The Clock Ticks (Ahmed Mohamed's clock bomb)

Jose Fly

New member
Yet if that's the case.... the only people he has really fooled are the liberals who are defending him. :)

According to this hypothesis, the dad tells his son to cobble together a clock, put it in a suitcase, and take it to school. They know, given the history of the school and the police, that both will overreact. The school and police do exactly that and the story goes national, serving as an example of institutionalized Islamophobia.

I suppose you could say people like me were fooled, in that we thought the kid made the clock and took it to school all on his own, but that pales in comparison to how effectively they managed to troll the conservatives at the school and police, and how it's become an example of institutionalized Islamophobia.

IOW, if that really happened, maybe I was mildly fooled, but you conservatives absolutely got owned.


New member
Hall of Fame
Try to shut up. I know it's hard, but you really are an ignorant fellow. One would hope you had a tiny bit of class, but I see that's not the case.

You're not even a blip on the screen. And you impress nobody.

Have a nice day.


New member
Hall of Fame
According to this hypothesis, the dad tells his son to cobble together a clock, put it in a suitcase, and take it to school. They know, given the history of the school and the police, that both will overreact. The school and police do exactly that and the story goes national, serving as an example of institutionalized Islamophobia.

I suppose you could say people like me were fooled, in that we thought the kid made the clock and took it to school all on his own, but that pales in comparison to how effectively they managed to troll the conservatives at the school and police, and how it's become an example of institutionalized Islamophobia.

IOW, if that really happened, maybe I was mildly fooled, but you conservatives absolutely got owned.

If the entire thing were a thought/sociological experiment to confirm anti-Muslim bigotry and bias it was a near-complete success.

Nathon Detroit

I suppose you could say people like me were fooled, in that we thought the kid made the clock and took it to school all on his own, but that pales in comparison to how effectively they managed to troll the conservatives at the school and police, and how it's become an example of institutionalized Islamophobia.
You are projecting. It's only Islamophobia to you because you say it is. Most of the rest of us see the whole thing as a fraud.

Wouldn't you want your teacher to play it safe if she suspected a kid brought in a suspicious device? Especially the one in Amhed brought in. That's not Islamophobia, it's just common sense.

IOW, if that really happened, maybe I was mildly fooled, but you conservatives absolutely got owned.
How so? Most people I know saw through this scam almost instantly.

It's people like you in this very thread that are still trying to turn it not a case of Islamophobia.

Jose Fly

New member
You are projecting. It's only Islamophobia to you because you say it is. Most of the rest of us see the whole thing as a fraud. do realize that we're discussing a hypothetical, right?

Wouldn't you want your teacher to play it safe if she suspected a kid brought in a suspicious device? Especially the one in Amhed brought in. That's not Islamophobia, it's just common sense.

This is why I kinda quit on this subject a while ago. The folks on your side never seemed to appreciate the fact that no one at the school or at the police dept. ever thought it was a bomb or suspicious. The police even said so.

I don't know why this fact can't find its way into the conservative narrative.

How so? Most people I know saw through this scam almost instantly.

Who did?

It's people like you in this very thread that are still trying to turn it not a case of Islamophobia.

I guess we'll see, but as it stands now, that's the national conversation this story has added to.

Nathon Detroit

This is why I kinda quit on this subject a while ago. The folks on your side never seemed to appreciate the fact that no one at the school or at the police dept. ever thought it was a bomb or suspicious. The police even said so.
Uh... we don't know what really happened because Amhed's family won't allow the school or the police to fully tell their side of the story.

Jose Fly

New member
Uh... we don't know what really happened because Amhed's family won't allow the school or the police to fully tell their side of the story.

I must have missed that part, where his family is preventing the school and police from speaking about the case. Do you have a link? I've already seen statements from the police where they say they never once thought it was a bomb, and the actions of the school indicate they never thought it was a bomb either.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
For the life of me, I can't figure why they'd not sign that waiver, since they so self-evidently have All Facts and Truth on their side it's somehow racist against the race that is the Islamic race to even question it.

Because the school has a vested interest in making itself look as good as it can and, conversely, throwing as much of the kid under the school bus as it can without incurring a lawsuit.

There's no upside for the parents so why in the world would they want their kid put through anything that potentially negative?


Well-known member
Because the school has a vested interest in making itself look as good as it can and, conversely, throwing as much of the kid under the school bus as it can without incurring a lawsuit.

There's no upside for the parents so why in the world would they want their kid put through anything that potentially negative?

How can truth coming out be negative?

Oh, right. Lawyer.


New member
Hall of Fame
Because the school has a vested interest in making itself look as good as it can and, conversely, throwing as much of the kid under the school bus as it can without incurring a lawsuit.

There's no upside for the parents so why in the world would they want their kid put through anything that potentially negative?

Hes put himself out there to tell his story, and so have they, so they need to let the other side be heard too.


Well-known member
Why yes, that is what it's called.

Discovery, in the law of the United States and other countries, is a pre-trial procedure in a lawsuit in which each party, through the law of civil procedure, can obtain evidence from the other party or parties by means of discovery devices such as a request for answers to interrogatories, request for production of documents, request for admissions and depositions. Discovery can be obtained from non-parties using subpoenas. When a discovery request is objected to, the requesting party may seek the assistance of the court by filing a motion to compel discovery.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
But isn't that what you law-types call "discovery," if it came to that?
No, that's not what law-types, by which you must mean people with a doctorate level education in the law and years of practice, call "discovery". Discovery is part of a legal process during proceedings.

Hes put himself out there to tell his story, and so have they,
Right. Because the only public face put on the boy before they did that was of a kid in handcuffs. That's what you do to reform an inappropriate image.

so they need to let the other side be heard too.
No. Again, why should the parents sign a paper allowing the school to release a version dedicated to making the school look better when that would almost certainly involve making their son look worse? And not because he is, but because they'd be free to spin it that way and it's in their best interest.

So this optimistic notion musterion has about the truth being the center of this is just not how it works.

The truth is the kid was handcuffed and arrested. The truth is that the police issued a statement I published here earlier saying there wasn't sufficient reason to charge or admonish the kid from their perspective. The rest is public relations. And if the kid's parent's lawyer said anything but no to those who have nothing to gain by doing anything other than casting doubt on the child then that lawyer should be disbarred.