The Great Debate

The Great Debate

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm still trying to figure out the angle. Do you libs think that she can't beat Queen Hilary?

What is it that makes you libs be so nice towards Fiorina, yet froth at the mouth over real conservatives like Ted Cruz?

Oh, I'm the liberal who said something nice about her. Got it. :chuckle:

You act as if you're ashamed to be a secular humanist.

I didn't think I was 'so nice' toward her. I simply thought she had some good moments.

(Liberals are afraid to admit why they like/tolerate Carly Fiorina; I'll figure it out eventually).

Would you feel better if I said something not nice about her? She believes that "clean coal" is the solution to climate change. She might as well suggest that the solution is unicorn farts.

But at least she acknowledges the problem. That's a fair bit better than some of her rivals.

So Fiorina is a corporate environmentalist who falls for the lies of the climate change hoax. There must be more to her than that to make liberals give her accolades, or is that enough in your liberal handbook rex?


New member
Funny how both the right & left pundits are all declaring the icy warmongering Carly Fiorina the "winner" of the debate.

It's almost as if they're judging her performance on the basis of some sort of objective judgement of how she did instead of a rigid ideologically-driven hatred flowing from her personal identification. The nerve of some people!



New member
So Fiorina is a corporate environmentalist who falls for the lies of the climate change hoax. There must be more to her than that to make liberals give her accolades, or is that enough in your liberal handbook rex?

She's not for me, but she's got a few bright spots compared to some of her immediate opponents. But there were actually several otherwise lousy candidates who had some good moments, including Rand Paul, Pataki, and Jindahl and Santorum from the kiddie table.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
cnn is doing a better job than fox did

they are actually talking about issues in the early debate

See I knew Chrys and I agree on something. I too thought this debate was was run less like a circus side show than FOX's wannabe debate. :thumb:

I will say however that I wish the moderators would have spent more time on issues and less time trying draw fireworks from Trump or his opponents. I found that to be kind of lame.
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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So Fiorina is a corporate environmentalist who falls for the lies of the climate change hoax. There must be more to her than that to make liberals give her accolades, or is that enough in your liberal handbook rex?

She's not for me,

Of course not, Fiorina claims to be pro life and pro traditional marriage.

but she's got a few bright spots compared to some of her immediate opponents...

Besides the fraudulent climate change hoax, what other "bright spots" does she espouse for you liberals?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
lindsey graham did a great job

his number one issue is radical islam
someone needs to talk about it

See now you went and did it, now we can't agree, Lindsey looked like an A-typical RINO trying to ride the fence between being remotely electable & pleasing the establishment RINO election losing base. The man is unelectable...and is a RINO coward like the rest in the senate.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Besides the fraudulent climate change hoax, what other "bright spots" does she espouse for you liberals?

I don't really know, other than the fact that she beat Trump at his own game, without stooping to his level.

So you liberals aren't so much pro Fiorina as you are anti Trump.

Thanks, you've been very helpful in helping me understand the appeal of Fiorina from the left's perspective.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Funny how both the right & left pundits are all declaring the icy warmongering Carly Fiorina the "winner" of the debate.

It's almost as if they're judging her performance on the basis of some sort of objective judgement of how she did instead of a rigid ideologically-driven hatred flowing from her personal identification. The nerve of some people!

Well, would it help if we agreed that no one was happy about it? :plain:


New member
So you liberals aren't so much pro Fiorina as you are anti Trump.

Well, no. I appreciate someone who responds to an attack with grace and style. It really doesn't matter who was on the other side of it, I liked how she handled it. I don't care for Trump, but he was the merely the impetus in this case.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So you liberals aren't so much pro Fiorina as you are anti Trump.

Well, no. I appreciate someone who responds to an attack with grace and style. It really doesn't matter who was on the other side of it, I liked how she handled it. I don't care for Trump, but he was the merely the impetus in this case.

I see, so the left's HATRED of Donald Trump isn't because of what he stands for (his message on illegal immigration, etc.), it's the way he delivers it (i.e. it's his..."method")?


New member
I see, so the left's HATRED of Donald Trump isn't because of what he stands for (his message on illegal immigration, etc.), it's the way he delivers it (i.e. it's his..."method")?

No, it's really both his style and his the substance of it, such as it is. Honestly, while I think Trump's anti-immigrant stance is dangerous and harmful, I don't take Trump's position on anything very seriously. He's not an ideas candidate. He's a festering rage candidate, good for people who are mad, but who don't really know what to be mad about. You might like him.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
trump fans can't recognize the beginning of the end

Well I would hope you didn't see this as a win for Jeb Bush because his performance was mediocre at best, as was Scott Walker, Rand Paul, and John Kasich. Cruz was really not breaking out last night, I like him but, he needs to find his stride or give it up. Rubio says all the right things but is wet behind the ears, has never really ever held any executive office or private sector executive position, is weak on immigration which will be his greatest weakness in the end. Christy got some good jabs in and looked very good but, his RINO leanings will kill him in the primaries. Fiorina was no wall flower and showed she is geared for leadership but, her past with HP firing 30,000 people and shipping those jobs to China & India, and the fact she has never been asked to run anything since will come back to haunt her as this goes forward, in fact it was those facts alone that killed her senate run against Barbara Boxer in will be revisited, count on it. Carson looked good as well, he does need to turn up the energy level, it is obvious he is a very intelligent guy but he is a bit too subdued for my taste, he is a class act and I would vote for him. Trump didn't look good, nor did he look bad IMO, he took a lot of shots in stride and was able to give a few well placed shots as well, he made some good points also, points that he was able to defend, Trump is finding out firsthand that this only going to get harder as time goes on. I wouldn't expect Trump to lose anything in the polls but, I would expect to see his rivals climb...bad night all around if you are a career politician especially a RINO. Just my assessment, everyone sees these things differently.


New member
Hall of Fame
You act as if you're ashamed to be a secular humanist.
That's just the Count Iblis side of my persona. :eek:

(Liberals are afraid to admit why they like/tolerate Carly Fiorina; I'll figure it out eventually).
I'm not afraid of anything. I honestly don't know much about Carly. My comments about the debate are mostly based on their presentation, not content. I think Carly presented herself well. Beyond that I can't say much about liking or disliking her. I need more info.


No, it's really both his style and his the substance of it, such as it is. Honestly, while I think Trump's anti-immigrant stance is dangerous and harmful, I don't take Trump's position on anything very seriously. He's not an ideas candidate. He's a festering rage candidate, good for people who are mad, but who don't really know what to be mad about. You might like him.

For once, America is mad, and Donald Trump is their candidate.

Liberals be afraid, be very afraid of this combination:



Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I don't really know, other than the fact that she beat Trump at his own game, without stooping to his level.

She did get a classy jab in on the "Donald" at that... score 1 for Fiorina.

Trump highlighted her failure at HP (actually let her off the hook easy), a failure that already lost her one senate election against Barbara Boxer in California last year. Score 1 for Trump as well...

I called it a push between them...


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
For once, America is mad, and Donald Trump is their candidate.

Liberals be afraid, be very afraid of this combination:


I would love to see Cruz as an Attorney General...Not sure he will be able to be the president, he seems to be sinking.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View
For once, America is mad, and Donald Trump is their candidate.

Liberals be afraid, be very afraid of this combination: (Cruz/Trump ticket or Trump/Cruz ticket).

I would love to see Cruz as an Attorney General...Not sure he will be able to be the president, he seems to be sinking.

Hence the Trump/Cruz ticket. Ted Cruz is one if not the only Republican Presidential candidates that hasn't alienated Donald Trump and I (and others) foresee Cruz as a very likely VP pick if Trump should be the Republican nominee.

Back to Carly Fiorina and the left having nice things to say about her:

I was just passing by a tv that had the Communist News Network on (CNN) and the fag and the Marxist were saying complimentary things about Fiorina.



Something's up.

patrick jane

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View
For once, America is mad, and Donald Trump is their candidate.

Liberals be afraid, be very afraid of this combination: (Cruz/Trump ticket or Trump/Cruz ticket).

Hence the Trump/Cruz ticket. Ted Cruz is one if not the only Republican Presidential candidates that hasn't alienated Donald Trump and I (and others) foresee Cruz as a very likely VP pick if Trump should be the Republican nominee.

Back to Carly Fiorina and the left having nice things to say about her:

I was just passing by a tv that had the Communist News Network on (CNN) and the fag and the Marxist were saying complimentary things about Fiorina.



Something's up.

acw thinks i'm a gay doper -

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