The Jesus Club


New member
And what is it that the both of you miss? Is it not the fact that the Master says you need to take up your own stake and destroy your soul now for the sake of his name if you want to find it?
nope understand and begun to live it...

Have you found your soul yet? If you seek to save it you will lose it, O sleepers. :chuckle:
yup I have as a young man I knew my heart was desceptive as I did not do what I wished to do and hurt the ones I desired to soul was not ok so “killed it” took it in to the Manufacturer for repairs Him a new creation began to be programmed and I realized I was not my own but His good work in me...was I grateful...indeed dying to self was LIVING...and as He did...His Way...


Well-known member
nope understand and begun to live it...

yup I have as a young man I knew my heart was desceptive as I did not do what I wished to do and hurt the ones I desired to soul was not ok so “killed it” took it in to the Manufacturer for repairs Him a new creation began to be programmed and I realized I was not my own but His good work in me...was I grateful...indeed dying to self was LIVING...and as He did...His Way...

I strongly suspect that if such were true we would not even be having this conversation, (and I know you would not be mocking the teachings of the Master).


Well-known member
A person extremely beloved to me just hanged himself this morning.

This person devoted himself to serving Jesus. He was always witnessing, always buying Bibles for others, going to prisons and witnessing for Christ, going on missionary trips, and basically giving away all his money to serve the Lord.

This was a human who was about the Lord's business. Yet he could not find rest in his soul, or peace in having DONE enough for Jesus. When he had given away all he could give and had nothing left to give, he felt inadequate.

I am typing this through the tears.

We have to be kind to ourselves first and foremost. We cannot nurture feelings of guilt and inadequacy.
Thank God I have no religious superstition about suicide.

I believe this dear person will be admitted into the Jesus Club, and find a Jesus who loves and accepts this poor tormented soul who felt he could never meet up to Jesus' expectations, but really tried.


A person extremely beloved to me just hanged himself this morning.

This person devoted himself to serving Jesus. He was always witnessing, always buying Bibles for others, going to prisons and witnessing for Christ, going on missionary trips, and basically giving away all his money to serve the Lord.

This was a human who was about the Lord's business. Yet he could not find rest in his soul, or peace in having DONE enough for Jesus. When he had given away all he could give and had nothing left to give, he felt inadequate.

I am typing this through the tears.

We have to be kind to ourselves first and foremost. We cannot nurture feelings of guilt and inadequacy.
Thank God I have no religious superstition about suicide.

I believe this dear person will be admitted into the Jesus Club, and find a Jesus who loves and accepts this poor tormented soul who felt he could never meet up to Jesus' expectations, but really tried.

I am so sorry about your loss.


New member
I strongly suspect that if such were true we would not even be having this conversation, (and I know you would not be mocking the teachings of the Master).

What you are presenting here is mockable as it is not the teaching of the Master...

“Shout louder” EliYah said “perhaps your god is sleeping...”


Well-known member
Man was a special creation, whereas the animals were made en masse.

God breathed breath into the corpse He had created out of dust, and just as CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) brings a body to life, so God brought Adam to life.

Nothing special here in the type of breath.

Where do we see God breathing life into the animals?


New member
A person extremely beloved to me just hanged himself this morning.

This person devoted himself to serving Jesus. He was always witnessing, always buying Bibles for others, going to prisons and witnessing for Christ, going on missionary trips, and basically giving away all his money to serve the Lord.

This was a human who was about the Lord's business. Yet he could not find rest in his soul, or peace in having DONE enough for Jesus. When he had given away all he could give and had nothing left to give, he felt inadequate.

I am typing this through the tears.

We have to be kind to ourselves first and foremost. We cannot nurture feelings of guilt and inadequacy.
Thank God I have no religious superstition about suicide.

I believe this dear person will be admitted into the Jesus Club, and find a Jesus who loves and accepts this poor tormented soul who felt he could never meet up to Jesus' expectations, but really tried.

