The long nightmare has just begun: Inauguration of a fraud.

patrick jane

I remember walking thru the Sheraton Moana hotel as a youth. My dad was wearing a lava lava no shirt and some tea leaves around the head and neck. A security guard walked up to us and told him he has to have a shirt on. My dad turned to the Hawaiian security guard and said: Quit kissing the white man's a**

Now it's the opposite and white people are kissing the black man's a**

Comey who calls Loretta Lynch his beloved friend is a prime example of a black a** kissing confused white guy that is willfully ignorant of just how much better white people have made lives in Hawaii and throughout America.

The exception to this are the liberal white slave masters that control the economic strata of the inner city minorities. Comey, who suffers from this white guilt disorder is afraid of black people.

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White People Rock !!!


Maybe he doesn't let the polls make his decisions.

You can be sure that all the members of the House and those up for re-election in the Senate in the 2016 Midterms are watching the polls and deciding at what point do they sign off on the Trump Administration as a lost cause and "bail-out" before he takes them down with him!

If Trump can't get his act together with Republican majorities in both the House and Senate - how is he going to survive when the Democrats flip over one or both Houses of Congress in 2018?


If Trump was registering high in the polls, do you think our conservative "friends" would be quite so eager to dismiss them?

Were these the poles hacked by the Russians that led to your meltdown when Hillary was supposed to win? Big League

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Were these the poles hacked by the Russians that led to your meltdown when Hillary was supposed to win? Big League
Our conservative "friends" are preoccupied with the past, because they find the present and the future far too depressing to contemplate!

When you are rewarded with the political "trifecta," control of the White House and both Houses of Congress, they come with high expectations.

After 4 months into his term, however, this President is registering at record lows in the polls, no significant legislative achievements for now and/or the foreseeable future and a Special Council investigating for collusion with the Russians and the obstruction of justice!

Come the 2018 Midterms, the electorate is going to demand to know what the Republicans have accomplished with their "trifecta" - excuses such as Hillary bashing, fake news and supposed Democratic obstructionism aren't going to serve as a substitute for those lofty promises Trump made!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Ah, but you know that really doesn't count. You probably say "aboot" instead of "about".

i don't (that i know of :noid: ), but my ear is very highly tuned to it

they say "thousand" differently too - just picked up on that this year


New member
Wise move considering those polls said hillary would win by a landslide.
I think the media blew those polls out of proportion. Given the 1-2% of error in either direction, they were still accurate in regards to percentage voting. Now, regarding EC outcomes, they missed by a mile. Since then, I put little stock in short term polls without a large sample size and time.


Our conservative "friends" are preoccupied with the past, because they find the present and the future far too depressing to contemplate!

When you are rewarded with the political "trifecta," control of the White House and both Houses of Congress, they come with high expectations.

After 4 months into his term, however, this President is registering at record lows in the polls, no significant legislative achievements for now and/or the foreseeable future and a Special Council investigating for collusion with the Russians and the obstruction of justice!

Come the 2018 Midterms, the electorate is going to demand to know what the Republicans have accomplished with their "trifecta" - excuses such as Hillary bashing, fake news and supposed Democratic obstructionism aren't going to serve as a substitute for those lofty promises Trump made!

Negative polls are a good sign

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Why do you say that?

Never mind that. I'd just like to say that the American president is the emperor of the western world just like china and Putin rule the east. Liberals need to rejoice over trump.

Rejoice and be exceedingly glad little buddy. All good in the west!

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yield son

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Negative polls are a good sign

Trump's first 4 months have produced no significant legislation and as the Russian collusion investigations gain momentum, the White House will be totally consumed with defending itself!

Unlike the House and 1/3 of the Senate, Trump doesn't have to go before the electorate in the 2018 Midterms, and explain as to why they should be re-elected!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Unlike the House and a 1/3 of the Senate, Trump doesn't have to contend with being up for re-election in the 2018 Midterms!

Trump's first 4 months have produced no significant legislation and as the Russian collusion investigations gain momentum, the White House will be totally consumed with defending itself!

and he's still better than hillary would have been! :banana: