymous sources? How do I "stand by" a quote of someone else's words?
You posted the article and chose which words to bold.

I think you know what would happen if they were to identify themselves.
They would be held accountable? Just like you were trying to hold Trump accountable when you posted the words of the "US Military Officials" who can't be named because they don't want to be held accountable for the things they say in order to hold others accountable.


like marbles on glass
You posted the article, what did you mean by it?

That's got to be pretty obvious by now, and I really don't think I need to explain to you what you already know.

I think Trump is a disaster and I think people who voted for him are blind (to greater or lesser degree and culpability) to his shortcomings.

So I post news from a different perspective than they're likely to be getting theirs, and because of that I'm putting mine on the other side of the scale. That should be pretty clear and pretty obvious, and I make no apology for it. I know what I'm doing, and so do you, I'm sure.

You posted the article and chose which words to bold.

Yes I did. Just as you chose which part of the article you excerpted.

They would be held accountable? Just like you were trying to hold Trump accountable when you posted the words of the "US Military Officials" who can't be named because they don't want to be held accountable for the things they say in order to hold others accountable.

Absolutely. They're going to do their job the best they can with the Feckless Leader they're stuck with, and they'll use anonymous leaks as needed to get the word out. That's how I see it. And yes. The Commander in Chief wanted this job, and now he has it. And he better figure out how to do it right, because people's lives depend on it.


New member
It's such a great pic because he has this "What's Up?" look that could mean so many things.
Like he's staring into your soul and demanding you answer all your doubts and conflicts that you didn't even know you had.
The pictures before and after that one were more typical thumb sucking and pukeing type pics but for that one instant he seemed to personify the entirety of life's existence going forever into the past and future at the same time.

Great post, great brief respite from our differences, and lol to the rest of that post.


New member
That's got to be pretty obvious by now, and I really don't think I need to explain to you what you already know.

I think Trump is a disaster and I think people who voted for him are blind (to greater or lesser degree and culpability) to his shortcomings.

So I post news from a different perspective than they're likely to be getting theirs, and because of that I'm putting mine on the other side of the scale. That should be pretty clear and pretty obvious, and I make no apology for it. I know what I'm doing, and so do you, I'm sure.

Yes I did. Just as you chose which part of the article you excerpted.

Absolutely. They're going to do their job the best they can with the Feckless Leader they're stuck with, and they'll use anonymous leaks as needed to get the word out. That's how I see it. And yes. The Commander in Chief wanted this job, and now he has it. And he better figure out how to do it right, because people's lives depend on it.

Well stated, Anna :thumb:


like marbles on glass
Swamp? What swamp?

In unusual vote that began before dawn, Congress kills rule forcing payment disclosures by companies

Rex Tillerson Tried to Get This Rule Killed. Now Congress Is About to Do It for Him

Should oil companies disclose payments to foreign governments? The GOP, and former Exxon CEO, think not.

The leader of the world’s most valuable company doesn’t typically fly to Washington to fight one obscure amendment to a 2,300-page bill, especially a motherhood-and-apple-pie-style amendment designed to prevent and expose corruption abroad. But back in 2010, ExxonMobil’s then-CEO, Rex Tillerson, was deeply worried about Section 1504 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reforms, a bipartisan amendment that required drilling and mining companies to disclose any payments they make to foreign governments. So Tillerson and one of his lobbyists paid a half-hour visit to the amendment’s Republican co-author, then-Senator Richard Lugar, to try to get it killed.

Tillerson argued that forcing U.S. oil firms to reveal corporate secrets—such as paying foreign governments—would put them at a competitive disadvantage. He also explained that the provision would make it especially difficult for Exxon to do business in Russia, where, as he did not need to explain, the government takes a rather active interest in the oil industry. But Lugar believed greater transparency could help alleviate the “resource curse” of corruption that plagues so many mineral-rich countries, so he told Tillerson they would have to agree to disagree. Section 1504 stayed in the bill, the bill became law, and the disclosure requirement became an international example: France, Canada and the United Kingdom all went on to use it as a model for similar rules.

Today, seven years later, Republicans confirmed Tillerson as President Trump’s secretary of state, despite allegations that he’s too cozy with Russia. At the same time, the GOP is preparing to try to kill the disclosure rule created under Section 1504, despite warnings from international aid groups that the move would provide a wink-and-nod blessing to hidden corporate payments to petro-thugs. The House is expected to act this afternoon, and since the move relies on a special mechanism for reversing rules enacted late in a presidential term, Senate Republicans will need a mere majority rather than a filibuster-proof 60 votes to follow suit.

So after all of Trump’s promises to drain the swamp, an anti-anti-corruption bill pushed by Big Oil and his own top diplomat might be the first policy legislation to reach his desk.