The Clock Ticks (Ahmed Mohamed's clock bomb)


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Most Muslims don't believe non Muslims should be under [sharia].

Do you really believe that?



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Remember the scene in the movie ET, when the kids were getting ready to go trick-or-treating, and the mom told Elliott, "No, you can't go out dressed like a terrorist!".

I can imagine what this years Halloween costume list will include --- silver pencil boxes with wiring.


I think as long as the 'inspection' by the authorities were carried out politely and respectfully, no harm would be done to anyone and some realistic concerns could be properly assayed. Unfortunately, it appears that the inspection was very heavy-handed, unnecessarily. And that's bound to have been somewhat traumatizing to that student.
They made it up to him. He got to go to Five Guys burgers and fries to feel like a real American for a day. :5020:

As a reminder PureX is number 37 on Satan, Inc. (TOL Heretics list) in "The 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians) category. :burnlib:
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I firmly believe it's a little too early for the President of the United States to give the young man an open invite to the White House.

Think :CRASH: clock boy could have brought his device into the White House without it being checked out? :smokie:


The engineering teacher, told him not to show it around anymore, he did it anyway. It was an english teacher that reported it, who he showed it to after showing it around even more, after he was told not to.
Wasn't it invention day? No surprise there--the Muslim didn't invent anything (but the number zero--we give them that :rolleyes:). He just disassembled something (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).

:CRASH: "Religion of pieces." ~ Michael Savage


Well-known member
I firmly believe it's a little too early for the President of the United States to give the young man an open invite to the White House.

When someone such as Obama is given a Nobel prize for being black, nothing is impossible anymore.


But what is that opinion based on? This was the extent of Obama's tweet...

Cool clock, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It’s what makes America great.

How in the world did you get "Obama chose him precisely because he was a Muslim" out of that?

He's trying to remind you--if you see something, say something--:DK: unless you see a :CRASH: Muslim with a bomb.


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She [Clockboy's sister] had nothing to do with the threat and yet did nothing about being suspended? Where were her parents? If I had a child in school who was suspended over a false accusation, I’d be at the principal’s office in a matter of minutes. And would the school really suspend her on a hearsay accusation from one other girl — even in what The Daily Beast hysterically calls “a hotbed of Islamophobia”? It is unlikely, given the risk of complaints and even litigation from the parents, that they would have taken such a step without substantial evidence.

And so the plot thickens further. Why didn’t Ahmed’s father exploit this accusation in his ongoing quest to fight “Islamophobia”? Could it be because the accusation was true?