The Clock Ticks (Ahmed Mohamed's clock bomb)


New member
Hall of Fame
:think: Yes...I suppose there is a certain implied questioning of the boys character with my view of the matter.

...But I applaud his shrewdness. ;) Let's face it, to be able to so spectacularly pull off a Troll like this displays real talent. I hope he winds up on our side in spite of whatever teasing/racism he has probably put up with up until this point. Maybe, since he made everyone look like idiots, he'll be magnanimous. :p

And I, for one, welcome our new clock-making overlord.:bow:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
:think: Yes...I suppose there is a certain implied questioning of the boys character with my view of the matter.

...But I applaud his shrewdness. ;) Let's face it, to be able to so spectacularly pull off a Troll like this displays real talent. I hope he winds up on our side in spite of whatever teasing/racism he has probably put up with up until this point. Maybe, since he made everyone look like idiots, he'll be magnanimous. :p
And I, for one, welcome our new clock-making overlord.:bow:
All hail....what's his name again?

Man, fifteen minutes can pass you by before you even know it.

:think: Maybe I need a watch.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
This is a great event that can unite us all in outrage.
Everyone should be mad at that school.
If you think it was a clock then you should be mad at the school for taking it away and calling the police.
If you think it was a bomb then you should be mad at the school for not evacuating and calling in the bomb squad to find the rest of it.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
He was a victim of racially motivated stereotyping...



ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Wow TH is really behind the crappy clock "maker". Who would have thunk?

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All this kid did was take the clock case off and stick the still functioning clock "guts" in a pencil box.

at least he didn't wire it up to a stick of C4 :idunno:

You seriously think that is what this is about?? Apparently you do otherwise you wouldn't have typed that. That strikes me as naive.

Let me ask you a question.... what do you think of Amhed's clock? Was it creative? Was it done well? Was it worthy of praise? Did it take a lot of intelligence to create? Had your 9th grade child created it would you think he was a genius?

Give me your thoughts on the clock.

i rather have his thoughts on islam

remember islam? that religion that is inspired by satan and rejects Christ?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
He didn't "make" anything...He took an alarm clock apart, removed the component parts from the casing and wired them back together in his little pencil box....End of story :plain:

sure he made something

he took a clock and made it look like a bomb

just like a good little jihadi


New member
Hall of Fame
This is a great event that can unite us all in outrage.
Everyone should be mad at that school.
If you think it was a clock then you should be mad at the school for taking it away and calling the police.
If you think it was a bomb then you should be mad at the school for not evacuating and calling in the bomb squad to find the rest of it.

Comforting to know we can always be relied on to get united in outrage over the wrong things.:chew:


New member
Hall of Fame
This thread is moving fast so I'm not sure if this has been mentioned or not. But it seems bomb scares run in this family.


What she said was:

"I got suspended from school for three days from this stupid same district, from this girl saying I wanted to blow up the school, something I had nothing to do with," she said, without providing evidence or proof.


Someone accused her of wanting to blow up the school, and she's still annoyed by this. I would be too.

P.S. The typical distortion ("without providing evidence of proof") seems to ignore the reality that "proving" this teenager threatened to blow her school up's pretty much impossible, too.


Well-known member
Such a potty mouth for someone in your position. Try acting like a Super Moderator, and live up to your actual motto.

Hind end is not being a "potty mouth". Why are you being such a jerk? Knock it off!!!!!!

If you can't handle being on an adult forum, I'm sure you know where to find the door.

Or, perhaps you're just having a lot of stress in your life and you think that gives you an excuse to be mean. It doesn't. We all have stress.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What she said was:

"I got suspended from school for three days from this stupid same district, from this girl saying I wanted to blow up the school, something I had nothing to do with," she said, without providing evidence or proof.


Someone accused her of wanting to blow up the school, and she's still annoyed by this. I would be too.

P.S. The typical distortion ("without providing evidence of proof") seems to ignore the reality that "proving" this teenager threatened to blow her school up's pretty much impossible, too.

well, let's take a look at this

on one side, we have a kid who was suspended:

whiny immigrant mooslim kid said:
"that's not fair! I didn't do it!"

and on the other side, we have the adults responsible for the safety of the students:

responsible adult said:
Lesley Weaver, a spokeswoman for the district, said school officials can’t release any information about the 18-year-old sister’s episode because the Sudanese parents won’t sign the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act...

is anybody surprised that Granite takes the side of the kid whining "that's not fair"?