The long nightmare has just begun: Inauguration of a fraud.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Actually, he is not. the typical Noo Yawker is more likely to be a hard working blue collar person. Cops, firemen, etc. There is a lot more to New York than Wall Street and Trump Tower.
He is a typical lying sociopath.
New Yorkers get a bad rap. I've spent a lot of time there and always come away impressed by the general civility and treatment I've received.

patrick jane

"FAKE America Great Again"

What an international laughing stock!
The laughingstock is the American media and fake "journalists" - forever fantasizing about finding evidence to incriminate the President. It's all insinuation and Fake News with ZERO EVIDENCE, get a grip on yourselves. You're all as bad as Hillary blaming everything but the kitchen sink for her devastating loss. America voted. America chose Trump. Two bad candidates and one was chosen by the people.


Well-known member
The laughingstock is the American media and fake "journalists" - forever fantasizing about finding evidence to incriminate the President. It's all insinuation and Fake News with ZERO EVIDENCE, get a grip on yourselves. You're all as bad as Hillary blaming everything but the kitchen sink for her devastating loss. America voted. America chose Trump. Two bad candidates and one was chosen by the people.

I'll try and reduce this to a language form that you can assimilate more easily.

Trumpty Dumpty promised a greaaaaaaaaat wall
but Trumpty's about to take a greaaaaat fall
Then all the Kremlin's horses
and all the Kremlin's men
will never get Trumpty
together again.

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Well-known member
I'll try and reduce this to a language form that you can assimilate more easily.

Trumpty Dumpty promised a greaaaaaaaaat wall
but Trumpty's about to take a greaaaaat fall
Then all the Kremlin's horses
and all the Kremlin's men
will never get Trumpty
together again.


I've seen this same talking point trolled on conservative message boards today. The drones have just been spoonfed their weekly narrative. Now, like grubby, ill-shod 1930s newsboys running down the street to hoot and hawk freshly printed papers, here they are.

patrick jane

I'll try and reduce this to a language form that you can assimilate more easily.

Trumpty Dumpty promised a greaaaaaaaaat wall
but Trumpty's about to take a greaaaaat fall
Then all the Kremlin's horses
and all the Kremlin's men
will never get Trumpty
together again.

Stick to nursery rhymes that you crafted, that's right up your alley, just like your media sources.


With only a 29% public approval rate for the Comey firing - one could question the "sanity" of those who terminated him!

I remember walking thru the Sheraton Moana hotel as a youth. My dad was wearing a lava lava no shirt and some tea leaves around the head and neck. A security guard walked up to us and told him he has to have a shirt on. My dad turned to the Hawaiian security guard and said: Quit kissing the white man's a**

Now it's the opposite and white people are kissing the black man's a**

Comey who calls Loretta Lynch his beloved friend is a prime example of a black a** kissing confused white guy that is willfully ignorant of just how much better white people have made lives in Hawaii and throughout America.

The exception to this are the liberal white slave masters that control the economic strata of the inner city minorities. Comey, who suffers from this white guilt disorder is afraid of black people.

Sent from my iPhone using TOL


Well-known member
It's out there

In his very best David Duchovny (X-Files) voice! :rotfl:

fake news drone.

You know that's a complete lie! And you know that you're entirely incapable of backing up your assertion with anything but banal catch phrases and sound bytes. You're just a victim of (your own) Pavlovian conditioning and you know it. So go blow it out your bagpipes! :thumb:




Comey has a mental illness called: White Guilt

It wasn't that long ago that "The Donald" was singing the praises of FBI Director Comey!

Presumably, this President feels threatened when there is more than one "SHOWBOAT,"GRANDSTANDER" and "NUT JOB" in his Administration!


.....The exception to this are the liberal white slave masters that control the economic strata of the inner city minorities. Comey, who suffers from this white guilt disorder is afraid of black people.

Jared Kushner: White House senior adviser, slumlord

Everyone is fully aware of Jared Kushner’s multitasking capabilities. President Trump’s son-in-law wears many hats in the White House. He’s a senior adviser, the director of the Office of American innovation and is charged with fixing peace in the Middle East. He’s also a slumlord, apparently.

Alec MacGillis, reporting for New York Times Magazine, spoke with tenants of low-income housing in the Baltimore area that is managed by JK2 Westminster, Kushner’s management arm of his real estate empire.

One harrowing story — involving Joan Beverly, a probation agent who was named in a lawsuit brought by JK2 Kushner Companies for $3,810.16 — epitomized the way Kushner’s real estate empire treated its tenants.

In 2010, Beverly’s daughter had moved out of a unit she rented months before her lease was up. Two years later, Kushner Companies bought the complex she had lived in, incurring the debt that was owed. Kushner Companies sued Beverly for several months of rent, plus $1,000 in repair costs and a $10 fine for failing to return a laundry room card, the report co-published from the Times and ProPublica reported.

Beverly was dealing with pancreatic cancer at the time, which caused extreme financial stress because she was not able to work. In the suit, Beverly submitted evidence showing financial hardship, but JK2 Westminster persisted with their case regardless. Baltimore County District Court eventually found in favor of Kushner’s company with a total judgment of $5,500 against Beverly.

She died two weeks later. The case is still pending in court, New York Time Magazine reported
- suing an old woman, Joan Beverly

- suffering from pancreatic cancer and at "death's door"

- unable to work

- under extreme financial stress

- the existing owners didn't take legal action

- 2 years later the new owners "JK2 Westminister," Kushner’s management arm of his real estate empire took, Joan Beverly to court for $5 500

- Beverly died 2 weeks after court's judgement

This is the same Jared Kushner who is Donald Trump's son-in-law and chief advisor who is going to "drain the swamp" and "Make America Great Again!"
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Actually, he is not. the typical Noo Yawker is more likely to be a hard working blue collar person. Cops, firemen, etc. There is a lot more to New York than Wall Street and Trump Tower.
He is a typical lying sociopath.

There's that arrogance that lost you the election.
He employs 20,000 people.
Hard working, blue collar people.