The Clock Ticks (Ahmed Mohamed's clock bomb)


New member
Hall of Fame
Ha! The latest is that he didn't build the clock at all but took apart a ancient Radio Shack clock and used the innerds.

yeah and google is offering him a science award for using someone elses clock - that he didnt make at all, but merely placed in a suitcase.

Gotta love that.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Ha! The latest is that he didn't build the clock at all but took apart a ancient Radio Shack clock and used the innerds.

That's what I hear, he didn't "build" anything, he took something apart and put it in a new case.
He did a case mod.
Still a good learning tool cause you can open it up and see the components.
Also still not a bomb.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Exactly. Any suspicions, no matter how loose in regards to incendiary devices:

Evacuate premises immediately.
Call bomb squad/emergency services pronto.

Simple as that.

They are talking out both sides of their mouth.
If they had evacuated and searched the school for the rest of "The Bomb" then they would have a case.
But their actions show the lie of their words.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Ha! The latest is that he didn't build the clock at all but took apart a ancient Radio Shack clock and used the innerds.
It's a claim made by a relatively anonymous blogger, "Anthony", that every outlet predisposed to ripping this kid or anyone associated with him (especially related to the government) is gobbling up like a talking point.

The same self described expert (who may or may not be right, I don't know) comes with his own bias and motivation. Despite declaring he wasn't interested in hurting the kid,

"...I’m pointing all this out – about the specifics of the clock – not to pick on the poor kid."​

he then asks, post police investigation negating the point of asking about the kid,

" it possible, that maybe, just maybe, this was actually a hoax bomb? A silly prank that was taken the wrong way?"​

No, blogger guy. The police that handcuffed him don't even believe that and they obviously care even less about embarrassing or hurting this child than you do, declaration notwithstanding.

Other bits that really show how interested "Anthony" is in protecting the kid and getting at the larger issues?

"If we accept the story about “inventing” an alarm clock is made up, as I think I’ve made a pretty good case for, it’s fair to wonder what other parts of the story might be made up...

I refer back again to this YouTube video interview with Ahmed. He explains that he closed up the box with a piece of cord because he didn’t want it to look suspicious. I’m curious, why would “looking suspicious” have even crossed his mind before this whole event unfolded, if he was truly showing off a hobby project..."​

Just get a job at Fox and let us all know your last name...put yourself under the same level of scrutiny that you just put a 14 year old boy, Anthony.

That would be something. :plain:

Oh, and by the way, after all his speculating led him right to the 70s tech and the very clock, one of his readers led him to move his guess a decade later... :plain: So who knows? Maybe the kid got different electronic parts and put them together. I don't think he stated that he had a manufacturing plant in his home. Most people who build things, electronics especially, do so with tools and parts made by others.


New member
Stan with all due respect maybe you need to get out more.
Ahmed's "clock" looked very much like a suitcase bomb.

As I've NEVER seen a suitcase bomb in all my 61 years and I have seen plenty of circuit boards, I'm pretty sure I would KNOW the difference, specially if it was in an old pencil case.

Sadly the pics you posted on the other thread you closed represented the clock and a FAKE bomb. The conspicuous absence of ANY explosives should have been a dead give-away.

Here's a REAL suitcase bomb.

Nathon Detroit

As I've NEVER seen a suitcase bomb in all my 61 years and I have seen plenty of circuit boards, I'm pretty sure I would KNOW the difference, specially if it was in an old pencil case.

Sadly the pics you posted on the other thread you closed represented the clock and a FAKE bomb. The conspicuous absence of ANY explosives should have been a dead give-away.

Here's a REAL suitcase bomb.

So... You've never seen one but you are now an expert on what they look like?


Well-known member
Just get a job at Fox and let us all know your last name...put yourself under the same level of scrutiny that you just put a 14 year old boy, Anthony.

That would be something. :plain:

:allsmile: But I don't want to get a job at FOX!

Oh, and by the way, after all his speculating led him right to the 70s tech and the very clock, one of his readers led him to move his guess a decade later... :plain: So who knows? Maybe the kid got different electronic parts and put them together. I don't think he stated that he had a manufacturing plant in his home. Most people who build things, electronics especially, do so with tools and parts made by others.

