The Clock Ticks (Ahmed Mohamed's clock bomb)


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Hall of Fame
Do you have a point you wish to make, counselor?

Every single time of you guys tangles with TH on a legal matter and gets handed your head, you like referring to him as "counselor." Like you're a gangster in a B-movie. :rotfl:

Get some new material.:p


Well-known member
Well this part is news to me. It refutes every single one of you who have been defending his pro-Islam publicity stunt as innocent boyish ingenuity.

Got 10 seconds to spare? Watch this.

If innocent lil' Ahmed intended from the get-go for this to be nothing more than an clock-like science project/invention, why does he admit, “I closed it with a cable, I didn’t want to lock it to make it seem like a threat … so it won’t look that much suspicious”?

If his intentions were so innocent, why did the thought that the box might look even remotely threatening and suspicious even enter his mind as he was making it?

If it were closed, it would look like what? A kid's pencil case, the type of which he would not be alone in lugging around the school.

He knew from the start that, when open for display (which was the whole point), it would look to most people like some kind of explosive device.

He acknowledged that he knew that before he brought it to school.


New member
Hall of Fame
Well this part is news to me. It refutes every single one of you who have been defending his pro-Islam publicity stunt as innocent boyish ingenuity.

Got 10 seconds to spare? Watch this.

If innocent lil' Ahmed intended from the get-go for this to be nothing more than an clock-like science project/invention, why does he admit, “I closed it with a cable, I didn’t want to lock it to make it seem like a threat … so it won’t look that much suspicious”? If his intentions were so noble and innocent, why did the thought of the box looking even remotely threat-like and suspicious even enter his mind when he made it?

Answer: because it would look to most people like some kind of explosive device and he knew that going in.

This was addressed earlier in the thread.

Nathon Detroit

That he believed people would assume the worst says enough. Not surprising.
To me that sounds like you think that folks shouldn't have been suspicious of his "clock".

I totally disagree.

I think that most folks would have been suspicious with this device regardless of Amhed's religious views.


Well-known member
That he believed people would assume the worst says enough.

That he went ahead and brought it anyway says even more.

That he was allowed by his parents to bring it says still more.

You know what would have been a great and oh so simple idea? Mom or dad calling the school and asking to email a picture of this potentially suspicious-looking clock their kid slapped together, requesting permission for him to bring it for show and tell.


New member
Hall of Fame
To me that sounds like you think that folks shouldn't have been suspicious of his "clock".

I totally disagree.

I think that most folks would have been suspicious with this device regardless of Amhed's religious views.

If the kid wanted to do real damage to his school he'd have been better off just seeking out firearms--which would be easy to do--and shooting up the place.

If he wanted to do a test terrorism run (which few, if any, on TOL seriously seem to consider) then the exercise was a complete failure.

If he wanted to pull a stunt to lock up fifteen minutes of fame, it would have been easier and far more direct staging a hoaxed hate crime intended to garner sympathy. (Why risk getting shot by a trigger-happy cop? Happens a lot lately.)

If Ahmed brought in a science project and reasoned a handful of people might freak out, well...he would've done what he actually did.

But no: I don't for a second believe if a white middle-class teenager brought this in to a Texas classroom he'd wind up handcuffed.


New member
Hall of Fame
That he went ahead and brought it anyway says even more.

That he was allowed by his parents to bring it says still more.

Playing down to low expectations and the ignorance of bigots might satisfy Archie Bunker types but it's a pretty cheap way to live.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
To me that sounds like you think that folks shouldn't have been suspicious of his "clock".

I totally disagree.

I think that most folks would have been suspicious with this device regardless of Amhed's religious views.

I don't get it. How long would it take to look at it and see that it is all electronics and no explosives? :idunno:

Nathon Detroit

If he wanted to pull a stunt to lock up fifteen minutes of fame, it would have been easier and far more direct staging a hoaxed hate crime intended to garner sympathy. (Why risk getting shot by a trigger-happy cop? Happens a lot lately.)
His been invited to the White House, Google, Facebook, etc.

And the family will likely win a few million in a law suit. I'd say their stunt went just as the father planned.


Well-known member
Playing down to low expectations and the ignorance of bigots might satisfy Archie Bunker types but it's a pretty cheap way to live.

Who had low expectations first in this whole affair, before anyone else did?

The kid himself, who acknowledged the fact that the thing might look "threatening" and "suspicious" and tried to make it look less so.

You reason like a child. I await your next banning.

Nathon Detroit

I don't get it. How long would it take to look at it and see that it is all electronics and no explosives? :idunno:
You want to be the person that takes that chance? Poking and prodding to see if there is actually any C4 in it??

If I got a glimpse of it I stay clear.


New member
Hall of Fame
Who had low expectations first in this whole affair, before anyone else did?

The teachers who called the cops and the cops who refused to let Ahmed go after they realized he hadn't done anything.

So, uh--yeah. Those folks.

The kid himself, who acknowledged the fact that the thing might look "threatening" and "suspicious" and tried to make it look less so.

...meaning that he wasn't trying to frighten anyone, but realized you can't fix stupid. Glad he figured out that life lesson at an early age.

You reason like a child. I await your next banning.

And you remain charming as a gallstone. Go Pats.:cheers:


New member
Hall of Fame
His been invited to the White House, Google, Facebook, etc.

And the family will likely win a few million in a law suit. I'd say their stunt went just as the father planned.

Set yourself up to fail and start a Kickstarter seems to be the new American way.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
You want to be the person that takes that chance? Poking and prodding to see if there is actually any C4 in it??

If I got a glimpse of it I stay clear.

Didn't look to me like there was room on that thing for any C4 so chances are I would have said "show me how you built it.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
The teachers who called the cops and the cops who refused to let Ahmed go after they realized he hadn't done anything.

So, uh--yeah. Those folks.

...meaning that he wasn't trying to frighten anyone, but realized you can't fix stupid. Glad he figured out that life lesson at an early age.

And you remain charming as a gallstone. Go Pats.:cheers:

I don't really like agreeing with you but in this case I do.

Nathon Detroit

Didn't look to me like there was room on that thing for any C4 so chances are I would have said "show me how you built it.
Okay.... that's fine. You are more of a risk taker than me. Keep in mind the first few teachers who saw it said... "You shouldn't show this thing to anyone else".

Yet that didn't deter Amhed.... he kept showing it to other teachers and having it "beep" in the middle of class until he got the reaction he was looking for.