Yes indeed sorry for your loss and troubling circumstances for it...grieve and from eating...pray

Find support...and here at TOL...


Well-known member
You miss the irony that EliYah may very well intended to tell those idolators “your god is dead”...

Read the context: I spoke of your mocking the Teachings of the Master, (as well as those of us quoting those teachings and passages), and you quoted a passage where Eliyahu is mocking the worshipers of Baal.


That is not the context of what Clefty quoted. He appears to be insinuating that I am a Baal worshiper, (1Kgs18:27).

Aren't you mocking about the soul sleep?

King David thought he will sleep when he leave this world like his son did.


Well-known member
A person extremely beloved to me just hanged himself this morning.

This person devoted himself to serving Jesus. He was always witnessing, always buying Bibles for others, going to prisons and witnessing for Christ, going on missionary trips, and basically giving away all his money to serve the Lord.

This was a human who was about the Lord's business. Yet he could not find rest in his soul, or peace in having DONE enough for Jesus. When he had given away all he could give and had nothing left to give, he felt inadequate.

I am typing this through the tears.

We have to be kind to ourselves first and foremost. We cannot nurture feelings of guilt and inadequacy.
Thank God I have no religious superstition about suicide.

I believe this dear person will be admitted into the Jesus Club, and find a Jesus who loves and accepts this poor tormented soul who felt he could never meet up to Jesus' expectations, but really tried.

Very sad. I hope it wasn't for the reason you say.

If it was, this is not an example of living by faith. It's an example of those who think they have to DO (perform) for God. Trying and trying until they try themselves out.

They can find no peace in what THEY do.

No one can ever find rest for his soul by doing for God. If we look at what we are doing, we will never be doing enough. We only find rest for our soul when we know the work must be performed by HIM. Our trust must be in HIS doing, not our own.

Philippians 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:​


Well-known member
Very sad. I hope it wasn't for the reason you say.

If it was, this is not an example of living by faith. It's an example of those who think they have to DO (perform) for God. Trying and trying until they try themselves out.

They can find no peace in what THEY do.

No one can ever find rest for his soul by doing for God. If we look at what we are doing, we will never be doing enough. We only find rest for our soul when we know the work must be performed by HIM. Our trust must be in HIS doing, not our own.

Philippians 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:​

BANG!!!!!! :up:


Well-known member
Yes indeed sorry for your loss and troubling circumstances for it...grieve and from eating...pray

Find support...and here at TOL...

Thanks for the kind words Clefty and Meshak.

I hesitated to bring my real world to this forum, but then thought that if there is something that can be learned from this terrible situation, then maybe his death might not be totally in vain.

Wrong theology can kill. I believe he felt he needed to WORK to earn Jesus' love. By contrast, I believe by virtue of being God's child, He loves me, so I feel no inadequacy on that score.

This person worked. But how much working for Jesus is enough? We cannot work to earn salvation or even earn God's love. On the other hand, God wants His servants to be profitable.

God loves us, but due to our upbringing or wrong ways of thinking, we may not understand unconditional love.
God love us, and so we work to please Him. Any and all work is pleasing to Him. But God loves His sheep even when they do nothing but munch grass and grow fat. That's my attitude. I love my cat, even if, objectively, he is not a great cat, eats me out of house and home, and does not catch moles.

It is not, we work so as to get God to love us, because then we never know when we have worked enough.


Well-known member
Very sad. I hope it wasn't for the reason you say.

If it was, this is not an example of living by faith. It's an example of those who think they have to DO (perform) for God. Trying and trying until they try themselves out.

They can find no peace in what THEY do.

No one can ever find rest for his soul by doing for God. If we look at what we are doing, we will never be doing enough. We only find rest for our soul when we know the work must be performed by HIM. Our trust must be in HIS doing, not our own.

Philippians 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:​

I could not agree with you more Glorydaz.


We cannot work to earn salvation or even earn God's love. On the other hand, God wants His servants to be profitable.

I don't know any Christian who believes we have to work to earn salvation.

It is tragedy that your friend believed it.