Yep! Who knows?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
:allsmile: But I don't want to get a job at FOX!
Not you, Anthony. Unless...:shocked: :noid:

Else, not you, but Mr. Expert without a last name who just knew it was mid 70s circuitry until he was told it had to be mid to late 80s circuitry and so on...

Yep! Who knows?
About the clock? The kid. And if he just found a bunch of parts and put them together they'd have manufacturers bits on them because most things you don't literally manufacture do.

And if it wasn't for the part even the police now don't give any credence to and the ham fisted handling of it no one except that kid and his tech teacher would care about the distinctions. :plain:


Well-known member
Not you, Anthony. Unless...:shocked: :noid:

Not me.

Else, not you, but Mr. Expert without a last name who just knew it was mid 70s circuitry until he was told it had to be mid to late 80s circuitry and so on...


About the clock? The kid. And if he just found a bunch of parts and put them together they'd have manufacturers bits on them because most things you don't literally manufacture do.

And if it wasn't for the part even the police now don't give any credence to and the ham fisted handling of it no one except that kid and his tech teacher would care about the distinctions. :plain:



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
this is a false positive
a deliberate plant
to embarrass our heightened suspicions about islam
we have already seen many of these
we will see many more
when are we going to really investigate them?
what do we know about the family?
who put him up to this?
wake up
he didn't do this on his own

I thought it smelled four days ago

the parents are now blocking the investigation


Well-known member
would agree that to an effective bomb there needs to be an explosive element?

If not all you will have is an elaborate kitchen timer?

Depends on how big of a boom you want. A very small, easily camoflagued amount of c4 can create enough shrapnel from the case and clock parts to take out a couple people at least.


New member
Like I said, only a moron would mix the two. Have you seen a suitcase bomb?
I haven't and something tells me that the teacher hasn't either. With that in mind, the only reference I would have to go with is what Hollywood tells me they look like. (I don't Google explosives very often, after all.) I can see why someone might think it could be dangerous.


New member
Hall of Fame
OK, then, why didn't they call the bomb squad?

This is tricky "Why did you order Santiago off the base if you knew he was in no danger?" territory for the school. They can't outright admit they thought the kid was some kind of terrorist--which would make them look equal parts stupid and xenophobic--but they can't also admit their handling of the situation wasn't strident because they knew there was no danger. They really stepped in it.


New member
This is tricky "Why did you order Santiago off the base if you knew he was in no danger?" territory for the school. They can't outright admit they thought the kid was some kind of terrorist--which would make them look equal parts stupid and xenophobic--but they can't also admit their handling of the situation wasn't strident because they knew there was no danger. They really stepped in it.

You could go to the school board and offer to rub their noses in it?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
This is tricky "Why did you order Santiago off the base if you knew he was in no danger?" territory for the school. They can't outright admit they thought the kid was some kind of terrorist--which would make them look equal parts stupid and xenophobic--but they can't also admit their handling of the situation wasn't strident because they knew there was no danger. They really stepped in it.

Son, we live in a world that has Muslim kids, and those Muslim kids (and their parents and maybe their friends and their friends' parents) have to be watched by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lieutenant chrysberg? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for 14 year old Muslims and you curse the morons who cuffed him. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know, that this kid's science project, while tragic to look at, probably scared teachers. And the protocol that blew this bomb hoax up, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves time!

We don't want the truth, because deep down in places we don't talk about at parties, we want them against the wall. We need them against that wall. We use words like "Western values", "terrorism", and "recess". We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending ourselves against threats, real and imaginary. You use a dictionary. I have neither the time nor the inclination to defend the indefensible without a press conference to people who rose and slept under the blanket of the very freedom I'm willing to trade for the appearance of vigilance and then question the method in which I dismantle it! I would rather you just said "thank you", or something that sounds like thank you and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you hire a lawyer and file a brief. Either way, I'm going to turn this into something about entitlements!...and maybe the President. :plain: