The long nightmare has just begun: Inauguration of a fraud.


like marbles on glass
Balanced analysis from Michael Morell, the former Acting Director and Deputy Director of the CIA:

By the way, I do think that there are four broad areas that need to be investigated with regard to Trump and the Russians. I hope Bob Mueller, the new Special Counsel, is looking at all of these issues.

• First, did anyone in the Trump camp conspire with the Russians in Moscow’s interference in our election? Did they knowingly assist the Russians in that effort? If so, did Trump know about it at the time or did he learn about it later and take steps to cover it up? And, if so, did the Trump folks promise a softer U.S. approach to Russia as a quid pro quo?

• Second, did Russian organized crime launder money through the Trump Organization? If so, was anyone in the Trump Organization aware of that? If so, was Trump himself aware? And, if so, was the soft approach to Russian during the campaign and the transition a quid pro quo? If the money laundering occurred and the Trump Organization was not aware, should they have been? In other words, did the Trump Organization do the due diligence that is required of them by law to have an understanding of where foreign money is coming from?

• Third, is anyone who is serving in the Trump Administration, particularly someone who has access to classified information, a witting agent of Russian intelligence? And, if so, are they now working to advance Russian rather than U.S. interests – either by providing classified information to Moscow or by pushing for U.S. policies that Moscow wants?

• And, fourth, did the President obstruct justice when he reportedly asked for Jim Comey’s loyalty, when he reportedly asked Comey to back off the Flynn investigation, or when he fired Comey?

All of these are huge questions that need to be answered. Certainly, it is really hard to understand what circumstance would lead the President-elect’s team to be perfectly comfortable being utterly transparent with the Russians, so much so that they ask our long-time enemy for help, hiding whatever they are doing from the U.S. Government.


like marbles on glass
the soviet union's been gone for quite a while now

Doesn't change the questions, which the alt-right doesn't want answered.

And the KGB mentality lives on in Putin, something the alt-right seems to relish, totally betraying historic conservative thinking, showing that for the alt-right, the end justifies the means.

As writer Felix Svetov, a former child prisoner in Stalin's prison camps whose father died in the purges put it:

"Putin is a typical KGB type. If the snow is falling, they will calmly tell you the sun is shining."​

And it's interesting how much that sounds like the alt-right on TOL.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Doesn't change the questions, which the alt-right doesn't want answered.

i'd like to see 'em answered - i'd love to see you lefties get some traction, come up with a solid impeachable offense and we can all get on with the pence presidency :idunno:


The long nightmare has just begun: Inauguration of a fraud.

Doesn't change the questions, which the alt-right doesn't want answered.

And the KGB mentality lives on in Putin, something the alt-right seems to relish, totally betraying historic conservative thinking, showing that for the alt-right, the end justifies the means.

As writer Felix Svetov, a former child prisoner in Stalin's prison camps whose father died in the purges put it:

"Putin is a typical KGB type. If the snow is falling, they will calmly tell you the sun is shining."​

And it's interesting how much that sounds like the alt-right on TOL.

Yeah! Starting the day off with some fun

Sent from my iPhone using TOL


That was breakfast now I'm needing some trump hate for lunch. "I'm lovin it" somebody post me a happy meal

Sent from my iPhone using TOL


I'm gonna thank every liberal who cries on this thread. It's such a joy to be able to read your pain. Keep em coming sons

Apparently former FBI Director Comey is scheduled to testify in open session next week and "The Donald" is already tweeting up a storm in an attempt to discredit his testimony!

Trump, in his infinite wisdom, has made a personal enemy of the one man who knows where "all the skeletons are buried!"


like marbles on glass

Just putting this here to remind myself that no matter how crazy the day seems, there's always a way to make it crazier.


like marbles on glass
Putin Hints at U.S. Election Meddling by ‘Patriotically Minded’ Russians

MOSCOW — Shifting from his previous blanket denials, President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia said on Thursday that “patriotically minded” private Russian hackers could have been involved in cyberattacks last year that meddled in the United States presidential election.

While Mr. Putin continued to deny any state role, his comments to reporters in St. Petersburg were a departure from the Kremlin’s previous position: that Russia had played no role whatsoever in the hacking of the Democratic National Committee and that, after President’s Trump’s victory, the country had become the victim of anti-Russia hysteria among crestfallen Democrats.

Raising the possibility of attacks by what he portrayed as free-spirited Russian patriots, Mr. Putin said that hackers “are like artists” who choose their targets depending how they feel “when they wake up in the morning.”
. . . .

The evolution of Russia’s position on possible meddling in the American election is similar to the way Mr. Putin repeatedly shifted his account of Russia’s role in the 2014 annexation of Crimea and in armed rebellions in eastern Ukraine: He began by categorically denying that Russian troops had taken part before acknowledging, months later, that the Russian military was “of course” involved.



like marbles on glass
How the Trump administration’s secret efforts to ease Russia sanctions fell short

In the early weeks of the Trump administration, former Obama administration officials and State Department staffers fought an intense, behind-the-scenes battle to head off efforts by incoming officials to normalize relations with Russia, according to multiple sources familiar with the events.

Unknown to the public at the time, top Trump administration officials, almost as soon as they took office, tasked State Department staffers with developing proposals for the lifting of economic sanctions, the return of diplomatic compounds and other steps to relieve tensions with Moscow.

These efforts to relax or remove punitive measures imposed by President Obama in retaliation for Russia’s intervention in Ukraine and meddling in the 2016 election alarmed some State Department officials, who immediately began lobbying congressional leaders to quickly pass legislation to block the move, the sources said.

“There was serious consideration by the White House to unilaterally rescind the sanctions,” said Dan Fried, a veteran State Department official who served as chief U.S. coordinator for sanctions policy until he retired in late February. He said in the first few weeks of the administration, he received several “panicky” calls from U.S. government officials who told him they had been directed to develop a sanctions-lifting package and imploring him, “Please, my God, can’t you stop this?”

Fried said he grew so concerned that he contacted Capitol Hill allies — including Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., the ranking minority member on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee — to urge them to move quickly to pass legislation that would “codify” the sanctions in place, making it difficult for President Trump to remove them.

What did Pence know, and when did he know it?


Food stamps Niggula
Huge cuts to food stamps part of Trump’s budget proposal
May 22, 2017

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s budget would drive millions of people off of food stamps, part of a new wave of spending cut proposals that already are getting panned by lawmakers in both parties on Capitol Hill.

Trump’s blueprint for the 2018 budget year comes out Tuesday. It includes a wave of cuts to benefit programs such as Medicaid, federal employee pensions, welfare benefits and farm subsidies.

All told, according to people familiar with the plan, Trump’s budget includes $1.7 trillion over 10 years in cuts from such so-called mandatory programs. That includes cuts to pensions for federal workers and higher contributions toward those pension benefits, as well as cuts to refundable tax credits paid to the working poor. People familiar with the plan were not authorized to discuss it by name and requested anonymity.

Cuts include a whopping $193 billion from food stamps over the coming decade — a cut of more than 25 percent — implemented by cutting back eligibility and imposing additional work requirements, according to talking points circulated by the White House. The program presently serves about 42 million people.

This President wants the "food stamp" program curtailed - apparently for 42 million citizens, going to bed with a full stomach, will now be considered un-American!
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